I can tell you mean good. You write long patient posts, friendly, respectful... I can take your criticism since it's put forward this way.
We cannot say the same about a slimy snake who wishes me a merry christmas in one post and in all other posts he scans my readers for someone with whom to gang up on me and to whom he could be a sidekick, which is probably what he's been doing his whole life. Look at how he talks about me in third person and talks to just about every reader about how supposedly stupid I am: glen, counter, james, dog4... trying to stir some controversy and elicit some reaction. This guy is a slimy coward, and he is not worthy of being defended by you. If you read his 100 posts on trade2win they're all the same short superficial posts full of smilies and stupidity.
Luckily the level of my other readers is quite different, so they haven't accepted to team up with him.
There's a pattern in his 100 posts and it's the same pattern in his 8 posts on my journal: to be superficial and to laugh at someone. I am sorry you can't see that. I know sometimes I am paranoid but this is not one of those times.
I've tried to start a
new journal where I don't have to read 8 posts by such despicable people, but so far it seems to have technical problems: no one can post, not just those on my ignore list. Until they solve them, I won't write any more posts, beginning with this one.
I can put up with having any reader, and still keep my sincerity, but as I said I cannot keep that sincerity if I get repeatedly harassed, patronized, ridiculed and belittled by such an idiot. What particularly bothers me is that it's an idiot who's belittling me. If he were an intelligent person, I would take it better. But an intelligent person wouldn't do it in the first place.
I am done with this journal until I get some moderating powers. And even then, I've lost some of my sincerity, because now I feel constantly monitored for weak spots to attack. All thanks to one idiot, whom you are defending.