my journal 3

Corn has lost half of its value in 15 months

Corn has lost half of its value in 15 months:


Corn went from 840 in August 2012 to 420 today. Guys, it's time to go long on corn. I've been long for months already. I am handing you an opportunity not to be missed.
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Corn has lost half of its value in 15 months:

View attachment 167866

Corn went from 840 in August 2012 to 420 today. Guys, it's time to go long on corn. I've been long for months already. I am handing you an opportunity not to be missed.

I don't know, supply will likely weaken in the future, unless there has been some
sort of development in artificial yield techniques.

You would need to do more research on the reasons for this crop increase.
Is it just extraordinarily favourable weather, or a more long term yield boost?
I don't know, might look into it out of interest myself.
Its also possible that reductions in supply due to economic factors (2008) are now dissipating.
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Great links. Thanks for in particular, which I didn't know. It seems to be as good or better than (25 years of history available on

In a couple of hours there'll be the most important news of the month, the NASS crop production report:

At any rate, the closer it gets to zero, the less risky a trade. And now all my positions are focused on these things that are very close to zero, relative to where they've been in the last 10 years: gold, silver, corn, natural gas, etcetera.

Among the other things, I am expecting hyperinflation to inflate all prices, and I am expecting peak oil to also inflate all prices, in particular oil's price.

Although right now I am suffering very much, because everything is going against me but has been slowing down quite a bit. But I've understood that the only type of discretionary trading at which I am good is this type: buy and hold for months. So I've been opening contracts that expire a year from now.

Maybe some of these positions won't move for months, but at least one or two of them should go in my favor in a big way, given that they're all extremely overstretched in the opposite direction.
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Well the report certainly produced a spike in your favour, which is no bad thing:

Those following and analysing grains would have been aware at the time of the
impact of the 2012 drought - 9th paragraph:

Corn production increased in 2013 - page 11:

The upward spike today tends to make me think its shorts buying to cover,
and waiting to see how likely it looks that corn harvest figs are revised upwards.

TBH a long doesn't look good if the figures are revised upwards obviously.
Considering a similar amount was planted in 2013 compared to 2012,
and 2013 hasn't had a drought, it looks like a short at this point.
Who knows, grains aren't something I have much to do with,
so most of what I've said is largely worthless.

I don't know, lots of factors here, weather, no increase in production
from 2008-2012, this could potentially be a return to the 250 - 200 floor.
Its hard to see corn price going up by a vast amount from this point.

Although corn demand is an issue, its pretty much a certainty that is already factored into the price. 2013.pdf
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Travis, I had a PM from wackypete2, pretty pivotal information about corn supply,
which I have to say I was completely unaware of.
Here it is below copy pasted:
Sorry, can't post in Travis' thread. Corn production has been increasing due the the US gasoline ethanol mandate which forces refiners to use ethanol from corn for gasoline blending (10% ethanol). For the past 6 months or so there has been speculation that the mandate would be severely cut or even removed completely for various reasons. Refiners have scaled back on the 10% blend supplies recently so they don't get stuck with it = excess corn supply. IMO, based on what I'm hearing here in the US is that the change in mandate will definitely happen.

Cheers for the pm and info Pete 🙂

Looking at a google search for "US gasoline ethanol mandate" it does look
highly likely to create a surplus of corn.
Thanks for this excellent and enlightening research.

Regarding the spike in my favor, I took a snapshot, because that link will not show the same picture after today:


I am also uploading the report, not that I understood much of it, but here's what I thought -- I knew that, as always, price would stay in a spot until the report came out, and then that it would go where it had been waiting to go. Here's the report, too, at any rate:
View attachment 2_crop1113.pdf

Regarding the drought of 2012 and its effect on prices, now I know what to hope for.

Regarding the chart of Corn Production, I am noticing an increase from 11 to 14 billion bushels, which would not justify by itself a decrease of price by 50%. I am not saying there's any flaws in your analysis, just writing down my own thoughts on the many interesting things you're showing me.

