my journal 2

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Time you spend on infrastructure will pay off later. Ie. Worry now so you don't have to worry later.

-The laziest man at LazyManForex-
fried cpu

Someone told me, the hotter you run a CPU, the earlier it will die. But 4 months is bad! Tough luck. I also figured that when a server crashes once, then it'll carry on crashing, if it's the hardware.
Done. In less than 24 hours everything was done. I am quite impressed by me, and by my friend's competence and dedication:

1) Bought new computer for very cheap, but it's an excellent one
2) installed everything
3) customized everything
4) ran tws and excel successfully

I customized windows 7 so much that now it looks almost exactly like windows xp except for the desktop button, which is on the lower right corner. I must say I know nothing about operating systems, but the user-interface sucks, and that is why I customized it to make it look like xp. It hides stuff from you, important stuff. The folder tree-view menus are mostly gone and you have to work hard to get them back.

Anyway, overall i am happy we had this hardware failure, forcing us... up, where we belong.

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Anyway, overall i am happy we had this hardware failure, forcing us... up, where we belong.

You have a cheesy streak a mile wide, Travis.

Anyway what spec is your new machine and how much did you pay for it? If you don't mind me asking.
What does that cheese expression mean? Let me know, for our English class.

Here's all the details on the server:

My friend liked it so much that he wanted to take it back from me, and jokingly we had a bet that if its performance improved by getting rid of graphics and sound it would be mine, but now, supposedly, it's his, because it didn't improve. Whoever is the owner, it is sitting in his house, 8 thousand kilometers from here. You see, I had bought the nano, but as it burned out basically, now it's not worth as much - even though it will be fixed because it is still under warranty. He will sell it on ebay, and then we'll discuss the financial arrangements.

It has about ten times as much power (not in terms of CPU but in general, I can't be more technical - too ignorant) as the previous one, and uses ten times the power in fact. It can last 20 minutes on the UPS, whereas before the nano could have lasted several hours. Now we're screwed with this respect. But everything else is better. I looked at the cpu usage history and my systems (especially the moving averages part) don't tire it at all. I could even play a videogame while they're running.
Looks good. I guess HP is a good manufacturer. Haven't heard anything too bad about them at least. But I'm surprised at its power consumption. I've got a similar spec machine and it claims it has really low power consumption.

I meant definition 3.

What wiktionary doesn't tell you is that there are people who actually strive for cheesiness as a kind of counter-culture and who would appreciate the kind of reference you made to Up Where We Belong
going towards an idiocracy...

Just like for television (see US talk shows) and politics, also for software we are going towards the situation described in the movie Idiocracy.

See this new feature in TWS, which simplifies life for idiots and complicates it for everyone else (it just won't go away):


And see this new desktop button in windows 7, which we have to use all the time, that some powerful idiot at microsoft decided had to be moved on the far right, so now everyone has to move the mouse all the way to the lower right corner to click that button, instead of having it with all the other buttons, as it was on xp:


That's the single most clicked button during your computer time, and where do you have to place it? Somewhere distant, where you have to take a trip just to click that goddamn button. There should have been a vote at microsoft before moving that desktop button, but there was no vote or else it would not have been moved. There was an idiot in charge, who decided for everyone else, and all the intelligent people had to obey this guy and implement it for him. So it's really becoming an "idiocracy", in the sense that all the bosses are idiots, or maybe the bosses are intelligent but the masses are increasingly stupid and companies have to adapt to the stupid majority.

So the smart microsoft and IB programmers are put to work for idiot customers, and are told, instead of showing all the options in a program, to hide all the options (the famous stupid "customized menus" that only show the buttons you click most frequently). They are told instead of setting a "detail" view of files by default, to set up a view with big pictures and popups and for example a ****ing dog in the windows search, already there on XP. Everything goes, just like in TV and politics, towards making more comfortable the life of lazy idiots rather than the life of the smart and hard-working ones. I am quite upset about this because obviously the smart people are put to work and have to work their ass off to produce this bad software in order to help out the idiots. Not "idiots" really, just lazy people, who, by being lazi all their life, become idiots. But maybe this is really an idiocracy because the CEO themselves are other idiots who tell the scientists to work stupidly, since they are stupid. In fact in my company all those at the top are always on coffee breaks talking about soccer and kissing up to the stupid bosses and to one another, and the crew, with lower wages, is sitting down, working their ass off.

