my journal 3

"unnecessarily complicated", minute 1 or 2, good point about how central banking works

Mike Maloney is being sabotaged by facebook for his anti-Fed speech:

...Yep, here's his "abusive" content:

one of the best videos on the Federal Reserve ever made
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Internet Radio Host Pete Santilli Revealed as FBI Informant

Pete Santilli, primary internet radio host on the Rense Network , has been exposed as an informant for the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI).

In a fax dated the 28th of October, Santilli contacted the FBI Field Office in Sacramento, California for help in fear of becoming “the scapegoat” in what is entitled “Operation Outruck” (OOT).

Verification that Santilli sent the fax to the correct number can be found here .

A search of this operation turns up a document that was taken down from the internet. As of this writing, there is no information about OOT other than the mention in the fax from Santilli to the FBI...
Snowden, CIA Shill?
The operations of secret intelligence agencies aiming at the manipulation of public opinion generally involve a combination of cynical deception with the pathetic gullibility of the targeted populations.
There is ample reason to believe that the case of Edward Joseph Snowden fits into this pattern. We are likely dealing here with a limited hangout operation, in which carefully selected and falsified documents and other materials are deliberately revealed by an insider who pretends to be a fugitive rebelling against the excesses of some oppressive or dangerous government agency...
...The most obvious characteristic of the limited hangout operative is that he or she immediately becomes the darling of the controlled corporate media. In the case of Daniel Ellsberg, his doctored set of Pentagon papers were published by the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, and eventually by a consortium totaling seventeen corporate newspapers. These press organs successfully argued the case for publication all the way to the United States Supreme Court, where they prevailed against the Nixon administration.

Needless to say, surviving critics of the Warren Commission, and more recent veterans of the 9/11 truth movement, and know very well that this is emphatically not the treatment reserved for messengers whose revelations are genuinely unwelcome to the Wall Street centered US ruling class. These latter are more likely to be slandered, vilified and dragged through the mud, or, even more likely, passed over in complete silence and blacked out. In extreme cases, they can be kidnapped, renditioned or liquidated...
I went below 40k and lost control...

After months of patient waiting for gold, silver and corn to rise, I really lost it yesterday and the day before.

Here's what happened, summarized.

In August, I had finally reached a good level of capital and was sitting, long, on a few trades: gold, silver, corn, yen.

Well, after waiting September and October, over two months, for these things to leaven my capital to at least 60k, yesterday and Thursday I got fed up. Especially because, all at once, silver, gold and corn were falling. And my systems were losing as well, and all this combined brought my capital well below 40k.

So what did I do? I didn't sell them and I didn't double up, and these are both good things.

But I added other trades, which might not have been ripe for buying.

I went short on the Bund. And I went long on natural gas and oil.

We will see whether, with as many as... seven positions open, I will finally see my capital leaven.

Gold, silver, corn, yen, bund, oil, natural gas. Except for the indices, I am now invested in every major future market.

Damn. Hopefully I will not place any more trades for another two months. Although I have to say that I am totally fed up with these markets. I was positive that gold, silver and corn would go my way within a few days, and instead I ended up waiting weeks, and then months. So far all in vain.
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More Deception at The Comex
Here's what I think is going on:

The deposits are bull****. Either completely fabricated and falsified OR simple paper claims. It's one or the other due to the simple statistical improbability of three consecutive round numbers totaling exactly 10 metric tonnes.
Recall that back in 2007, Morgan Stanley paid $4.4MM to customers to settle a lawsuit brought by customers who had been charged storage fees on paper metal.
Is JPMorgan pulling the same trick now? Given the laundry list of their other fines since 2011, I wouldn't put it past them.
If this isn't another JPM client-screwjy awaiting a lawsuit, then The Comex and, by extension The CME Group, is allowing JPMorgan to fraudulently goose their warehouse stocks ahead of the all-important December delivery period to give a false impression of solvency. The World Gold Council-owned BullionVault may not think that the lowest stocks since 2005 is a big deal but plenty of other folks due, most notably Jesse. He's been diligently tracking the daily changes for months. Click this latest update and be sure to review the charts:
Lastly, the brazenness of the operation must be noted. No effort is made to conceal it. The CME Group simply reports the statistically-outrageous numbers and no one notices or cares. We're just supposed to believe that JPMorgan's eligible vault can nearly double in size in just over two weeks and that's all fine, dandy and business as usual.

I am taking up some German. Hopefully, it'll take my mind off the baking and keep me from placing any more trades. This is going to keep me busy for months.

I think I just stumbled upon the best youtube course ever made, the one above and all these other youtube videos below:

But they don't only have German. They have another dozen languages. The thing is that these volunteers are good for German, because probably that's where this program was created. Whereas for Italian, the equivalent course is pretty mediocre:

One thing is three German girls speaking clearly about a concise and defined grammar topic, and another thing is one Italian girl asking random questions in the street to random people, who actually don't have the right Italian accent and don't speak clearly.


Another good thing I found that I can do, while I learn, is watch the financial news channel. Streaming live all day long:

They seem to be very focused on technical analysis. They are showing trend lines very often. Which is something I don't see very often on CNBC or similar channels. I also found a couple of good web sites for German gold bugs:

Pretty predictably, they're saying the same things as the american gold bugs. Just as I am sure that Germany, too, has plenty of idiots. Except overall they're probably smarter than the idiots from other countries.
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Still not understanding much but I am at least finding things that I want to understand:

Major politicians here (party leaders, former ministers, an historian), subtitles, and an interesting topic ("80 years after Hitler's seizure of power - how stable our democracy is today").