Regarding a return to the 200 level, here's again the chart you linked, just in case it changes:


I have my own opinion here, too, but it may be biased by my hopes. I think we have to include inflation in the picture. 10, 20, 30 and 40 years ago (it has had a low of 200 for the last 40 years), 200 dollars were not the same as what they are today, and we know that quantitative easing has created a lot of money in the past few years. So I am relying on that, too.



Thanks, for the useful .pdf report by the National Corn Growers Association.

It makes me think that we shouldn't forget that population is rising and so is demand for corn. So, ok, supply increased by more, but population is increasing, too. I can't speculate much in a field where I am totally ignorant, but overall I am quite confident that it will rise.

Also, I appreciated your link to the very detailed report by Darrel Good and Scott Irwin, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois. Too bad I don't have the time to read it / listen to it every week.

And thanks (to you and the author) for the information in your second post, with the private message, which is related to what the report by the two professors was saying.
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IB's Probability Lab℠ (Patent Pending)

I got an interesting email by IB on the work by Thomas Peterffy, founder and CEO of IB:
Thomas Peterffy was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1944, in a hospital basement during a Russian air raid.[2][3][4][5] He emigrated to the United States as refugee in 1965 to escape communism. Peterffy abandoned engineering studies when he emigrated...
I didn't know about him until today.

More on Probability Lab here:

Good youtube channel:

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In reply to:

Fair points, its fair to say all this info has been in the open for some time,
or forecast like the crop report, so its not an impossibility that it is already priced in.

From a purely technical point of view, 400 does look like a support area.
TBH its a tough one, a corn surplus is highly likely, that looks in no doubt.

Its a fair point that a weakened dollar will have raised that 200 floor,
quite possibly to the 300-400 area.
The chart below is a 25 year plot of DX against ZC:
So yeah, QE plays a part for sure in assessing the reliability of the previous
floor of 200-300.
ZC momentum is certainly reduced as well.

Ultimately, it boils down to:
1. How much does the value of the dollar raise the 200-300 floor?
2. Is the surplus already priced in?
3. How much will ethanol mandate removal affect corn price, and is it already priced in?

Not something I can honestly answer.
TBH if I was going to trade it, due to the conflicting pointers of fundamentals
and technicals, I would be on the sidelines waiting to see if the harvest figures are revised.

Tough one, and you do make valid points.
If the surplus and potential ethanol mandate removal are already priced in,
and taking into account the USD position, you could turn out to be right.

For me I think this link probably sums up the likely reaction if the ethanol
mandate is removed (link posted further up as well):

A reduction in corn requirements for ethanol production do look
to be on the cards:

With ethanol mandate removal, I would tend to agree with a 300-400 price,
that seems realistic when you account for the USD index.

Given that ZC is just above that area, I'm tending to think current known factors
are already priced in.

Now its a case of waiting on the unknowns:
1. Revised corn harvest figures.
2. Ethanol mandate decision - lowered corn requirement or scrapped.
3. Potential increase of U.S. ethanol exports to make use of corn surplus.
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Thanks for the extra information. It all makes sense.

By the way, among all the analyses, I've forgotten to tell you about peak oil. If peak oil is imminent, as I think, this will raise all prices, especially food prices. I believe that oil will double in price soon.

Oh, and let's not forget my post on the correlation of wheat to corn and their ratio, which is at record lows:

Since at any rate I cannot calculate exactly where price should be, nor can I calculate where the bottom would be, I am going with my gut feeling and sticking with this trade.
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The Holy Roman Empire from 962 to 1806

Here's an interesting map I found on wikipedia:


We've been occupied by them for centuries: wherever I lived in Italy, it's been occupied.

Studying German doesn't just mean studying the language but especially the history, the culture, and what they're thinking.

Another interesting thing I learned is that there's people from South Tirol, which is in Italy...

...who are very famous in Germany and yet totally unknown in Italy (doesn't even have a wikipedia entry in Italian):

Furthermore, I could not find one video where he speaks Italian, and yet he speaks it for sure. He even served in the Italian military:
Lanz stammt aus Geiselsberg in Südtirol, einer Fraktion der Gemeinde Olang.[2] Als Gymnasiast lebte er im Schülerheim von Kloster Neustift. Während dieser Zeit besuchte er von 1983 bis 1984 das Klassische Gymnasium am Vinzentinum in Brixen. Nach der Matura, die Lanz 1988 in Bruneck erlangte, wurde er beim italienischen Heer zum Funker ausgebildet und diente bei den Alpini.

