I was just now walking on the beach, on the rocks, beautiful sky, big waves, storm, lightnings showing me the way... beautiful
I was talking to my aunt, badmouthing my two guests.
As I was talking I was walking away from the house so they wouldn't hear me from upstairs.
This dude kept sending me text messages, goddamn.
Like today, he was asking me for stock market prices. Several times, same yesterday and previous days.
And to think that i specifically asked him "will you need a computer there? because if you do, i won't lend you mine".
He's a total pain in the ass, polite but very insisting, plus you have to add that doubt that I mentioned, and how he might like me, so that bothers me slightly more.
Plus they've both been rude with my grandmother's maid, which happened on the first day - since then they're in my black list.
Which doesn't mean I will never see them again, because I always play it safe and never break relationships with anyone. Not because i count on using them or enjoying them in the future, but because I don't want their revenge for being kicked out of my life.
Anyway, i was walking away from the house and i realized that, for better and/or for worse, I have become a person on the run, on the run from my guests, as I am on the run from the boss, and on the run from all the people i despise.
That kind of throws them off guard, too. But I do it because I feel there is no talking or confronting someone whom I despise and consider stupid and who failed my exam.
There's no reasoning with stupid people.
And as I'm becoming more knowledgeable and intelligent, especially lately, with these conspiracy theories/facts - which means opening up my eyes as to the global reality surrounding me... as i've become more intelligent and knowledgeable, I've been increasing the percentage of people whom I avoid, walk away from, because they're like animals, and you don't talk to animals. It's like a barking dog. You don't try and talk to the barking dog. You totally ignore him. That's the way I've come to see a lot of humans.
These two guests have become dogs ever since they disrespected my maid, and more when they said that going to the restaurant is cheaper than grocery shopping (she said and he agreed), she is always nice but sides with whoever it's more convenient - in this case him because he pays for her.
Damn, so disappointing. Not just them, but humanity.
What's next...
Tomorrow: here's the plan.
One more day to avoid them effectively.
Hopefully they'll go on a long trip somewhere they were planning to go, on a boat - she suggested the idea of renting a boat - of course once again he'd be the one paying. Because I am against it, I won't be going, and she'll manipulate him into paying, the same way she had me pay 2000 euros for her on dinners, and a couple of days ago she had the nerve to say "did i ever ask you for anything?".
So here's the plan.
I sleep until 10 AM or even 11 AM (yeah, 'cause i am going to sleep late). Like today, she'll come to wake me up, even before that, to suggest something to do (in case they haven't gone on that trip).
Then, naturally, I'll get upset, but I won't tell her, but it'll make me strong. And, just like today, I'll tell her that I was sleeping, at which point she'll tell me what they're about to do, and I'll answer that I am tired and not interested.
Effortlessly, I will skip their morning activity. At about noon, while they're gone, I'll go swimming.
Then they'll come back, and I'll be swimming, so they'll leave again, and go to the restaurant. And the sucker will pay for her.
Then of course, all along, they'll send me all their text messages, with some questions, that sound either like insults or threats, such as "are you mad at me?" and "do you want me to leave?", in his case, "how did that stock perform?" and "i'm coming downstairs to use your laptop".
Tomorrow these messages might be something like "we left for this place, because we didn't want to bother you".
That might be something that happens. Maybe. Like a 25% chance I'd say. Yeah, 'cause I haven't been answering some of their text messages, so they might escalate things on their own. I am tired of being bombarded with sms.
almost 3 am, so that means i'll sleep until noon. good.
i've locked the entrance door, too, so they can't sneak in and knock on other doors inside the house.
so, all i've got to deal with is the afternoon.
they'll go to the restaurant, unless they want to pull something original, such as that they're worried and they stuck around to see what happened to me - i wouldn't be surprised.
anyway, what matters is that he doesn't get to my computer - to achieve this, i have to cut all contacts, or he'll ask me to use it, one way or another.
If i don't reply to his text messages, he's not going to break into the house and try to take my computer to use it without my consent.
So, ok, i sleep till they go to lunch, and then i go swimming and come several hours later. Or i just end up going swimming later on.
He must understand that I don't want him to use my computer. His next text message must be: "don't worry - i won't ask you to use your laptop". There's no covnersation otherwise. I am sick and tired of his text messages asking me for news from the stock market or asking me to use my laptop.
Tomorrow I might reach 10k. I went short on ZN again.
