my journal 3

best link ever on cancer cures:
Over 200 Alternative Cancer Treatments Plus Other Information

Are Alternative Cancer Treatments For Real? (the Cancer Tutor Website)
If I were to ask any person on Earth if God is smarter than pharmaceutical chemists they would say: "Of course." But if I were to then say that God knows how to cure cancer better than pharmaceutical chemists, they would look at me as if I had just escaped from a mental institution.

Why do people think that God is smarter than pharmaceutical chemists and then turn right around and think that chemotherapy, radiation and surgery are more effective against cancer than anything God has put into Mother Nature?

Well, to be honest, in 2002 I was totally confused as to which type of cancer treatment was more effective. I would visit some websites, such as QuackWatch, the American Cancer Society, the BC Cancer Agency, etc. which would call alternative cancer treatments "unproven" or "quackery."

On the other hand, I would visit other websites which had testimonials of people who were cured of their cancer by drinking carrot juice or purple grape juice or they used some other natural treatment.

It wasn't until I started reading a book written by a medical doctor, Dr. Philip Binzel, that I finally put the pieces together and realized what was going on.

Dr. Binzel was using a natural substance (an "alternative cancer treatment") called "laetrile" in his clinic. Laetrile normally is extracted from apricot seeds. He used a liquid version of laetrile on his patients and he had about an 80% cure rate. The liquid version of laetrile he used came from Mexico.

But what was most interesting to me, in Dr. Binzel's book, is what the Food and Drug Administration was trying to do about the import of liquid laetrile. Dr. Binzel was called as an expert witness at a trial in which the FDA was trying to get permission by the court to block the importing of laetrile into the United States!!

Why would the Food and Drug administration try to block the import of a cancer treatment which was totally natural and had an 80% cure rate when used as an I.V.!!?? That is a far higher cure rate than the 3% cure rate of orthodox medicine.

It was at this moment, while reading the book, that I realized what was going on. The FDA was trying to block the import of laetrile NOT because laetrile was ineffective, but precisely BECAUSE laetrile was effective!!
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The Cancer Industry Finally Discovers Laetrile
In September 2000 The BBC broadcast the following news:

Cyanide targets cancer
By BBC News Online's Jonathan Amos, 7 September 2000

Scientists are using cyanide to attack tumours.
They have tested a two-stage drug that harnesses the power of the dangerous chemical to kill bowel cancer cells in the lab.

The researchers, at Imperial College, London, now hope to refine the technology and test it on patients.

The technique takes a lead from some plants that release cyanide to protect themselves from insect attack...

What these researchers have done is 'discover' laetrile -- a cancer treatment pioneered in 1950 by Dr Ernst T Krebs jr and used successfully by him in partnership with H H Beard in the middle of the 20th century...
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today's press review

» Establishment Media Circles the Wagons on Gun Control
The highly suspicious mass shooting in Colorado arrived at exactly the right time for the globalists and their corporate media scriveners. Outlawing semi-automatic weapons with brand spanking new assault weapons legislation will now take center stage and will be used as a stepping stone for more draconian legislation down the road.

U.S. Senate Report on CIA MKULTRA Behavioral Modification Program 1977 | Public Intelligence
It should be made clear from the outset that in general, we are focusing on events that happened over 12 or as long as 25 years ago. It should be emphasized that the programs that are of greatest concern have stopped and that we are reviewing these past events in. In order to better understand what statutes and other guidelines might be necessary to prevent the recurrence of such abuses in the future. We also need to know and understand what is now being done by the CIA in the field of behavioral research to be certain that no current abuses are occurring.
And instead the abuses kept "occurring".
It is clear that effective oversight requires that information must be full and forthcoming. Full and timely information is obviously necessary if the committee and the public is to be confident that any transgressions can be dealt with quickly and forcefully.

One purpose of this hearing is to give the committee and the public an understanding of what new information has been discovered that adds to the knowledge already available from previous Church and Kennedy inquiries, and to hear the reasons why these documents were not available to the Church and Kennedy committees. It is also the purpose of this hearing to address the issues raised by any additional illegal or improper activities that have emerged from the files and to develop remedies to prevent such improper activities from occurring again.

