my journal 2

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Watching this one now:

It is good so far. It seems like movies with bobby cannavale are all good: Cannavale

I was wrong. It's got some realism, but the plot is an awful mess. Unless you want to just depict life in the Cayman Islands.


Well, after watching it until the end, I have to admit it wasn't too bad despite the plot being too complex.

Actually it was ok. Let's say i will even advise you to watch it, especially because it's somewhat related to finance, and because it was not a masterpiece for sure, but it was entertaining enough to be watched from start to end without too much effort.
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can't sleep



Terrible and terrific at once.

Yeah, I can't sleep. Right. Because I am overwhelmed with emotions, good mostly, but a lot of stress as well, but even happiness is stressful if you're not used to it.

So, here's the news. Major scaling up implemented on the systems, with the agreement of whoever else is working with me. Yeah, because if I were in this alone, by now I would have blown out my account over and over again. Instead, like this, I just can't sleep, but I don't interfere with the systems still, nor with the money management of them.

The scaling up means closer retirement, more money made, and all that.

In fact, I could retire right now if I had everyone's blessing. But I don't. I simply don't make enough to shock them and get their approval. Relatives and family would simply say "the stock market is not a reliable source of income - it could stop at any time", but then again I reply or rather I say to myself "then what am I doing all this for?". It's not like my ambition is to build up capital as my pension fund. The whole point of this thing is that I want to quit my job. And that is the same reason I kept blowing out my account over and over again: I wanted money too badly. Now I still do, but someone else is managing the account and the money management, so I can't harm my own dreams by running too fast.

But there's more to my insomnia.

I recently met a friend, the first friend who ever introduced me to automated trading, or rather "system trading" (for automated trading, it was another friend who helped me with it). He's the one who sent a tradestation cd to me. Without him, I wouldn't have been here now. So we started talking and he wants me to help him code systems for him, as a programmer (yeah, he considers me a "programmer", even though I am a basic vba self-taught programmer). In return I can keep what I learn and I can even share it with whoever it is that I am working with right now.

And here's yet another source of stress. My aunt, one of the aunts I call and complain about my life to, she has a professor friend, who has a son, and this dude is into trading systems just as much as I am. Very intelligent dude. He recently introduced me to the "drop box" software, very good one. Anyway, this guy just started trading 3 years ago, college student still, and he was very excited to hear about my automated trading, so excited that I had to send him and install tradestation (just like I got it ten years ago from the other guy I talked about above). Not only this, but he also formatted and reinstalled (before this) his windows 7 operating system, will do acronis, as i advised, will not use his pc for anything other than trading, and tomorrow he will open an account with IB. Basically he is doing everything I suggested to him, overnight. So... great satisfaction from all these people, but also great stress from having to live up to expectations now that I've accepted to help them and now that, in general, my level of responsibility has risen so much:

1) taking care of 28 rather than 16 systems, and all the work requested and related to these changes (a whole lot of workbooks and tables and charts related to margin requirements calculations and historical performance)
2) getting ready to develop systems for a friend and possibly, if they work (probably the case), implementing those systems for myself, on top of the 120 I already have
3) helping my beginner friend get started with tradestation and IB

This is all useful for my brain and knowledge, all three of them. But it is a bit too much right now. Ideally, I should quit my job at this very moment, so I can face up to this challenge. But I can't do it.

What I can do is skip work tomorrow, and most likely I will do it. Actually I'll do it for sure. Damn. I can't sleep. Of course I won't go. The only question is whether I'll go 3 hours late, or I'll take a whole day off, and then another issue is whether I'll say "sickness" or "vacation". The crazy thing is that they're happier if I say "sick" because as a vacation it would mean insubordination, since I didn't plan it ahead. Instead "vacation" is far more honest than "sickness", because I am not sick but just couldn't sleep. But they usually prefer if I say "sick". Actually it may be different with this boss, who lets me do whatever I want, and is an idiot.

I mean yes, it sounds like I am taking advantage of him, but it's not like this. This is the same guy who's causing me insomnia, and certainly the one who has caused me insomnia for the past 4 months, with the kaizen "continuous improvement" dicks (may they rest in peace, now that they're almost history). Nice and stupid people are good when they're not your bosses. Otherwise it's better to have an asshole as a boss, because at least he's running things properly. Assholes tend to be more intelligent and efficient than nice people. Actually "nice" at the work place is almost a synonym of "stupid", "inefficient" and therefore "danger".