In order to stay up a bit longer I painted something on Microsoft Paint:
If there's something i can't stand is people disrespecting my maid, the bitch switching sides, and now i remembered that he said "bello" to me in a way that makes me fear for my ass.
I can't stand people being rude to my maid, nice to me because they're of my same sex and attracted to me (!) and I can't stand the bitch exploiting him for lunches, and people using my computer, and... they've got to go. I am done with these guys.
**** man. This thing really sucks.
This guy is a complete idiot and he's after me. I am afraid I have come across another person who likes men and is... he only came because he... is in love with me. Goddamn it. This really sucks.
He kept inviting me to his place, somewhere in the mountains and since I never would go, i said hey, why don't you come and you come with this other person (so i feel safe). So he came and he doesn't care about swimming, doesn't care about nothing here, so why did he come? For the same reason he told me that i am good looking: he's gay and he likes me in that way.
****ing idiot. Now this guy is powerful, he's got connections... i don't want to be killed by him in revenge so I can't just say, as i wouldn't say to anyone, "disappear from my life".
At the same time, now i've got this great excuse/reason that he used my computer against my will.
So, if i stay away from him, he might think that it's just about the computer, that I am obsessed about. Whereas it's also very much about "you're good-looking" and all that.
Let's try to turn the situation to my advantage.
Another good thing is that the lady is here. So you know, like the US government and its disinfo agents: he might think I am mad at her, at him using the computer, that i'm just a loner... so many things. Oh, man. What a disaster. I'd have been better off coming alone.
The good thing is that they distracted me. I had two friends around to make me feel like I am not alone. Yeah, i guess to some degree I am like everyone else, and i feel judged and pitied to come on vacation by myself. Furthermore they did distract me enough to keep me from overtrading, so i do owe them the money i made.
Ok, now it's 3 am, so i am guaranteed to sleep until noon.
Soon I'll close this post and go to sleep.
Ok, let's go over the plan again.
I wake up at noon. Change: if they knock I don't answer. They can worry all they want. I have the right to sleep as much as I want.
If they leave the place for good and go back to rome: great.
**** these guys.
I am not even going to see their faces tomorrow.
If necessary i'll stay up all night so that tomorrow I can't possibly see them.
Then saturday my parents join us, so it's a whole different story. And the markets are closed so i don't have to be bothered by him with his questions.
The point is I had told him that i would not let him borrow it. So there is a huge problem regarding computer as well as him being attracted to me. Damn, what a ridiculous uncomfortable situation. Now I understand how that girl must have felt when i pursued her and she didn't want me.
Yep. And it happened before. But you know what? If there's a so-so girl that wants you, you don't mind. You might not say yes, but you don't mind. But if you really dislike her or if she's actually a man, then that's when you feel harassed. So i felt harassed a couple of times.
Furthermore, if you feel harassed by someone who might be in the secret service or similar: then you definitely feel... very harassed.
I gotta find a way to be rid of this guy for good, and not get killed as a consequence. Kind of complex. If he wants to kill me, he can do it, no matter who he is.
She's a bitch, but he's the real problem.
He's not fun to be with. And the reason is obvious. He's not here to have an interesting conversation: he's here to have sex with me (!). Something like that. This is disgusting.
Good thing I placed them both in a different house, but that is still not far enough.
Damn, I can't believe, that having these doubts, I invited him on vacation.
I guess this is because he kept asking me to go on a trip with him, and i said what the ****, let's invite this guy on my trip because there's no way i'll go on his trip. Initially there was another guy supposed to be coming with us, but he didn't come. Then a third person, the bitch, invited herself, and so I seized the opportunity, because i didn't want to be alone with this guy.
I just keep repeating myself, i guess for people who haven't read the previous posts in part, and in part because I am really going over the same thoughts over and over again and I am sleepy, too.
The longer i sleep, the better.
In the meanwhile I am listening to alex jones. Also hearing the waves and the wind outside.
Ok, this is it: closing the post. It's 3.30, and I am guaranteed to sleep until noon. Hopefully until 1 pm. This way when I wake up they'll be long gone to the restaurant, tired of trying to wake me up... basically i'll wear them out by sleeping. Yeah, it sounds like a wasted vacation, but they're only here for my first week, and spending time with them is worse than spending it sleeping. Besides, I'll swim later, once they've gone to the restaurant. I can only swim so much per day.