Finally, there is an obligation on the part of both this committee and the CIA to make every effort to help those individuals or institutions that may have been harmed by any of these improper or illegal activities. I am certain that Admiral Turner will work with this committee to see that this will be done.
Ah ah, instead they totally went out of control afterwards. And today there are no investigations because they hold congress by the balls more than ever.
The records reveal a far more extensive series of experiments than had previously been thought. Eighty-six universities or institutions were involved. New instances of unethical were revealed. The intelligence community of this Nation, which requires a shroud of secrecy in order to operate, has a very sacred trust from the American people. The CIA's program of human experimentation of the fifties and sixties violated that trust. It was violated again on the day the bulk of the agency's records were destroyed in 1973. It is violated each time a responsible official refuses to recollect the details of the program. The best safeguard against abuses in the future is a completed public accounting of the abuses of the past.
Ah ah, comedy.
9. The CIA has been accused of conducting assassinations and engaging in drug trafficking. What are the facts?

The CIA does neither. Executive Order 12333 of 1981 explicitly prohibits the CIA from engaging, either directly or indirectly, in assassinations. Internal safeguards and the congressional oversight process assure compliance.

Regarding past allegations of CIA involvement in drug trafficking, the CIA Inspector General* found no evidence to substantiate the charges that the CIA or its employees conspired with or assisted Contra-related organizations or individuals in drug trafficking to raise funds for the Contras or for any other purpose. In fact, the CIA plays a crucial role in combating drug trafficking...
If you put the quotes together it becomes hilarious. Even taken alone, the CIA faqs are hilarious.

More comedy here:
Core Values
Integrity. We uphold the highest standards of conduct. We seek and speak the truth—to our colleagues and to our customers.
It sounds pretty much like the mob. They can spend what they want - it's secret. They can kill and threaten and torture whoever they want - it's secret and "legal" for them. They can lie about it to the public and they do. They can do anything they want to do... it's like the mob. They have the same integrity as the lion in the jungle. I guess the real comedy of the US is that the whole country (government, media, and even people) persists in believing and telling the same old lies that were told in movies with John Wayne.

Origin of AIDS: The Polio Vaccine (VIDEO)
The origin of the bioweapon we call HIV/AIDS may have begun on April 12, 1955.

Jonas Salk’s polio vaccine was licensed for public use in the US and in the years following, an estimated 90 million Americans were inoculated in what can be described as the largest mass vaccination campaign ever.

Thanks to this initiative Polio virtually disappeared from the continent and Jonas Salk became a hero...
Both Sabin and Koprowski’s vaccines were derived from monkey organs. They needed to test them in large, non-immunized population groups, no longer available in North America. Koprowski moved his study to the Belgian Congo which had one of Africa’s more modern health care infrastructures at the time. Between 1956 and 1960 more than 1 million African people were ‘encouraged’ to receive Koprowski’s vaccine called CHAT.

Sabin analyzed Koprowski’s vaccine in 1958 and found it to be ‘unstable and contaminated by an unknown virus’. He told Koprowski about his discovery and went then went public with his findings. This became the smoking gun that lead to the discovery that the vaccine had a “hitchhiker” that would be revealed as the cause of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The simian virus SV40, which was used to create a human version, would turn into the greatest bioweapon known to man and the biggest push forward with the global Elite’s eugenics program under cover of a mystery to remain “unsolved” to this day.
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Let's get back to the vegan diet, because if my body runs out of something it was getting from my previous diet, I am screwed. So I better investigate this fast.

First of all, I am not an ethical vegan, but merely a dietary vegan. That is to say that I am only doing it for my health, and not out of respect for animals. Sure, I am glad that they're not getting hurt because of my new diet, but that's not what's motivating me, and such motivation would not be enough to make me stop eating animals if I found out I needed them (but I guess the same would apply also to the "ethical vegans").

Also, this means that if I find out that I can only get B12 from fish or supplements, as it seems, I'd rather eat fish than supplements. This is also because fish doesn't hurt my body as much as meat and all the other things I'll be avoiding.

