My FTMO journey: trials, trials and maybe more anytime

Valiant try!
Since you were so close to success, are you going for another shot?
I think you let the losses be determined by the FTMO limit, but the profits differently.
I think you allowed losses to reach 3K and above, but your take-profit was around 2K.
Also, you probably know that you started to swing for the fences after the second 3K loss.

I did a quick check, and if you let the loss limit be 2000, and profit max be 2000, you would be around break even, give or take. (not considering if the trades went over 2K and returned back.)

View attachment 308189
Thank you for your analysis.
Today there was not enough room to trade with reasonable sizes as tehere were only a few days left.
I will do another try, but did not decide whether to go to a trial in the next round or to the next challenge.

I don't think I'm a top trader, but mainly I see a profitable model behind losing 1 or 2 or maybe 3 challenges and passing the third or forth one and being able to trade as funded trader for at least 6 - 8 weeks. That's where I think I can make some money with them.

This time is the first time I violated the max loss, the max. loss limit was always held in my trials.
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And that would be the result of today, mostly stopped out on my trailing stop, rentered the trade and the last 2 trades were closed on a tight initial stop:

Last 12 trades:
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The dead cow is still alive 😉



And that is the answer I got when I asked what they want to offer me as they wrote on the yellow banner I should contact their support team. Nothing new ..
Today I had two trading session, one with GER30 and one with NDX.
The NDX trades were closed manually as my EA did not provide a trailing stop and I wanted to leave the terminal.



Last days of this lost chellange.
Unfortunately I also violated the daily loss limit yesterday and corrected my initial sl.
Trades were held overnight so I didn't publish yesterday.
The number of trades is too much for publishing all, so I publish the last page.




As the results of losing days can be added up to nearly 20k, it should be possible to pass a challenge by controling losses better.
I'll see what will happen in the next round.
New day, new trail.
There are still 4 positions open with a current PnL of -167 EUR after charaging swaps.
The market is closed at the moment,m I'm curious how it will open after the break.



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Good looking ..

but bad

That's why I took a trial before starting the next challenge.


As I was on the road in the afternoon and knew I would not have time to watch my trades seriously, I had to decide to trade or not to trade and I took the worse decision.
I didn't even see that the daily loss limit was violated so badly.
But - nothing really bad happened, it's just a burned trial.
hi iiiiiiii,

I am confused by the stats.
Excellent start to the challenge, by the way.

Day 01: closed up 1,600.
Day 01a: closed 4 more trades, each bout 50-ish, so total 1,800.
This is what your screenshot shows.
Day 02: You take 6 trades, close in profit 700-ish, yet the running total is -2,300-ish.

The only trade you took yesterday that went appreciably against you was the Long at 16,441.
That was underwater for around 50-60-pips, before coming back.
All others went your way pretty much immediately, given the short time they were active, and ending up positive.

I dont get where the -7,049 comes from?
Are there open trades that aren't on the stats?

(I am not stalking you. 🙂 )
hi iiiiiiii,

I am confused by the stats.
Excellent start to the challenge, by the way.

Day 01: closed up 1,600.
Day 01a: closed 4 more trades, each bout 50-ish, so total 1,800.
This is what your screenshot shows.
Day 02: You take 6 trades, close in profit 700-ish, yet the running total is -2,300-ish.

The only trade you took yesterday that went appreciably against you was the Long at 16,441.
That was underwater for around 50-60-pips, before coming back.
All others went your way pretty much immediately, given the short time they were active, and ending up positive.

I dont get where the -7,049 comes from?
Are there open trades that aren't on the stats?

(I am not stalking you. 🙂 )
Thank you for your comments.
It is not a challenge account, "only" a trial account, as I'm waiting for the credentials for my challenge account #2.
The difference is made by 5k DD on open positions, which have and had no sl, as I was trading from my smartphone.
The worst positions show about 100 pips DD.
Open positions are not shown on the FTMO track record.

I know that I should and would not trade that on a challenge account, on a day like yesterday I should not trade if I don't have access to my computer and my MT4 screen for half of the day.
The funktions of the MT4 version for the smartphone are too poor for serious trading against what I can see on the MT4 screen of my computer.
I didn't trade the last days until today, I just left my positions open and violated all rules.
Today there was a profitable position closed by a trailing stop set by my EA and I opened a smaller one which was also closed today on its trailing stop.
The first position was not profitagle as the swap fee was higher than the profit.




Next round would be a challenge, but I din't decide when to start it.
This is where the stats don't reveal all the data.
A 90+% win-rate, a Av win of 109, Avg loss of -264, a positive expectancy, yet the drawdown was -36K!

Best wishes for your next steps.
We both seem to not want to accept we might be wrong! 🙂
Started challenge #2 today.
Reduced my tp by 10 pips and added a 3 pips trade ( #5, closed first) to close it manually after 30 seconds when I decided to hold discipline also today.



Today there were four trades and the daily contribution for the challenge was done in less than 4 minutes by closing the positions manually.



Day #3 of challenge #2.
I didn't have time to watch my trades so I closed the positions manually when I reached the daily target of 400 EUR.



Day #4:
Didn't get the daily profit target of 400 EUR with my first trades so I started a small second trading session later with only two trades to reach the target.
They were closed on the tp in a 3 points jump of US100.



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Had the first losing trades of this challenge on the Black Friday which wiped out more than the profit of the week.
I continued trading but only with 2 lots to avoid the possibility of violating the daily loss limit.
Couldn't nearly recover as the market closed earlier.
No limits violated - the journey will be continued.



Started with losses again.
Later I could compensate them and finished the session with the daily profit target.
There are about 1,800 EUR to compensate from yesterday, we'll see when that will happen.
Otherwise the daily target must be increased.