It's as if... 1) he wanted to be ignored by us regular Italians (not speaking german), or 2) he ignored us, or 3) Italians ignore german-speaking minority. And maybe #3 is the nature of things.

For one thing, I can now finally begin to decipher what the famous nazi speeches are saying:

German original
Die Fahne hoch! Die Reihen fest geschlossen!
SA marschiert mit ruhig festem Schritt.
Kam'raden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen,
Marschier'n im Geist in unser'n Reihen mit.
Kam'raden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen,
Marschier'n im Geist in unser'n Reihen mit.
Die Straße frei den braunen Batallionen.
Die Straße frei dem Sturmabteilungsmann!
Es schau'n aufs Hakenkreuz voll Hoffnung schon Millionen.
Der Tag für Freiheit und für Brot bricht an!
Es schau'n aufs Hakenkreuz voll Hoffnung schon Millionen.
Der Tag für Freiheit und für Brot bricht an!
Zum letzten Mal wird Sturmalarm geblasen!
Zum Kampfe steh'n wir alle schon bereit!
Schon flattern Hitlerfahnen über allen Straßen.
Die Knechtschaft dauert nur noch kurze Zeit!
Schon flattern Hitlerfahnen über allen Straßen.
Die Knechtschaft dauert nur noch kurze Zeit!
Die Fahne hoch! Die Reihen fest geschlossen!
SA marschiert mit ruhig festem Schritt.
Kam'raden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen,
Marschier'n im Geist in unser'n Reihen mit.
Kam'raden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen,
Marschier'n im Geist in unser'n Reihen mit.

English translation
The flag on high! The ranks tightly closed!
The SA march with quiet, steady step.
Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries
March in spirit within our ranks.
Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries
March in spirit within our ranks.
Clear the streets for the brown battalions,
Clear the streets for the stormtrooper!
Millions are looking upon the swastika full of hope,
The day of freedom and of bread dawns!
Millions are looking upon the swastika full of hope,
The day of freedom and of bread dawns!
For the last time, the call to arms is sounded!
For the fight, we all stand prepared!
Soon Hitler's banners will fly over all streets.
The time of bondage will last but a little while now!
Soon Hitler's banners will fly over all streets.
The time of bondage will last but a little while now.
The flag on high! The ranks tightly closed!
The SA march with quiet, steady step.
Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries
March in spirit within our ranks.
Comrades who shot (the) Red Front and reactionaries
March in spirit within our ranks.

Another interesting link I found, that compares all empires at their greatest extent:
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I noticed that, so far, the best online tv videos can be found at the ORF, austrian public tv:


Especially in the areas I marked with the red circle. They have great content, and great quantity and quality of videos.

Maybe it has to do with the fact that they're austrian or with this:
Österreichischer Rundfunk ("Austrian Broadcasting", ORF) is the Austrian national public service broadcaster.
Funded from a combination of television licence fee revenue and limited on-air advertising, ORF is the dominant player in the Austrian broadcast media. Austria was the last country in continental Europe after Albania to allow nationwide private television broadcasting.
Austrian television was monopolized by government-owned television stations until 1996.

Maybe that's why it retained its quality and hasn't become too commercial yet, with a lot of sex, arguing, and low-quality content. Instead it has extremely high quality of content.

They have a lot of round tables and intellectual discussions. Probably the best show is:

We don't have anything like this on Italian tv, maybe only Dietlinde "Lilli" Gruber's Otto e Mezzo is close to it (but only 20% as good):

Maybe it's not a coincidence that she's from South Tirol as well.