There's nothing I can do about this. If I can't sleep, I can't sleep. It's not like I have to work and don't want to. With sleeping it's different. You just cannot make yourself sleep. And if I don't sleep enough, I just cannot go to work.

It's all ****ed. I don't know what to do, godfather, I don't know what to do...

Great happiness and great insomnia at once.

Tell you what: I am going to watch a ****ing movie. Something related to finance, like haven.
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some songs, che guevara, and more

You know, I really like this one.

I am going to find out the lyrics and make it the anthem of my systems.

Here it is:

El pueblo unido jamás será vencido,
el pueblo unido jamás será vencido...
The people united will never be defeated,
The people united will never be defeated...

El pueblo unido jamás será vencido,
el pueblo unido jamás será vencido...

De pie, cantar
que vamos a triunfar.
Avanzan ya
banderas de unidad.
Y tú vendrás
marchando junto a mí
y así verás
tu canto y tu bandera florecer,
la luz
de un rojo amanecer
anuncia ya
la vida que vendrá...

In English:
The people united will never be defeated,
The people united will never be defeated...

Arise, sing
We are going to win.
Flags of unity
are now advancing.
And you will come
marching together with me,
and so you'll see
your song and your flag blossom.
The light
of a red dawn
already announces
the life to come...

The systems united will never be defeated,
The systems united will never be defeated...
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still can't sleep

I just worry and worry, and have an ever-increasing hunger for scaling up.

I have always been a perfectionist and a workaholic, so whenever a task is accomplished, i put it behind me, and work on a new task. If there are no tasks or no problems to solve, then I probably unconsciously create them, by looking for them very hard, if where there are none.

So as soon as the scaling up was over, I started worrying about further scaling up.

As soon as I got rid of all contacts and people stimulating me and causing me lack of sleep, I nonetheless resumed working on the systems on my own.

My father is just like me, and actually I am like this precisely because my father made me become like this, by constantly stressing me out and teaching me to never relax and just keep on working endlessly and without rewards. Damn asshole.

More on this in the future. Biggest subject of my journal, I'd say.
Interesting development with you helping your aunt's professor friend's son (think I got that connection right ! Lol - see we are paying attention !) anyways, I have found in the past that just helping someone in this trading game has little upside, both for the reasosn you mention (extra stress/work/responsibility etc...) and also because generally if they fail (the greater probability with or without your help) they blame you, and if they succedd it is their victory not yours,Lol...What can be useful though are mutually beneficial colaborations where both parties/every one stands to gain (or lose.) I had a very beneficial colaboration recently where we both benefited and this is the second such successful colaboration in my trading journey to this point. When they work they can work very well for both/all parties.

Great news about the 'scaling up' on the systems, hope it continues to go well. All the preparatory work and analysis you have put in should ensure that you continue to manage your trading edge portfolio well not least beacuse you have an abundance of managemnet information about it that you have generated. They say that 'information is the 5th factor of production (Adam Smith in his 18th century book The Wealth of Nations re-stated, Land, Labour and Capital and added Enterprise as the 4th,) and I tend to concur. With information you ahve the power to analyse key facts about your trading edge and this continual analysis will ensure that yoiu manage it's constituent parts in the best way that is available to you.

Re the insomnia and workaholism, streess etc...this is a very exciting time for you, suddenly all the hard work is bearing fruit but you carry the baggage of all the failed attempts behind it...your dreams and aspirations seem in reach, things are/will change as you go through this process including you, but you are smart and savvy, you know this and you know the traps that have befell you before, just keep at it, but keep your goals reasonable and achievable, clearly categorise and manage the objectives required to achieve the goals and if you can, limit/balance your activity required to do so...Remember too that your backers just want realism, fact, honesty (good or bad bads) and effective communication. In every step you take seek their agreement, never leave them ignorant of any changes you make...they act not just in a financial sense but as a counter balance to one's own worst excesses, '...None of us are as good as all of us.'

Continued Good Luck.