Fascinating debating... nothing like hearing Berlusconi and his minions.
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5 Reasons to Avoid Almond Flour

I was going to buy almond flour and start using it to bake muffins, but I decided against it after reading this article:
1. Almond flour skews perception about quantity
2. Almond flour is very high in inflammatory PUFAS
3. The fats in almond flour aren’t heat stable
4. Almond flour is high in oxalates
5. Coconut flour is healthier than almond flour
I'll buy coconut flour instead.
what an idiot I have been today

Today I was withdrawing some money at the ATM, only 40 euros, and, amazingly, for the first time in my life, I forgot to take the money. Man, what an idiot!

It is true that I withdraw money from it once a day (about 40 euros every day, so that I always have change for taxi drivers), and that definitely increases the probability of being distracted and making a mistake. But I cannot be forgiven for being so relaxed as to forget my money at the ATM. I went home and when it was time to pay the driver, I realized that I didn't have that extra 40 euros in my wallet.

Well, it's just paper anyway, so no damage was done to anyone but myself, but never again!

This is something typical of my mom... she does something like this once a week, like burning things, losing things, forgetting things. But I've never been like my mom and I am proud of it. I can't start screwing up now.

I must have been getting too relaxed and distracted, thinking about my latest pancakes/muffins recipes.
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Holy cow, I am getting to the point, after just a few days of efforts, of understanding more or less what they're talking about, as long as they're talking about finance:

Many times before I've said to myself "now I'll learn German", and always gave up, after a few days. But this time I will probably manage. I've got enough free time and determination.

Of course I am aware that it's going to take about 3 months before I can understand, let's say, an entire political speech (which is usually the easiest one), not just a sentence here and there, which I cannot even do now. Now I can understand half a sentence here and there.

Here's what I am doing, and it works just great.

I hear tv, the tv that I am most interested in, or youtube, and then I repeat what I want to understand into the microphone here:

Then google translate tells me two things: 1) if I pronounced it right, and 2) what it means.

This way I improve on all the major areas of a language:
1) learning the meaning of words
2) learning the spelling
3) learning the sound
4) learning to pronounce them

All with just 2 pages open and one google chrome session.

But this, too, is quite useful:
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leave the pancakes, take the muffins

Nothing will ever come...

... will ever come close to the simplicity of making muffins. After trying out my muffins batter to make pancakes and pouring maple syrup on it, I realized that I will not ever make pancakes again:

1) they taste as good to worse
2) they don't always come out right, because you need to tweak the heat, flip them... so on
3) you have to wash more stuff needed to make them, and more stuff needed to eat them (forks, knives, glasses, plates, pans with grease on them, etcetera).
4) they're not as healthy
5) you need maple syrup

Forget pancakes, I am going to stick to muffins.
merkel's and putin's New Year's Addresses to the Nation

kind of interesting, they both tell their peoples to be kind to their neighbors and compassionate - i don't remember hearing this from our Italian president


Anyway, I need to study this merkel speech inside out, because it is only 6 minutes, it's got good subtitles and it's very very clear.

For example, I already noticed that she pronounces "mehr" in a way that is not common to all Germans.

It sounds more like "mere" than "mayor", which is what I found here (sound clip):

Here instead they have both:

The user "patu" pronounces it like her, whereas "computer" and most other users pronounce "mayor" (sounds close to it).

More on this subject here:
...Angela Merkel, pastor's daughter who grew up in eastern Brandenburg. Thatcher affected a posher than posh accent; Merkel speaks standard German but with a heavy East German accent...

Got it! I found the whole speech:
Liebe Mitbürgerinnen und Mitbürger,

2013 wird ein Jahr vieler 50. Jahrestage. Vor 50 Jahren wurde der Silvester-Klassiker "Dinner for One" in Hamburg aufgezeichnet. Es fand der 1. Spieltag der Fußball-Bundesliga statt. Der deutsche Erfinder und Fernsehpionier Walter Bruch stellte sein Farbfernsehverfahren PAL vor. Vor 50 Jahren war es auch, als der amerikanische Präsident John F. Kennedy im durch die Mauer geteilten Berlin seine legendären Worte sagte: "Ich bin ein Berliner."...

Got it, I also found the version with the German subtitles:

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Today my boss seems like she's in a bad mood. Maybe it's because, like every year, I asked for my part-time renewal, and this time I asked to decrease by another half an hour and be here from 8:15 till 13:45. She hasn't approved the form yet. I had hoped for a better timing, but this is when the systems asked us to turn our forms in.

If she still approves it, I'll be the happiest person for a day. Going home at 13:45 means being almost on vacation every day.
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latest eastbound and down episode

Excellent as always, the latest episode of Eastbound and Down:

Best server:

Great plot, great acting, great directing, great music.

"Pictured: Marilyn Manson goes make-up free for his cameo on his favourite TV show Eastbound & Down":
Brian is a self-confessed superfan of the series, which tells the story of a former baseball player who returns to his old middle school to teach physical education.

For years he has been lobbying to get himself a walk-on role in the series - and, finally, it seems to have paid off.
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