So, keeping the above in mind, let's find resources, more resources than I've already found. Ideally, I'd like something simple, scientific, detailed. Like a list of things to eat, day by day, with exactly their content. It is simple and yet scientific at once. I don't care about goddamn recipes. I'll just whatever I have to eat even if it tastes awful. Actually the advantage of veganism should be that one doesn't have to cook or sit at the dinner table. Screw that social crap, waste of time.

This is lists to other resources:
Vegetarian Diet Resource Guide from Savvy Vegetarian
Vegan Diet Resources- Hungry Herbivores

Excellent news:
Vegsource - Your source for all things vegan and vegetarian.

Good point here on what I am, a "pure vegetarian":
Vegetarians in Paradise/Vegetarian Basics 101/Vegetarian Diet
VEGAN OR PURE VEGETARIAN: Vegan is pronounced "vee gun." Some people distinguish between vegan and pure vegetarian, considering the pure vegetarian one who eats no animal flesh, no dairy products, or no eggs, and follows a strict plant-based diet for dietary reasons only. While vegans follow a diet consisting of plant-based foods only, they are further committed to a philosophy that respects animal life and the ecology of the planet.
This is getting closer to what I wanted:

It really seems that B12 is hopeless from anything other than supplements, so I'll eat fish. So I guess I am not a vegan nor a vegetarian anymore. But close to it.

This is on sprouting:
Sprouts for Optimum Nutrition
Cycling & Track Racing, Vegan-Style!: Sprouting 101 -- Nutrition

Now I am doing the same search but only on excel files, because it might be more science-oriented.

Good resources here:

Nothing much yet. I need to work on my search words. Trying now with "nutrition metrics" and "nutrition calculator".

Getting closer:
Nutrition Metrics System

This is it, the type of thing I was looking for:
Sodexo Nutrition Calculator

Very interesting. Even McDonald's has one (they dare tell people the truth?):
Nutrition Calculator ::

Pretty amazing the information they give you. It even shows that if you eat there you're going to be deficient in carbohydrates, calcium, vitamins.


Furthermore it talks about the infamous "high fructose corn syrup" in the buns:


I was hearing about it in that video I posted yesterday:

Sugar: The Bitter Truth - YouTube

I've gone through many more calculators and I notice that they're down to a very few "nutrition facts":
1) saturated fat
2) trans fat
3) cholesterol
4) sodium
5) carbohydrates
6) fibre
7) sugar
8) protein
9) calcium
10) vitamin A
11) vitamin C

Where is vitamin b12 and all the minerals? This list is very incomplete but it's widely spread in every calculator. I wonder why. It probably has to do with what the government enforces as a standard. I need a better calculator.

Ok, got it. This is the best so far:
Nutrition Facts and Analysis for Cowpeas, common (blackeyes, crowder, southern), mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt

Wow. Awesome web site, right place to build your diet - I just did a search for food highest in b12:
Foods highest in Vitamin B12

Quoting the top 10:
Mollusks, clam, mixed species, canned, drained solids
Vitamin B12: 99mcg

Mollusks, clam, mixed species, cooked, moist heat
Vitamin B12: 99mcg

Lamb, variety meats and by-products, liver, raw
Vitamin B12: 90mcg

Lamb, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, pan-fried
Vitamin B12: 86mcg

Veal, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, braised [calf liver]
Vitamin B12: 85mcg

Beef, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, pan-fried
Vitamin B12: 83mcg

Lamb, variety meats and by-products, kidneys, cooked, braised
Vitamin B12: 79mcg

Lamb, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, braised
Vitamin B12: 77mcg

Veal, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, pan-fried [calf liver]
Vitamin B12: 73mcg

Moose, liver, braised (Alaska Native)
Vitamin B12: 71mcg

Read More Foods highest in Vitamin B12
As I said before: I'll have to eat mollusks, which shows I am not an ethical vegan, but just a dietary one.

Wait, solved.

Nutrition Facts and Analysis for Milk, dry, nonfat, regular, with added vitamin A
Ready brek Original cereal from Weetabix: Wholegrain, tasty goodness.

All I have to do for my daily intake is eat weetabix in one glass of milk, which does suck, well or 2 weetabix with water.

