my journal

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Good thing I got rid of the "early exit" option. Right now I'd be shaking with uncertainty. Instead, I can only watch until the end.

But the ZN is recovering very fast: from -650 to -200 in just half an hour. I am quite happy about my automated systems: see, if I had made those trades, at -650 I might have given up, and instead they did not.
100 and huge quick rise: don't know what to think of it... it doesn't look encouraging for my position.
The trade started at about 19.00 CET: half an hour will be over soon. It will not be among my good trades, because it didn't go my way immediately... if it does go my way in the end.
Now everything on "correlated" is rising, included the (newly added) ZN, which is the only thing that looks encouraging to me right now, because first of all I am only losing 200 on it, and second of all, if that rises, the others are supposed to fall.

Not looking good, on the EUR specifically: the slow average has almost been crossed upwards.
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