my favourite conspiracy theory, and others

Riddles in stone - Secret Architechture of Washington D.C. - 175 min

Riddles in stone - Secret Architechture of Washington D.C.

Cutting Edge Bookstore- Detailed Item Information
"Riddles In Stone: Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.", will continue to explore the fascinating history behind the origins and focus of the world's most powerful nation: America.

Why was this nation founded? How was the precise location of Washington, D.C., determined? What is the meaning of the seemingly countless occult images in our nation's capitol?

Volume II zeroes in on the Masonic & Rosicrucian influence so prevalent amongst our Founding Fathers as they planned, and began to implement, the layout of America's Capitol. For years, extreme controversy has abounded as to the exact meaning of the occult symbols found within the street layout, the buildings, and the monuments of Washington, D.C.

Is there really an inverted Pentagram formed by the street layout just north of the White House? We have discovered the esoteric reason why this Pentagram is missing one segment.

Was this city laid out to reflect the vision of a Masonic Christ foreseen by Sir Francis Bacon? Is it true that America's capitol was laid out "according to the stars", i.e., in the astrological shapes of certain planets and stars so revered by occultists?

Why did our Masonic Founding Fathers perform "Corn, Wine, and Oil" ceremonies at cornerstone layings and at the dedication of the finished structure?

Does this occult "wisdom" represent the interests of America, or a hidden agenda?

As with Volume I, this "Secret Mysteries" series will continue to explore current -- and possibly future -- events by examining America's past. What can these realities mean for the unfolding destiny of America and the world? Now you will know that, when President Bush said he was fulfilling the "Ancient Hope" of the "New Order of the Ages" (as we show in Volume I), he was merely acting out the plan reflected in the street layout and in the architecture of Washington, D.C. 3 hour video
What do you make of all this Atilla?

I thought perhaps that you being our resident, official, consummate, conspiracy theorist here at t2w you would be raving on and on about this story?

Personally I think it's a sex game that went wrong but then I always did have a rather simplistic perspective of events.

MI6 spy Gareth Williams murder: police hunt for Mediterranean couple

Mystery remains, however, over how exactly Mr Wiliams died. Police said he was found naked, zipped and padlocked into a bag in his bath. A post mortem has established no obvious cause of death and toxicology tests have found no evidence of drugs in his body, police revealed.

Police are working on the assumption that Mr Williams was either smothered or poisoned and "testing for any other substance continues".

Detectives also revealed in a statement that there was no sign of forced entry to the property in Pimlico where he was found, no signs of disturbance inside the flat, and that nothing was taken.
The only people believed to be unaccounted for in recent months who were seen at the flats on Alderney Street are the Mediterranean man and woman. Police have been told they were let into the communal front door, late one evening, either in June or July. Detectives want to trace them to eliminate them from the inquiry.

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What do you make of all this Atilla?

I thought perhaps that you being our resident, official, consummate, conspiracy theorist here at t2w you would be raving on and on about this story?

Personally I think it's a sex game that went wrong but then I always did have a rather simplistic perspective of events.

MI6 spy Gareth Williams murder: police hunt for Mediterranean couple


I would reject your assertions and would not rave about such incidents. I much prefer to rave to house and garage music... At least I used to do when much younger...

How many cases have you come across where a sex game has led to the death of a participant? Why would it happen to a hyper intelligent fit man who just happens to work for GCHQ?

Anything news to do with intelligence services would not be disclosed to the public media unless it was planned with a purpose - usually disinformation or to send a signal. I strongly suspect this chap was murdered either by external or internal intelligence officers.

When I first heard the story my first thought was it linked with David Kelly's death as the announcement was pretty much around the same time. Remember upon David's death the police were appropriately looking for an Iraqi connection. They have got to be seen to be doing something so hey presto - a kinky mediterranian couple pops up.

However, I haven't a clue other than suspect there is dirty business all around and unlike the old days our blessed government wouldn't blink an eye to remove embarrasing situations from evolving.

I did come across a chap in IT once who left GCHQ because he couldn't stomach the immorality of what he was doing.

MI6 also nurture assets in the underworld unbeknown to Scotland Yard who would be trying to catch so called villans.