Damn, no. Weetabix doesn't have b12. Ready Brek does, but I don't have it.

Let's check kellogg's, because I have them.

Ok, it says they have b12:
Kellogg's® Special K® Original cereal
Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), reduced iron, vitamin E (alpha tocopherol acetate), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), vitamin B1 (thiamin hydrochloride), vitamin A palmitate, folic acid, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), niacinamide, vitamin B12.
But how much?

Nutrition Facts and Analysis for Cereals ready-to-eat, KELLOGG, KELLOGG'S SPECIAL K
Vitamin B12 6.0 mcg 101%
It seems that we can still trust kellogg's to care for our well-being. No aspartame or fluoride in them?

Damn, aspartame yes, but not all their cereals:
List of Aspartame Containing Ice Cream and Desserts :

Fluoride, no, according to this:
Nutrition Facts and Analysis for Cereals ready-to-eat, KELLOGG, KELLOGG'S PRODUCT 19
Fluoride ~
Incidentally, read this:
Flouride: Friend or Foe? Part 3
Since April 1997, the Food and Drug Administration has required a warning label on all dental care products containing fluoride. Early tests in the 1930s warned of the dangers of fluoride for human ingestion. At this time, manufacturers of aluminum were selling unwanted waste by-products of sodium fluoride as rat poisons and insecticides, but they needed other markets to rid themselves of more of this hazardous waste. Through a series of inventive mass marketing and public relations campaigns, the leaders of dentistry, medicine and public health were persuaded that fluoridation was not only safe but also beneficial to humans. In 1950, long before any studies had been completed to show the safety factor involved, both the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) and the American Dental Association (ADA) endorsed fluoridation.
More here on Kellogg's involvement in this scam:
Kellogg 1

The US was a sick country probably since the beginning of last century. Things did not go wrong just recently with 911. Prohibition shows it. Prohibition of hemp shows it. Fluoridation shows it. Kennedy's assassination shows it. The moon landing hoax. The list of events deceiving the public is long. The corporations hijacked the country a century ago.

Democracy only lives on in the media and especially in Hollywood's movies. Today we have "plutocracy":
Plutocracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Plutocracy (from Ancient Greek πλοῦτος, ploutos, meaning "wealth", and κράτος, kratos, meaning "power, dominion, rule") is rule by the wealthy, or power provided by wealth.
Here, others agree with me:
Modern usage

In modern times, the term is sometimes used pejoratively to refer to societies rooted in state-corporate capitalism or which prioritize the accumulation of wealth over other interests. According to Kevin Phillips, author and political strategist to U.S. President Richard Nixon, the United States is a plutocracy in which there is a "fusion of money and government."[5] A similar position was taken by the Fourth International in January 1941, which stated "Roosevelt’s administration, which claims to be democratic, is really the representative of these piratic plutocrats" and that "the twin capitalist parties control all the main avenues for reaching the masses (the press, radio, halls, etcetera... they collect millions from their wealthy masters and spend them to bamboozle the public and buy elections". [6]

Here's more on the subject:
Corporate republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A corporate republic is a theoretical form of government occasionally hypothesized in works of science fiction, though some historical nations such as medieval Florence might be said to have been governed as corporate republics. While retaining some semblance of republican government, a corporate republic would be run primarily like a business, involving a board of directors and executives. Utilities, including hospitals, schools, the military, and the police force, would be privatized. The social welfare function carried out by the state is instead carried out by corporations in the form of benefits to employees. Although corporate republics do not exist officially in the modern world, they are often used in works of fiction or political commentary as a warning of the perceived dangers of unbridled capitalism. In such works, they usually arise when a single, vastly powerful corporation deposes a weak government, over time or in a coup d'état.

