Day 8: bad timing, max. daily loss increased.
First day with a loss as daily result in this free trial.
But no rules violation, all objectives stayed passed - no serious damage.
Day 1 - Monday - short trading: could get rid of the DD from hitting the SL of two losing trades.
Day 2 - Tuesday - long trades: overtrading by averaging down
Day 3 - Wednesday - switching from short to long trades
Day 4 - today - long trades: avaraging down and closing the second trade set when the first one was in the profit zone. Session was closed to leave the building at 7 p.m. GMT.
The complete trade list since Monday is shown below including the losing trades.
There is a new metric shown in this round called consistency score related to daily trading results (based on the daily average sum of losing and profitable days) if I got it right.
Day 6: After two losing trades I developed the ambition to take the profit target today by overtrading.
It worked - by increasing the max. daily loss and using tons of trades.
As I had a holiday today, I had time to watch the trades.
After reaching the target for sure the session was closed immediately.
You can also call it hazardous trading. 😉
Day 8: only short (sell) trades.
Averaging down when the first trade set didn't work as planned.
Closing all open positions before I left the building.
Very satisfied with the profit as it is a new ATH on the graph.
As I didn't post yesterday, these are the results of the last 2 days of this trial.
Day 9: Just spent 40 minutes in front of the screen and closed all before I left.
Trades are included in the trade list.
Day 10: Stopped trading this trial at a few minutes after 4 p.m. GMT.
After 3 trades lost on the sl the profit target was lost.
Then I started overtrading the accout to get back to profit and keep the target.
The daily max loss was exceeded because of the bad start.
Day 4: small trades without any hustle and bustle.
As I did not attend the European market opening, I preferred to expect everything and to stay cautious while trading on (small) reversals.
The incredible low max. daily loss and max. loss stayed unchanged.
Day 10: last day of this trial.
Trading was more normal today than the two days before.
FTMO didn't accept trades of the last session for more than 3 minutes (server busy) when buying the positions and the exit also took several seconds.
But I'm pleased with the result.
Taking the last trial and this one togetheer I would have passed a challenge. So I will take the next free trial(s) as simulation of the evaluation round where you have 60 days to make 5k profit with a 100k account as long as you stay in line with the rules.