rsh, u gotta get urself up 'ere! Im presuming youre a southern pansy?? 😉 get urself to huddersfield and ill buy you a pie and pint (only mondays tho - thats wen the offers on). Put hairs on ur chest lad!
Good Q...i agree with u, wat the hell was Taylor thinkin, best player eva to live and he cheats on a call ova a single game??? Doesnt even make sense. Then mayb thats why he's won so much - does whateva it takes @ any cost..?? Anyway i support Eric on this one! Haha u know taylors a tight ****, i thought that 2. He speaks way 2 much about money as well! he touches young women up?? why didnt anyone persuade me to become a darts-er (young women 18+ cheerz lads). Whateva hes done its undisputable hes the most dominant "sportsman" 😆 of the last 20 years. Nuff said.
GTTY rsh, and stay tooned!