I think you know far more than you let on but I'm tired of shouting out all the ****. You can call it a conspiracy if you must...

Enjoy all that you do...👍
I would reject your assertions and would not rave about such incidents. I much prefer to rave to house and garage music... At least I used to do when much younger...

I always imagined that this was the kind of music you raved to when you were a lad Atilla

How many cases have you come across where a sex game has led to the death of a participant?

I know someone who was a police officer.

Why would it happen to a hyper intelligent fit man who just happens to work for GCHQ?

Bizarre sexual tastes are a prerequisite to be a politician or a spy aren't they?

I strongly suspect this chap was murdered either by external or internal intelligence officers.

Now how did I know you were gonna say that?

When I first heard the story my first thought was it linked with David Kelly's death as the announcement was pretty much around the same time. Remember upon David's death the police were appropriately looking for an Iraqi connection. They have got to be seen to be doing something so hey presto - a kinky mediterranian couple pops up.

errrm.....surely if MI6 wanted to bump someone off they would make it look like a burglary gone wrong or a road traffic collision or something like that?

............. or dare I say it ......... a suicide?

why would they put someone naked in a sports bag and then padlock it from the outside? Surely they would try to make it look like suicide ( and make doubly sure the victim's finger prints were left in all the appropriate places to convince the cops )

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I always imagined that this was the kind of music you raved to when you were a lad Atilla

Bizarre sexual tastes are a prerequisite to be a politician or a spy aren't they?

Now how did I know you were gonna say that?

errrm.....surely if MI6 wanted to bump someone off they would make it look like a burglary gone wrong or a road traffic collision or something like that?

............. or dare I say it ......... a suicide?
why would they put someone naked in a sports bag and then padlock it from the outside? Surely they would try to make it look like suicide ( and make doubly sure the victim's finger prints were left in all the appropriate places to convince the cops )


Not remember Litvenenko?
We know that the Nazis had rocket technology far in advance of the U.S or the Soviets. Some even claim that they made it to the moon. But were the Nazis also building UFOs? Some leading UFOlogists believe that they were. In the race for Berlin, the Soviets came across a secret Nazi research facility where a supposed flying saucer prototype was found. A second, full-scale craft was also under construction there, using parts manufactured by leading German technology companies, including BMW. The conspiracy theory goes further than this, stating that the Nazis had in fact built several of these saucer craft, perhaps in collusion with an alien intelligence. These advanced craft were transported, towards the end of the war, to a secret base in Antarctica from where they still operate today.

Got that ?

UFOs aren’t flown by aliens, the USAF or Soviets – they’re flown by Nazis from Antarctica

I always imagined that this was the kind of music you raved to when you were a lad Atilla

Ha ha... Great stuff. Totally lost control of my feet so early in the morning...

I know someone who was a police officer.

I know billions of people who coppulate daily - some even several times a day in such acts and funnilly enough they manage to survive and make their way into work the following day. What do I know??? Damn statistics and lies... 😉

Bizarre sexual tastes are a prerequisite to be a politician or a spy aren't they?

Says who? You are assuming what you have read in the papers are true. Do you seriously believe intelligence services would let a public body like the police investigate the murder of a GCHQ officer?

Moreover, you are letting your imagination run riot DD. I've heard of exploiting sexual deviance in blackmail and lure of money to recruit but that was in the old days. No one gives a hoot about any of that stuff now. Normal practice imho.

Now how did I know you were gonna say that?

Like a good politician I told you what you wanted to hear... Oh dear have I exposed my self... :cheesy:

errrm.....surely if MI6 wanted to bump someone off they would make it look like a burglary gone wrong or a road traffic collision or something like that?

Not sure if you heard of this guy before hand along with 000s of other intelligence officers. What difference would it make if he simply vanished?

............. or dare I say it ......... a suicide?

why would they put someone naked in a sports bag and then padlock it from the outside? Surely they would try to make it look like suicide ( and make doubly sure the victim's finger prints were left in all the appropriate places to convince the cops )

I wouldn't be sure about anything unless there is evidence to prove. I would bet he was murdered somewhere else and located back to his flat to conceal evidence. Why do you suggest suicide I have no idea? Maybe Houdini was his big fan...