Maybe this happens because the people working their ass off dont have to socialize. Or maybe they work hard because they are bad at socializing. The others instead have a good time, talk to one another, and this helps them achieve the role of "leaders", especially with a large majority of idiots. So the leader is always a superficial idiot by nature, his job is being superficial or he wouldn't have become the leader he is. This really sucks.

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pretty good day

Trading is going well. The server is going well. Work, too. I have taken some time off the monitor... I am in a good mood.
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Re: pretty good day

I couldn't believe that "show desktop" button 'feature' either. Jaw-dropping stupidity.
Considering that my mouse cursor tends to be on the left side, due to many reasons ("task bar", "start button", the fact that windows start opening from the left, etc.), this/these moron/s, whoever is responsible for this, is making me move the mouse each time 10 centimeters to the right, hundreds of times per day. That's several extra kilometers per month due to this idiot, and in the long run this will damage my touchpad, too. I want to dedicate this song to him and his desktop button:

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Fascinating, check it out, there's a map on the bottom of the page, and you can study the various accents:

This one is good. They all pronounce it correctly:****

This is interesting, too:****/

Well in the end it is not a guarantee of accent, because in some cases it's Americans living in south america and viceversa.

This one reflects exactly where those pronouncing it are from (even though it's not easy to tell the difference):

This reminds me of the documentary i watched on youtube, the Story of English, beacause it had an episode entitled "the muvver tongue":

But there's no australians available, to see if they pronounce it "muvver". However there's australians for "father":

Yeah, good web site:
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"Error exporting report (20027). Unable to open clipboard."

Cfr. this post:

Here's a new episode of Tradestation 2000i's "Error exporting report (20027). Unable to open clipboard.", with a summary of the previous ones:

2010 07 11

So I opened up Internet Explorer, copied some text from this page and pasted it onto an excel sheet, and then tried using tradestation and exporting a report and it worked. Now I can finally go back to work. Thanks, Mats Bengtsson:

...If you have some other applications, try cutting and pasting between them using the clipboard...


2010 08 03

Solved it again, but in a different way (previous method didn't work any more):

I opened the report, then copied it on excel with the second button from the left on top ("copy to clipboard"), using both options ("copy only active window" and "copy entire application"). Then I tried saving the report, while I was on the "trades" sheet (the second one) and this time it worked perfectly. Yet I was on the OMNIA.orw so maybe this affected it, too. I don't know which was the cause of it working but now it works again.

2010 08 17

Damn. Solved it again, but, since the methods above did not work, I tried a whole lot of things and now I don't know exactly what solved it.

1) Unlikely: regclean, xp repair, registry mechanic, atf cleaner

2) very probable solution(s): I opened the program C:\WINDOWS\system32\clipbrd.exe and started messing with it. First I copied on it a .jpg, from hypersnap. Then I deleted the content of it (most likely this did it). Then I opened tradestation and opened a report and copied (always keeping clipbrd.exe open), like above on 2010 08 03, with the second button from the left on top ("copy to clipboard"), using both options ("copy only active window" and "copy entire application"). And i watched it as it appeared on clipbrd.exe. Then I tried saving the report, while I was on the "summary" sheet (unlike above, so this detail doesn't matter) and it worked perfectly.

So it could be any of the above things, but I think it had something to do with clipbrd.exe, because i tried the 2010 08 03 method several times and it never worked.

Actually today I also reset the windows display properties - themes, because my IE 8 was all blacked out on the top menu bars. But this is not likely what solved the problem, even though it has something to do with windows and explorer, you never know.

One thing I did NOT do this time was change .orw file, reinstall tradestation, uninstall it... so we can exclude that. We can also exclude installing updates, which i did this morning, because in the past I managed to fix this problem without installing the updates. Yet, if the problem never came back it would definitely be because of the 4 updates I installed, suggested a long time ago by my longtime risk friend.

If it was the updates, it's solved forever (i have to remember to always install them: now I have version Omega Research ProSuite 2000i - Version: 5.00.0822 - Date: 03/23/2000). If it was the clipbrd.exe, I can do it again. If it was those other registry fixing and cleaning programs, then it's a pain but i can do it again, too.

Nonetheless, I won't turn my laptop off until I've done what I had to do with tradestation's reports.
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Re: "Error exporting report (20027). Unable to open clipboard."

Ah, you make me feel better about suffering with NinjaTrader 7 beta.

And I heard they're rebranding TradeStation. They're going to call it TradeLover 😍 2010.
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