By the way, I've never had such intellectual stimulation when learning a foreign language, and this is for 2 main reasons:

1) on average german-speaking people are more evolved culturally
2) I learned my previous languages before internet was available, so I had to learn them - and for some aspects it was better - with the people I had available in the countries where I went, which usually meant young nimrods.
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Telling The Truth You Were Never Supposed To Know
Akin to cancer, Morgellons has no regard for ones life. I've tried everything possible these last 6 years to try and defeat this disease. But all it's brought me is useless searching... and a financial drain as well. At this point, I've been unable to find anything to even help relieve the symptoms. Morgellons has taken all I ever knew life to be and turned it into a living hell. It also took the lives of my sweet dogs, and my heart will never stop hurting for that reason alone. It's taken my body and allowed my mind to leave me feeling all alone in a thick fog... and it dares me to try to find my way home. It's also brought me to have feelings of such regret knowing now that I'd never even realized how good life once was.

It quickly attacked my faith as well, and any hope that someone somewhere would find the answers so a cure might be found... or a way found for the body to reject it. But there still are no answers... so it remains on it's path of destruction as it continues to invade my body and my environment...
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Turn around...
Every now and then
I get a little bit lonely
And you're never coming round

Turn around...
Every now and then
I get a little bit tired
Of listening to the sound of my tears

Turn around...
Every now and then
I get a little bit nervous
That the best of all the years have gone by

Turn around...
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified
And then I see the look in your eyes
Turn around... bright eyes
Every now and then I fall apart
Turn around... bright eyes
Every now and then
I fall apart

Turn around...

Yo, and finally they did turn around. All my trades are going my way except for the ones I was most confident about: gold and silver, goddamn them.

Oil is going my way, making money on it. So is natural gas. So is the Bund. So is JPY. And so is my mega-position in corn.

Hopefully the manipulators will stop manipulating gold and silver. I and all the other gold bugs are very tired... the gurus aren't giving us any explanations any more, as they've been saying "this discrepancy and manipulation can't go on for much longer..." for years.
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It's 4 am and I just woke up from a terrible nightmare where there was a taxi driver who was charging me like 10 times as much as fair and he was trying to beat me up, by moving closer to my seat, while he was driving and the car was riding in the river... a lot of things that didn't make sense.

But the truth is that I am being mobbed at work. And that is why I had that nightmare.
Mobbing in the context of human beings means bullying of an individual by a group in any context, such as a family, school, workplace, neighborhood, or community.
When it occurs as emotional abuse in the workplace, such as "ganging up" by co-workers, subordinates or superiors, to force someone out of the workplace through rumor, innuendo, intimidation, humiliation, discrediting, and isolation, it is also referred to as malicious, nonsexual, nonracial, general harassment.
Ok, here's the deal.

Almost 2 years ago, there was branch head who sent me a report and told me there was a newspaper article about a leak of information in our compliance department.

I forwarded that article to my boss and to another guy the branch head told me he had informed. In my email I said "this is something to worry about...". I didn't think I had done anything wrong.

This other guy, who turned out to be pretty mean, wondered who I was and why I was sending him this article, so basically this thing got out of hand because this guy didn't understand that I sent this email because I alerted by the branch head.

Then he asked who I was, and they remembered/realized that I was the son of some politician. Now they won't say anything officially, and they never did, but a few things started happening, and I would classify them as "mobbing", but maybe, there is a remote possibility that I am being paranoid. Because I have a history of being paranoid.

I was disabled, back when this happened, from 1 program, which is not too big a deal. And I was disabled from a folder in the LAN.

Of course I did get offended, because it seemed like someone wasn't trusting me. And this was very strange to me, because all I did was forwarding a newspaper article about a leak, and the consequence seemed to be that I was treated as the potential leak!? This doesn't make any sense.

So I looked for alternate explanations, but I didn't get any. Because each time I asked the boss dodged my question and replied that it was merely because they needed me to do other things. Also with the new boss this thing has continued (I'll tell you how in a minute), so the new boss (the previous boss luckily was moved) has been as evasive, as to why I have been disabled from a program and from a folder and why am i not being allowed to use it, given that it is so necessary to the office that the boss often has to let me use her computer for hours to use that very program and/or network folder.