Ok, regarding collaborations: I am very antisocial, but in this case I'd have to say that, as far as trading, I got everything out of my hard work first of all, of course, but secondly out of collaborations. Here's the long list of successes:

1) 2002: Italian forum dude introduced me to trading systems and sent me a tradestation CD
2) 2003-2004: RISK (online board game) playing american dude taught me how to debug tradestation's many bugs and taught me how to develop systems (he's hosting my server as we speak, with all the systems running on it)
3) 2005-2006: Italian forum (other forum) dude automated my first system. They sucked and kept sucking for the next 3 years, but I learned how to automate systems. This is one of many guys I didn't get along with, and yet we collaborated for two years, during which we kept offending each other. The nicest people are those you should mistrust. It's best if you can surround yourself with mean assholes, because those are the ones likely to work hard, and keep their word.
4) 2005-2011: various dudes gave me ideas for systems, as we were talking on forums and on chats: maybe one third of all my systems come from the ideas of these dudes.
5) 2010-2011: investor dude totally improved my systems and my appraisal of systems and gave me capital to invest on them... a whole bunch of improvements caused by mere collaboration, when I was at my wits' end after blowing out my account for 14 years, month after month, despite having created profitable systems in the meanwhile.

But the thing with collaborations is that you have to choose the dudes who will stick with you after you show yourself at your worst. That's why I am always making sure I don't make a good impression and show how disagreeable I am... the only guys who will stick around are those who really appreciate you, and those who really appreciate you are those you need, because only intelligent people can appreciate other intelligent people, whereas the moron dudes base their judgment on appearances, so you must totally destroy your appearances, and this way you get rid of all the superficial people who judge others by appearances.

Today, helping the dude, son of professor friend of aunt, I learned:

1) how to install tradestation on windows 7 (a couple of tricks)
2) how IB's applications have changed and improved over the years
3) I learned about the dropbox software (I advise it)
4) other things... too long to remember and mention everything
5) he's grateful that I helped him (not something I learned but another benefit)

At the end I told him "thanks for the questions, keep asking because I learn whether I know the answers or whether I have to find out". It seems like you're helping him, but in reality he's training you with his questions.
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Re: frustrated

I am frustrated about some issues I cannot mention. Other than this, that hostess we met last Sunday is sick and asked me to tell her some hospital so today I might go with her to the hospital. Yeah, pretty sad. She didn't call me to get it on, but to take her to the hospital. Actually she didn't call me but wrote me an email.

Yeah, so today it might be quite an unpleasant. On the other hand, if I go to the hospital with her, then I'll stay away from the computer screen, which is always a good thing.

But since she's not calling me, then it's time to watch another movie. Or at least I'll start it and then walk around the house in my underwear as usual, until something interesting comes up in the movie.

Can't rush a good souffle' 🙂
Yes, regarding the second post, since there's so much I decided to read it and not reply as i read it, which i usually do. Because I would have gone on for too long.

I agree with many things. What I'd like to stress out is that the backers actually do contribute much more than capital, and ignorance is the least of all problems and it is not the case. With their questions they have caused me to work my ass off and find out twice as much as I thought I could ever find out about my systems. Like I said, a bunch of good questions is just as good as a bunch of good answers. Maybe better.

They asked me the right questions (almost all within the realm of statistics), and I decided each time that (most of) those questions needed to be answered and that it was worth it to work my ass off to find an answer to them.

To tell you the truth, my father finally offered me capital again. But for some reason I said to myself that I am not ready to accept it:

1) after losing a couple of times 5k he gave me, I feel ashamed and distrustful of myself in accepting money again.
2) he's not an expert and he could not monitor me: I need people to monitor me.
3) if the money is in my account, I am even more free to tamper with the systems, which is another bad thing
4) more I am forgetting

Basically I have realized that the results are more caused by the methodology brought by the collaboration (first of all trading the selected systems without tampering for as long as it was decided we would, using the out-of-sample when creating them, good risk and money management, and even more double-checking than I used to do, and skepticism about many of my assumptions, etc.) than by the capital brought by this collaboration. To such an extent that I could even take out a loan, accept my dad's offer, and yet I feel it's a dangerous thing to do, because I feel I would not be able to manage money and produce these results on my own. I am incapable of controlling myself to that extent, and, as I wrote in a previous post , I am incapable, like the backers dudes, to handle trading and trading systems just like any other 9 to 5 job, which they do, and in a good way. To me trading is like getting into an argument with the markets. To them it is precisely what I thought automated trading should be but could never achieve on my own. Simply turning the systems on once a day and looking at an equity curve grow. If we lose money for six months, and we did, with them around, I did not do anything. I didn't get mad at the markets and engaged in revenge trading. Alone, at each 500 dollars loss, I would have tried to make it back, and every once in a while I would have blown out my account as a consequence. I apply the statistical method, and then I take statistics personally. This is crazy, but I am still like this, and I can't be left on my own. I am dangerous for myself.