Some political scientists have also considered state socialist nations to be forms of corporate republics; with the state assuming full control of all economic and political life and establishing a monopoly on everything within national boundaries - effectively make the state itself equatable to a giant corporation.
Last edited: is really good in that it also gives you a list of foods by harmful ingredients, such as this list:
Foods highest in Fluoride
Tea, instant, sweetened with sugar, lemon-flavored, without added ascorbic acid, powder
Fluoride: 584mcg

Tea, brewed, prepared with tap water [black tea]
Fluoride: 373mcg

Tea, instant, unsweetened, powder, prepared
Fluoride: 335mcg

Tea, brewed, prepared with tap water, decaffeinated [black tea]
Fluoride: 269mcg

Raisins, seedless
Fluoride: 234mcg

Crustaceans, crab, blue, canned
Fluoride: 210mcg

Alcoholic beverage, wine, table, white
Fluoride: 202mcg

Crustaceans, shrimp, mixed species, canned
Fluoride: 201mcg

Crustaceans, shrimp, mixed species, cooked, breaded and fried
Fluoride: 166mcg

Alcoholic beverage, wine, table, all
Fluoride: 153mcg

Grape juice, canned or bottled, unsweetened, with added ascorbic acid
Fluoride: 138mcg

Grape juice, canned or bottled, unsweetened, without added ascorbic acid
Fluoride: 138mcg

Fish, fish portions and sticks, frozen, preheated
Fluoride: 134mcg

Read More Foods highest in Fluoride
What is odd is that i could not find the name of the company. Why is there fluoride in ice tea?

What I do not understand is that ALL brands have fluoride, so why?
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Foods highest in Total Omega-3 fatty acids
Flaxseed oil
Total Omega-3 fatty acids: 53304mg

Fish oil, salmon
Total Omega-3 fatty acids: 35311mg

Oil, bearded seal (Oogruk) (Alaska Native)
Total Omega-3 fatty acids: 28556mg

Fish oil, menhaden
Total Omega-3 fatty acids: 28128mg

Fish oil, sardine
Total Omega-3 fatty acids: 24093mg

Seeds, flaxseed
Total Omega-3 fatty acids: 22813mg

Fish oil, cod liver
Total Omega-3 fatty acids: 19736mg

Seeds, chia seeds, dried
Total Omega-3 fatty acids: 17552mg

Agutuk, fish with shortening (Alaskan ice cream) (Alaska Native)
Total Omega-3 fatty acids: 16099mg

Oil, spotted seal (Alaska Native)
Total Omega-3 fatty acids: 14681mg

Fish oil, herring
Total Omega-3 fatty acids: 11861mg

Read More
There's nothing doing. You either are close to a store, or you'll need to eat fish for both b12 and omega 3.
Don't forget to check out this link, which gives you the exact amount of nutrients you need per day:
NutritionData BMI & Calories Burned Calculator


Problem with this, once I got home:
Recommended Minimum Daily Needs

Here is an estimate of your minimum daily nutrient needs, based of the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) established by the Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine (IOM)...
I read "Board" and "institute" and I said to myself... hey, after all we've found out, we're using data from the US government? I did a quick search and here's what I found:
Standard Nutrition Recommendations… can we trust them? | diariesofanewvegan
In effect, although the report advises that we need a minimum of 45% of calories as carbohydrates, more than half of this amount (i.e., 25%) can be the sugars present in candies, soft drinks and pastries. The critical assumption of this report is this: the American diet is not only the best there is, but you should now feel free to eat an even richer diet and still be confident that you are “minimizing risk for chronic disease.”
Basically, just as for everything else, we cannot trust these mother ****ers. So the data data on what's in each food is awesome, but their recommendations of daily nutrient needs cannot be trusted, because it comes from the US government, which means straight from these "doctors":

What Cigarette Do You Smoke Doctor? - YouTube

I was going to build an excel sheet with all the data, but before doing it, I need to get the right data, and so certainly not from the government.


Ok, so I was looking at my kellogg's cereals and found the ingredients, and they have b12, which is great. Then i was wandering more on the box and i found the RDA by EU, "recommended daily intake", I suppose. So can we trust the EU? Are we that corrupted? Besides, the data is from 1993:

Other links:
EFSA Topic: Dietary reference values and dietary guidelines

They're in Parma by the way, the EFSA. The furthest they could get is here:
EFSA News Story: EFSA sets European dietary reference values for nutrient intakes
The Panel conclusions are summarised below:

•The intake of total carbohydrates - including carbohydrates from starchy foods such as potatoes and pasta, and from simple carbohydrates such as sugars - should range from 45 to 60% of the total energy intake for both adults and children.
•For sugars there is good evidence that frequent consumption of foods high in sugars increases the risk of tooth decay. Data also show links between high intakes of sugars in form of sugar sweetened beverages and weight gain. The Panel however found there was insufficient evidence to set an upper limit for sugars. This is because the possible health effects are mainly related to patterns of food consumption – ie the types of foods consumed and how often they are consumed – rather than a relation to the total intake of sugars itself. Evidence regarding patterns of consumption of sugar-containing foods should be considered by policy makers when making nutrition recommendations and developing food-based dietary guidelines at national level.
•A daily intake of 25 grams of dietary fibre is adequate for normal bowel function in adults. In addition evidence in adults shows there are health benefits associated with higher intakes of dietary fibre (e.g. reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and weight maintenance).
•Evidence is still inconclusive on the role of the glycemic index and glycemic load[1] in maintaining weight and preventing diet-related diseases...

As usual the "panel" is still screwing around, doing nothing and providing no clear information. The other guys, the americans, provide information that pleases the food industry... so basically I gotta keep looking.

Just for the sake of completeness, let's compare whatever we've got, EU vs US:

EU says:
total carbohydrates... should range from 45 to 60% of the total energy intake for both adults and children
US says: Announcements/~/media/C5CD2DD7840544979A549EC47E56A02B.ashx
45 to 65

"25 grams of dietary fibre" vs 38 (I am looking at the customized values for me, based on physical characteristics)

"•Intakes of fats should range between 20 to 35%" vs same for US

Then no more comparisons, but 2 important recommendations from EU:
"•For water a daily intake of 2.0 litres is considered adequate for women and 2.5 litres for men."
"•There is good evidence that higher intakes of saturated fats and trans fats lead to increased blood cholesterol levels which may contribute to development of heart disease."

I think I am going to study on excel what the US is recommending and see if I can come up with something to later analyze for things to reduce, such as if they're recommending to drink too much coca cola.
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Awesome quote from this page:
Bob Beck Protocol - Alternative Cancer Treatments
...Orthodox medicine is interested in "treatments," not "cures," because "treating" a person is far, far more profitable than "curing" them.

Golden words. I am telling you, once again, that we're living in a matrix. Very wise and rich and intelligent and cultured people do not realize this very fact. They're too arrogant to open their eyes. It's a big matrix that envelops everything around us: politics, social life, medicine, all our reasoning.

Today I was eating garlic because one guy was telling me to do so on youtube, and indeed, garlic is very powerful, a medicine basically. But you should not eat it on a regular basis, as a prevention to cancer - it turns out to be a poison and can hurt you, probably will. Well, bob beck talks about it, on youtube. Anyway, he's another one of those guys who came up with an alternative cure for cancer.

It's hard to fight with lies. Sometimes people are wrong and I am ok with it, like with this guy telling us to eat garlic every day to avoid cancer. But other times people are in bad faith, like Big Pharma. This makes things even more complex.
more on water and fluoride

awesome website,
Nutrition Facts and Analysis for Water, tap, drinking
Fluoride 71.2mcg

Nutrition Facts and Analysis for Water, tap, municipal
Fluoride 81.1mcg

Nutrition Facts and Analysis for Water, tap, well
Fluoride 25.8mcg

Nutrition Facts and Analysis for Water, bottled, generic
Fluoride ~

So, based on this, I'd go for bottled, if I were in the US.

Oh ok, there's a database by the USDA:
Source: Nutrient data for this listing was provided by USDA SR-21.

And they have it on excel, just awesome:
Nutrient Data Products and Services

I created an excel worksheet, where i automated everything. All I need to do is add the food and set the quantity and I know if my daily intakes are right:

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Alan Watt - "Never watch the Televison" - YouTube

You know, Alan Watt is right, however i can't watch the television anyway, because I find reality much more entertaining. And I don't mean the reality they give us in the news, but the reality alex jones talks about, or any other crazy "conspiracy theorist", as the mainstream media calls them.