Each time I get no answer, so it seems to me that there is a higher boss, and I know who it probably is, who wants to harass me or similar, with the excuse that I am the son of a politician (although he will never say it expressly) and that therefore I should not be working for the compliance department which often investigates politicians, and which 2 years ago (when I forwarded the article) was investigating a politician from the same party as my father. Recent developments: 1 year ago and six months ago, this higher-up tried to move me out of the compliance department, but could not succeed because I refused to go.

Latest development: yesterday I realized that for my user id, I have been disabled from using USB flash drives. Once again, it seems like:
1) I am being treated as the leak
2) no one wants to admit they're doing it (no one ever told me I ever did anything wrong)
3) there is no reason for treating me like this

I certainly don't kiss up to this higher-up when I meet him in the hallway and don't even go out of my way to say "hi" to him, so this may add reasons for him to dislike me, given that almost everyone else is kissing up to him.

At the same time, all my colleagues are on my side, big time, and see that I am being persecuted. Also my boss seems to appreciate my work, so much that, despite being in the room next to this higher-up, she goes to lunch and lets me use her computer - given that I've been disabled from all these things. Just a week ago, I was asked to buy a USB flash drive to back up our sensitive data, and I was asked to the back it up.

So I am always around sensitive data, I am being trusted with everything, but at the same time there's this guy who gives instructions to treat me as a criminal. It is just this one guy, as far as I could find out. But officially he pretends that nothing is happening. Also, this direct boss of mine and the previous one, being afraid of him, because their career depends from him, never penalize me but never tell me what is going on and why I am seeing all these things happen to my authorizations to use programs/folders.

So now I had this nightmare and I don't know what to do about it. Most colleagues told me not to react. My father told me to mention it to the boss, and ask why. But I know she'll do the same thing and evade the question.

Not only am I having nightmares, but I can't sleep. So I won't work too well tomorrow.

This is exactly the objective of mobbing, so he's succeeding.

So this makes me want to complain instead of suffering quietly.

At the same time, I am thinking about my lessons from trading. For effective trading you must not take things personally and this works exactly the same in life, although we do not realize it.

So, the word "dignity" and "pride" sound good in movies, but in trading and in life, they lead to counter-productive behaviors.

In other words, the "respectable" thing to do is to maybe go to his room and talk to him. But it may not be the profitable thing to do. Actually it might very well be, but I don't want to do it. So maybe the trading is now giving me an excuse to not do things I don't feel like doing. I can't be direct and outspoken when it comes to people I am afraid of. I don't know what the potential consequences of facing up to him are.

At any rate there might also be good things to learn from trading.

When you make a bad trade, you should get out, without regrets, without vengeance. You should accept your loss. You should accept your diminished account.

Here we could see it like this: I cannot use USB flash drives any more, and so it's like having received a blow and seeing my account diminished.

Do I react or not?

With the markets, you don't have the tools to react successfully, because -- out of revenge trading -- you're just going to trade more, when there is no opportunity, and you're more likely to come across another unprofitable trade.

With this, what happens if I am rushed into a reaction? Does the chance of its profitability increase or decrease?

My father said it is a matter of understanding who is doing this and why. So he says:

1) show that you noticed
2) state clearly that you did not appreciate
3) state clearly that you'd like to know why

He said to not ask the higher-up who's behind all this, but my immediate superior.

I will follow his advice, and yet I already know that she'll try to protect him, like before, because otherwise, they are afraid, I'll go to him and say "they told me that you're behind this, so why are you doing it?" and yet he wants to stay hidden, clearly. He wants to harass me without allowing me to retaliate. But this is pretty hard for a boss, and pretty unusual, too.

Usually you'd expect to be called up and yelled at. But this has never happened. No one will tell me that I did anything wrong. No one will tell me why I am not being trusted. Not only this but no one will even admit that I am not being trusted. So, given that I end up being allowed to use the the boss's computer, it really seems like the point of this is harassing me, rather than protecting the bank from my dangerous actions.

So it goes back to the wikipedia definition of "...humiliation, discrediting, and isolation, it is also referred to as malicious, nonsexual, nonracial, general harassment".

I feel humiliated, I feel discredited, and I feel harassed. And yet he expects to be allowed to do this without ever giving any explanation for this. So maybe I should go straight to the union, and call him out on this.