But maybe that is only if I have little money. If i have so much money that I can afford to lose some, then maybe, one day, I might be able to do this on my own. But until I am so undercapitalized, I will take a 500 dollars loss too personally not to tamper with the systems and try to make it back and then blow out my account as a consequence.
Re: frustrated

Can't rush a good souffle' 🙂

Yeah, I am going to block her email anyway. She's no good. I don't want to be called only to take people to the hospital. She has disappeared from my life again, and will get in touch when she needs me. At any rate I had replied that I was tired because of insomnia and that her hospitalization would have to wait.
Still can't sleep.

I want to move away from the city. I dream of going back to the island, where we have a little house.

I dream of standing on the rocks and watch the waves and the tempest and the lighthouse...


I dream of purchasing my freedom, my distance, distance between me and all humans. I dream of being in touch only with people i can block on msn messenger, or on skype, where i can also be offline. I dream of controlling everything in my life, starting from sounds.

I dream of not having neighbours, colleagues, friends telling me to not ignore them. I dream of not having two or three friends who call me periodically and ask me out to dinner, and I have to pay, because that's what i do each time, and I can't say "no" because otherwise they get offended, and I am hoping constantly hoping they'll be moving away from rome soon so I won't have to go to dinner with them. I am all for msn messenger and similar methods. If you're not online, no one can start chatting with you.


I dream of only hearing seagulls around me. I dream of not having to go to work every day to do the same things and meet the same people who tell me the same things, most frequent one being "is everything all right?", to which you always have to answer "yes" because it is now used as a synonym for "hi". "Is everything all right?" means "hi". Nobody cares about your answer. At any rate I never fail to answer "not at all".

I want silence and space. Silence and space. Silence and space. Silence and space. No people. I want to be away from people.
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But the people, the workers of the world are all with me.

They sing my anthem:

I don't know exactly what they're saying but it sounds like they're saying that i am right and eventually i will get my way and everything will be as i want it. Just the voices and the melody tell me this. Maybe they're actually singing stuff against capitalism and that I can't own a house on the island. But to me it sounds like they're saying I will get to own the entire island actually.

If you play this song to a nazi, he'll feel it's talking about hitler maybe. You can make songs say anything you want. That doesn't mean you're right about anything. This life is all random. There's no right and wrong, there's no destiny, there's no purpose, there's no meaning in anything. It's just a bunch of people spending their life and trying to build stuff, write books, create theories. They all tend to think in the same direction, so they tell each other they're right, and instead they're all making the same mistake. So they create santa claus, gods, ideals... and all that. It's all in their imagination. But they're all doing it at the same time, so they most definitely have a feeling that life makes sense, that living makes sense, that working for an ideal makes sense. That we're going towards something... I know this is all bull****, but what's important is being left alone, to have the luxury to stay away from this bull****, from hearing this bull**** at work, at home, in the street. We're animals and we should be in nature. No talking is needed, and thinking has been abused so much. I just want to rest and be away from these stupid sheep-like conformist humans, who call you mad and weird if you instead think clearly. Give me financial independence and solitude. That's what I am asking for.

I want to sleep in peace. I want to sleep sleep sleep. No alarm. No worrying. No job. No people stressing me out. These damn humans around me with the need for meeting other humans and going to get a pizza and a beer... what is the point? What is the point of getting together? Idiots.

They need to fill their empty heads by borrowing some of my thoughts. Get your own thoughts, you morons. Activate your brain and you won't need to meet me for dinner.

I am telling you - i have been surrounded all my life by dozens of idiots who want to "go out" with me and get a pizza, a beer, and smoke cigarettes. Why the hell do i need to eat when I meet you, and why do i need to meet you: we can talk on the phone. And if we meet why are we smoking and drinking beer? It's all bad for my health: your company makes me stupid, you make me spend money, you make me drink unhealthy stuff, smoke unhealthy stuff, waste my time, and on top of it i have to pay. Why can't you leave me alone?