I feel like I am watching a Columbo episode, because I still haven't figured out who the culprit is and if there is one. Obviously it is not the US president, but i keep wondering: who is behind him? Not the people, because if the president tries to work for the people, he gets assassinated. The answer is whoever decided that kennedy should be killed: not LBJ. He counted some, but he wasn't alone choosing to do so. Is it the FBI, the CIA, the banksters, the Zionists, or all of them put together?

The options are always the same:

1) the super rich as a whole (in this case, no conspiracy, just big money)
2) the zionists
3) the freemasons or the illuminati
4) the reptilians or other unseen entity (yeah, this could be, too, even though I have no proof at all)

I mean, even Kissinger: is he orchestrating things or is someone else behind him? Even Rockefeller and Rothschild, is it them or someone behind them?

It is very much like the mafia, except no one is exposing them.

Or maybe there is no plotting and it is... or rather there is a lot of plotting but not a boss, just an oligarchy. Something close to the heads of the five families of the Godfather movies. And who they were didn't really matter: if one died, there was another replacing him. But who are the Five families in this situation...?


I don't like it when people conclude, without showing me the evidence, that it's the freemasons, the zionists, the reptilians or the banksters.

The real question at this point is this: is there a boss or not? And if it is an oligarchy, who are the main families?

The US president is merely an actor, I feel no resentment towards him, whoever it is. The upcoming movie "why in the world are they spraying" might give me some answer, even though I suspect they will not be naming any names. And it's really hard to answer that question in the title if you do not know WHO has decided to spray you with the chem trails. The first movie was "what", there should have been an intermediate movie asking "who" before this upcoming movie that asks "why".
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today's press review
$9,000,000,000,000 MISSING From The Federal Reserve .. Shocking Footage!
The 13 Most Evil U.S. Government Experiments on Humans
» Obama’s Real Father: Director Joel Gilbert Blasts Media for Ignoring Bombshell
30 years of secret, official transcripts prove vaccine schedules in US and UK are based on government lies
Synthetic vitamins fuel sickness while enriching the corrupt medical industry
Skype goes Big Brother, allowing police to monitor text chats
Chemtrail Weather Modification Caught by Satellite « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
Chemtrails are a multi-purposed supposed geoengineering effort costing trillions of dollars while the PTBs deny they even exist. These aerosols are toxic to all forms of life while also partially cutting us off from the life-giving sun. Chemtrails also make the atmosphere a more potent medium for mind altering ELF waves as well as a potential atmospheric “screen” for holographic technologies.
The Sordid Early History of Fluoride « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
London Olympics – False Flag, Diversion or Prelude? « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
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I am struggling hard to find sources of calcium, and if I eat too much broccoli, like a kilogram, it might have other side effects, such as too much vitamin A.

Calcium in the Vegan Diet -- The Vegetarian Resource Group
The area of protein's effect on bones remains uncertain. Some studies show that diets that are high in protein, especially animal protein, do cause increased losses of calcium in the urine 10 and may even in-crease fracture risk 11,12. These effects of protein may be especially important in those with low calcium intakes 13. Other studies suggest that a higher protein intake is needed to promote calcium absorption 14, reduce the risk of fracture 15, and increase bone density 16,17. Until further evidence is available, vegans should strive to meet calcium recommendations and to have adequate, but not excessive, amounts of protein.

Other factors in bone health include sodium and physical activity. Sodium increases calcium losses with 5 to 10 mg of calcium lost with each gram of salt eaten 18. Reducing sodium intake can reduce calcium losses. Regular weight-bearing exercise such as walking, running, or aerobic dance is recommended to promote strong, healthy bones. Besides helping strengthen bones, exercise can also improve balance and flexibility, both important factors in preventing and recuperating from falls.

I think my best bet will be sesame seeds.
Agents Provocateurs - YouTube

This guy is in good faith (the guy talking), but he's very much wrong on very many things. It's interesting to see how you can have several people in good faith taking sides against one another, and losing the battle as a consequence. These people are all in good faith and against where the US is going, but they're going in different directions and accusing each other of plotting against the real opposition. For example, this guy thinks that 911 was not an inside job, and so anyone who's saying it is, is working against the real opposition. Kind of the same mistake I make when I think that anyone who doesn't say it's an inside job is in bad faith and lying for the government.