But you know what? So many things could go wrong that most likely what I'll end up doing, if I can stop having nightmares, and if I can sleep, is this: nothing. I will do nothing and will go on without using USB flash drives. This guy is older, he's been our boss for a few years already, and I'll probably outlast him, too, like I have outlasted the others.

If instead I can't accept this, and I keep having nightmares and I am unable to sleep, then I'll talk to my boss, and if she does and says nothing, then I'll go to the union.

It all depends how impulsive I am, and how much I take it personally. The more I take it personally, the less I sleep, the more impulsive. But this might be a good thing, because that's how I avoided being transferred, because I complained about it to the union. Also, let's not forget that I don't want to bother the union, so maybe I should have a better case before I go to them, or not go at all.

Ok, I am satisfied. I covered every issue and every emotion. I have lost 2 hours of sleep, but I wouldn't have slept anyway. This guy is really evil. This higher-up. I remember disliking him from the start, because he was using my roommate for personal matters, such as shopping and making reservations for his holidays. Yet she wasn't his secretary and even a secretary shouldn't be doing this. But she wasn't. So, much like this example, he has kept using employees as if they were his slaves. And since he can't control me, he wants me out. There are no doubts about this. As there are no doubts that I am not a risk for the compliance department. So the obvious consequence should be that he's harassing me. He could not transfer me, so he's trying to bother me as much as possible.

In the meanwhile, the markets are going my way but only as far as everything else, because gold and silver are taking a beating, and so is JPY.

It's hard to take a beating at work and from the markets at the same time and not react in either field. But I have to hold my positions without reacting, that's pretty clear and easy to do. And at work, I don't know what to do. I am very bothered. And, as I said, I can't sleep because of it.

One thing I had forgotten to say is this, and it's partly why I should maybe not call him out on this USB flash drive issue.

I've been doing my back-ups on the USB flash drive, because I don't trust the safety and reliability of our servers. So this is one thing I can't be doing, because that means bringing sensitive information home.

Furthermore, we're not supposed to browse on personal things, not even emails. Everyone does it. But if I were to complain about being disabled from using USB flash drives, then they might tell me that I misused them.


You see, my conscience is not so clean that I can go around fighting these wars. Yes, I've been doing it for good reasons, but:
1) I used programs not given to us by the bank, which I can't do
2) I did back-ups that I brought home
3) I did web browsing for personal subjects

So here's a list of things that make me think I shouldn't engage this higher-up.

If I even go to work tomorrow, which is to say today, I might even end up telling my boss that I didn't sleep because I found out that they banned me from using USB flash drives. Pretty pathetic. The thing to do, as in a movie, would be to go to the higher-up and yell at him. Of course I don't dream of doing it. And, outside of trading, I am not impulsive at all, but very careful and weigh my behaviors. So there is no chance of that happening.

I don't know.

My prediction is this right now:
1) I won't go to work tomorrow/today or I'll go late.
2) I'll tell my boss that I am bothered by this and I can't sleep over it.

But given that this is my prediction, and that I don't like it... I probably won't go to work at all.

I am definitely taking the impulsive route here, like a spiteful child, like I've done with my trading, for years.

Now I am tired enough to go back to sleep.


[several hours later]

I ended up coming to work, and taking the first two hours off, officially "due to insomnia". I used up two hours from my holiday days/time.
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I am still watching Austrian tv:

If you think that the population of Austria is around 8 millions, smaller than that of Lombardy...

... you then realize how amazingly good their tv is.

For example, this Barbara Karlich is the closest thing I could find to the Jerry Springer show:

They have intellectual debates.

Yesterday they had a conspiracy theorist:


Of course I still only understand a little, but he's talking about the bilderbergers, at minute 17:01.

Pretty good, if in their least intellectual show they discuss bilderberg, for several minutes, without laughing at anyone.

The theme of this show was "Dein Lebensmotto heißt: "Ich bin dagegen"", which translates to
"Your life motto is: "I'm against it"". Basically a show dedicated to anti-conformists.

Too bad they only keep shows up to 4 shows ago.

It'd be worth it to learn German even just to watch Austrian television, I mean ORF.