If there weren't that many idiots in the world who spend their time eating pizzas and drinking beers, I would not have to go to the bank for more than one hour per day. Instead I have to stay there every single day for all those hours to do what those slackers can't do, because they never used their brains. So a few hard working intelligent people have to take care of everyone else. That's why I say we need to scale up faster. I need to get out of this place.

I will go to sleep but first turn my alarm off. And I wake up if and when i wake up. And then I go to work. Otherwise I don't. I am not going to be fired if I go late tomorrow. It is just a temporary anger. I will resume my routine in another 24 hours.

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some people read me, so...

I have some free time, but nothing much to say, but since some people read the journal I will try to express what I don't have to say as well as possible.

It's 15.06 CET and I have another 24 minutes to stay here, since today I came a bit late. It's a wonder that I only came 5 minutes late (i can come in from 9 to 9.30 and I came at 9.35).

The temperature is about 30 degrees celsius in the office and with our shirts (i wear no tie anymore) we are almost sweating. The other guy in my room is wearing a tie and he is suffering more.

In a few minutes I will go to brush my teeth, because I had a "coffee break" with two colleagues, within the building, at the vending machines.

Two trades are open on the systems as far as I know, or rather just one system but with two contracts. This is the first time we have enabled 2 contracts on any systems and the first time they're trading. I think it will be profitable. I hope very profitable so the backers get encouraged in this "gutsy" approach.

I will have to do a couple of favors, actually three today. Yeah, I spend my day helping people, and this way I learn stuff.

1) try to get the landlord to let a former colleague of mine rent an apartment in the same block (they're hard to get and you need connections).

2) help "beginner" trader, son of a friend of an aunt, install some more programs (office 2003, and more) and finish his IB application (they want a proof that his parents are rich, because he wrote he's a student and gets money from his parents).

3) help colleague install .iso images of videogames for playstation that he had simply placed on the flash drive and expected to work just like that, as ".iso" images. He asked me why the videogame wouldn't start and yet the files were there. Yeah, pretty ignorant.

Now I'll go to brush my teeth. I have some unmentionable concerns. Then I have the usual emptiness. A bit less stress than usual. Probably because I told the stimulators to cut down on their stimulating me, and yesterday I told a pizza-eater that I can't meet him this weekend, to eat a pizza with him and watch him move his mouth and emit sounds.

The air temperature is getting better now, like 27, and there's no annoying people in the room, and there hasn't been any since vito the chimp left in late January 2011. He still says "hi" to me when I meet him in the hallway. May he rest in peace now that he's out of my life.

Maybe I won't brush my teeth. I'll go home, drink a beer on the way home, and even buy some cigarettes. Then I'll get home a bit drunk, and I'll take of the housing for the former colleague. Yeah, I need to be drunk for that, because I have to call up some people, maybe even the secretary, and ask, as a favor, to let this guy apply for an apartment in my block. Yeah, in Italy you need connections even to go to the hospital, and to buy stamps at the post office.
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power trip with delusions of grandeur

Usual thing that's been happening to me for 14 years: with several thousands from open trades, I am now embarked on a power trip with delusions of grandeur, and I will have more problems sleeping due to my eyes being wide open with the dollar sign in them.

This state of mind is what's always kept me from being able to make any money in the past. Whenever I made a lot of money, I scaled up, I stopped being careful... I found a way to screw up and lose again. Then after the losses, I completed the job by getting frustrated and engaging in revenge trading. Even with the systems I was never safe, because I'd get so used to making money that I'd get mad about a loss by a system, and interfere, double up, keeping it open... terrible situation.

Except this time I am not alone, so nothing is happening. Or rather: everything is still happening in my mind, but it doesn't affect the account.

The people are with me, the revolution is with me... everyone is with me. Everyone is with me. God is on my side, too... I am... big... I am huge... I am a genius... I am everything... I am blessed by the gods...

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nothing, can't help it, still over-excited, euphoric...

I can't help it. I went shopping, bought a mozzarella, came back... still as excited as ever. It's a luxury to worry about this.

In the past, I have gotten euphoric, but it didn't last, because it led to losses and then I got depressed and lost everything and everything was back to normal, regularly depressed mood.

