going towards an idiocracy...
Just like for television (see US talk shows) and politics, also for software we are going towards the situation described in the movie
See this new feature in TWS, which simplifies life for idiots and complicates it for everyone else (
it just won't go away):
And see this new desktop button in windows 7, which we have to use all the time, that some powerful idiot at microsoft decided had to be moved on the far right, so now everyone has to move the mouse all the way to the lower right corner to click that button, instead of having it with all the other buttons, as it was on xp:
That's the single most clicked button during your computer time, and where do you have to place it? Somewhere distant, where you have to take a trip just to click that goddamn button. There should have been a vote at microsoft before moving that desktop button, but there was no vote or else it would not have been moved. There was an idiot in charge, who decided for everyone else, and all the intelligent people had to obey this guy and implement it for him. So it's really becoming an "idiocracy", in the sense that all the bosses are idiots, or maybe the bosses are intelligent but the masses are increasingly stupid and companies have to adapt to the stupid majority.
So the smart microsoft and IB programmers are put to work for idiot customers, and are told, instead of showing all the options in a program, to hide all the options (the famous stupid "customized menus" that only show the buttons you click most frequently). They are told instead of setting a "detail" view of files by default, to set up a view with big pictures and popups and for example a ****ing dog in the windows search, already there on XP. Everything goes, just like in TV and politics, towards making more comfortable the life of lazy idiots rather than the life of the smart and hard-working ones. I am quite upset about this because obviously the smart people are put to work and have to work their ass off to produce this bad software in order to help out the idiots. Not "idiots" really, just lazy people, who, by being lazi all their life, become idiots. But maybe this is really an idiocracy because the CEO themselves are other idiots who tell the scientists to work stupidly, since they are stupid. In fact in my company all those at the top are always on coffee breaks talking about soccer and kissing up to the stupid bosses and to one another, and the crew, with lower wages, is sitting down, working their ass off.
Maybe this happens because the people working their ass off dont have to socialize. Or maybe they work hard because they are bad at socializing. The others instead have a good time, talk to one another, and this helps them achieve the role of "leaders", especially with a large majority of idiots. So the leader is always a superficial idiot by nature, his job is being superficial or he wouldn't have become the leader he is. This really sucks.