Moreover, he existed somewhere in the two weeks he was missing. No body seen him or heard from him. How strange?


Assume you went missing for two weeks DD - now who would notice but us on T2W... 👍
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Assume you went missing for two weeks DD - now who would notice but us on T2W... 👍

I went missing for 3 months on t2w and nobody noticed 😢

Moreover, you are letting your imagination run riot DD. I've heard of exploiting sexual deviance in blackmail and lure of money to recruit but that was in the old days. No one gives a hoot about any of that stuff now. Normal practice imho.

I wonder if William Hague would agree with this?

If Princess Di and Dildo Fayed were killed by MI6 how come they weren't found naked and padlocked inside a bag?

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I went missing for 3 months on t2w and nobody noticed 😢

I did but was pleased at the time not to receive outrageous comments from your good self. Took some time to get used to your pov.

I notice Splitlink comes and goes irregularly. I suspect he is busy out sailing on his yatch...

I wonder if William Hague would agree with this?

I don't think and believe William has anything to answer for. I believe him. We are led by trash papers. I've shared rooms with my friends and to think two men can't share a room without some slander is stupid.

If Princess Di and Dildo Fayed were killed by MI6 how come they weren't found naked and padlocked inside a bag?


More un-answered questions... Conspiracy or just loose ends... ?
One last question, did Neil Armstrong p!$$ on the moon?

Eid Sa‘eed :cheers:


It's more likely he pissed down his leg if you ask me...

Who knows and who cares... :whistling

Where and what is my supper - that's what I like to know. :cheesy:
😆 I guess he probably did.

So you don't deny that humans have walked on the moon then?


I don't deny or accept. I have no opinion as it is of not much consequence. If Bush can offer a plastic turkey for xmas to marines I don't see why they wouldn't offer some trumped up achievement to the world during the height of the space and cold war race.

If there are questions I like answers.

I do wonder why no other trips have been made to the moon however, considering how near it is to the Earth and our aspirations to explore and colonise space?

I dunno? 🙄

What is your opinion?
I asked my dad if he thought that we would get to the moon. He said "No, I don't think so"

Atilla, I do believe they got there, but I am of a more modern generation! Where does that put you? 😀

I thought that my daughter-in-law was the most incredulous person I had come across, but you beat her!! 🙂
I asked my dad if he thought that we would get to the moon. He said "No, I don't think so"

Atilla, I do believe they got there, but I am of a more modern generation! Where does that put you? 😀

I thought that my daughter-in-law was the most incredulous person I had come across, but you beat her!! 🙂

Proof of the pudding is in the eating...

Have you ever eaten a plastic pudding before? I guess not because I'm sure you would taste the difference even if you could not see the difference. And their lies the conundrum (always wanted to use that word 🙂)

Seeing is not necessarily believing - especially in our modern high tech era.

Looks like the family of Gareth Williams want answers too. Interesting article. Raises some questions... Once again we get no answers.

"It appears that a turf-war has broken out between the police and the intelligence world".

This quote is funny. I believed it to be an ongoing issue but it is presented as some kind of new news... Really now... Who would have believed it.

I've been saying the wars are making us a target not reducing terrorism (Former MI5 chief demolishes Blair's defence of the Iraq war) and as usuall most people pooh pooh the words.

I do feel time will reveal all - as it often does. Like the war those people who were trumpeting it are now running scared cowards. Blair is in denial. He needs to be in padded cell. But people know what is right and what is wrong. Yet his book is a best sellar. Why not - let's hope it does some good in monies for people who need it.

I would like to vote your daughter-in-law to run for PM and I'll vote for her as she obviously has more intelli-sense than our leaders.

Can one imagine David Milliband and Tony Blair as John Major and Margaret Thatcher were...
John Major couldn't shake the smell off his shoe and I fear nor will David Milliband as it will no doubt follow him.

Let's hope it is more entertaining... 👍
I've been saying the wars are making us a target not reducing terrorism

I could not agree with more with this. If we had not invaded Iraq and got involved in Afghanistan I am convinced that the 7/7 bombings would never have happened.