Now it's different. I get excited but I am not alone, so the systems keep on making money, untampered, without any interference from me. Then after a while, we scale up, and the money increases, and I get even more excited, but then again, this doesn't lead to losses, and then we scale up again. I am going through a lot of excitement and there's no way to get out of this... "uncomfortable" situation by destroying my account. Maybe that's what I did in the past: I destroyed my account in order to stop being so excited.

How will I ever get used to seeing my systems produce so much money without me doing anything? Today they made many times over my monthly salary, and... I can't get used to this. It seems like stolen money. It seems like I don't deserve it. It seems like it's not going to last. I get all sorts of paranoid and unmentionable worries about how all this might stop. Money drives people crazy. It has many side effects. I wonder if I will be exempted from them.

Not that I don't want to keep on making money and keep on scaling up and making even more money, but I also cannot help feeling these unpleasant side effects:
1) paranoias about something intefering with me getting rich
2) euphoria and delusions of grandeur

It definitely was more relaxing and felt more comfortable blowing out my account every month.
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will try two movies

I am starting two movies with vince vaughn and see if I can get distracted. They're playing right now. Let's see if I can get hooked on any one of them.

Both good.

Paparazzi is capturing more my attention. Much faster pace. I will watch the other one tomorrow.

Holy cow, this "paparazzi" is a noir comedy, grotesque... it's a funny and yet realistically tragic situation.


Further into the movie, I have to say it is quite a work of art. I am laughing very hard. It's a noir comedy I guess, but a really funny one. It's drama and at the same time comedy, as if it had been directed by two directors, one in charge of the comedy and the other one in charge of the drama.


The second part of the movie is a regular average hollywood movie, but the first part is really kick ass, unbeatable. As with many other movies, it's hard for them to keep up the pace. Many of them tend to be better at the start than in the rest. Except of course taxi driver and other masterpieces.
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still can't sleep

It wasn't just the work on excel (finished), it wasn't the kaizen dicks at work (gone), it wasn't the people I was helping in various ways (done)... it was the money being made by my systems.

I am excited. I am not used to success. I've been complaining all my life, and there's no way I can complain in this situation.

And the price I am paying is that I can't sleep. I'll stop writing, since it won't help this time.

Maybe I'll go drink a bottle of wine, maybe I'll skip work again... I don't know what'll happen.

I feel I should quit my job, but it would be like a step in the dark, for various reasons, the many "what ifs" I hear all the time from relatives and friends.

I have now had a whole when I have been unable to sleep. I don't mean zero sleep each day, but, for being used to sleeping from seven to eight hours, sleeping an average of six hours a day for a whole week, is a disaster to me.
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Re: nothing, can't help it, still over-excited, euphoric...

I can't help it. I went shopping, bought a mozzarella, came back... still as excited as ever. It's a luxury to worry about this.

In the past, I have gotten euphoric, but it didn't last, because it led to losses and then I got depressed and lost everything and everything was back to normal, regularly depressed mood.

Now it's different. I get excited but I am not alone, so the systems keep on making money, untampered, without any interference from me. Then after a while, we scale up, and the money increases, and I get even more excited, but then again, this doesn't lead to losses, and then we scale up again. I am going through a lot of excitement and there's no way to get out of this... "uncomfortable" situation by destroying my account. Maybe that's what I did in the past: I destroyed my account in order to stop being so excited.

How will I ever get used to seeing my systems produce so much money without me doing anything? Today they made many times over my monthly salary, and... I can't get used to this. It seems like stolen money. It seems like I don't deserve it. It seems like it's not going to last. I get all sorts of paranoid and unmentionable worries about how all this might stop. Money drives people crazy. It has many side effects. I wonder if I will be exempted from them.

Not that I don't want to keep on making money and keep on scaling up and making even more money, but I also cannot help feeling these unpleasant side effects:
1) paranoias about something intefering with me getting rich
2) euphoria and delusions of grandeur

It definitely was more relaxing and felt more comfortable blowing out my account every month.

Just relax and understand that money should not change who you are Travis. Money is a tool just like any other tool..............It only amplifies who you really are, and I have known you now for 3 or 4 years..........I know that you will be a better person in the future than you are now..............Just believe in yourself for a change, and know that you are a good man and that life will lead you where you need to go.........and that you will learn the lessons that you need to learn, and if you don't learn them the first time around, then you will be brought back to that situation to learn them again......

Peace Brother,
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