Lots of rolled "r" in these Austrian tv shows and I found a good description of this accent:
Most people in the "Bundesland" Bavaria (Bayern), in Austria and Switzerland use the alveolar R. The ex-president of Germany, Roman Herzog, who came from Bavaria, rolled the R in all his speeches to the nation. But the rolled R of the germans is very soft (similar to the italian R, e.g. in Roma) and not like the strongly rolled R of Castilian, e.g. in "rojo".
Basically the southern part of all German speakers have this thing, and the other half, the northern part, do not. Although the population is much more in the northern half.
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Damn, it happened again. I woke up at 5 am and can't go back to sleep.

I used this time to start the systems and now i'll try to go back to sleep again.

Not much to say. Yesterday this higher-up came into our room, with an excuse, because he probably overheard that I was talking behind his back. He said "hi" to me and another guy, and I didn't even reply. It would have been too fake of me.

There is no solution to our problem because this guy operates like the mafia. He never called me into his office to discuss the mobbing he's doing to me. He never complained about one thing in my behavior, neither him nor anyone else.

It's like the mafia. You get killed, but you can only suspect by whom. Or someone sets your store on fire, but you are not positive who exactly did it. No one claims responsibility for it.

So I called the office in charge of our security and clearances and asked "I am not allowed to use USB flash drives: is this a mistake or is it intentional?". Guess what: no one replied. You don't even get answers to your questions. Because they have no reason for doing this to me, so it's clearly mobbing. They cannot justify it openly.

At the same time, I am not as angry as yesterday, because I am getting used to it, and because I see that I have the support of everyone else at the office, and my boss appreciates my work (albeit not enough to go against her boss to defend me). So it might be just a political thing (cfr. post from yesterday). I am still offended. But I am not having nightmares and I am not as angry as yesterday.


Ok, I ended up going to work just half an hour late. For tomorrow I bought some beers, so that if I wake up in the middle of the night, I'll drink and go back to sleep.
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They've got subtitles as well: I hadn't noticed.


PERFECT tool to learn german.


At work, I talked to the boss (a she) and she told me that there is no mobbing at my expense and that she appreciates my work. At the same time I am positive that the higher-up is a dishonest crook who's afraid of me, and wants me to be controlled, probably because my father is an honest politician and he's afraid of getting in trouble. Today I called the IT customer service and they gave me a lot of bull**** and technobabble in order to avoid telling me the truth: that someone had decided that my USB flash drive had to be disabled. They said it is a bug that happens randomly and has been happening for years. Pretty pathetic. But the news is that this higher-up is totally afraid of me knowing that he means to disable these things, just the way he's been in the past 2 years. Like the mafia, more or less. So it is not exactly mobbing, but close to it. Basically this guy is scum, and he's afraid of me, but not afraid of my dishonesty - afraid of my honesty. Afraid I might uncover some garbage and turn into some sort of a whistleblower.

Evil triumphed once again over good, because this scum was able to do what he has done to me. On the other hand, I feel all right overall, because I had plenty of praise and support from colleagues and today from my boss as well, although she's kind of a double agent, because she's trying to protect the higher-up from my reaction and curb my anger towards him.


I used to think that, like in movies, good always triumphs over evil in the end.

I don't think that way anymore. It doesn't always win. It wins about 50% of the time, and it's more tiring to do good than to do evil. So you wonder if it's really worth it.

It feels better, but I can't help getting upset when I see myself being defeated by evil, by people not following as many rules as I do, by people being less honest than I am.
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Neither one, I am for Beppe Grillo.

I woke up in the middle of the night again, needless to say. Thanks to my delusions of persecution. Drank 1 Corona beer already, but not avail yet. Starting the systems now, lots of rolling over on my future contracts.

Raining here in Rome.

Losing a lot of money on Gold, Silver and Corn.

JPY isn't doing too well either. Went from +4000 to -200 in 3 weeks.

When is my day coming? My payday?

I've been waiting for so many months... I want my profit from these awesome trades of mine: gold, silver, yen, bund, oil, natural gas. I was expecting by now at least 20k of profit on each of these positions. Instead I have an overall loss of 10k.
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