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Aint got goin yet m8
So in 12 months you've done nothing? After all that bluster at the start of this thread and you've done 2 thirds of eff all? LOL brilliant.
Aint got goin yet m8
Aint got goin yet m8
So in 12 months you've done nothing? After all that bluster at the start of this thread and you've done 2 thirds of eff all? LOL brilliant.
Oh and btw, good on you for sticking up to some of those neggers in the beginning.
To those people I recommend they have a quick read of 'As a Man Thinketh'
ur on ignore u dufus
B(Bad :cheesy🙂TTY
Truth hurts dosnt it? Also its probably not very good karma to wish bad trading on anyone, it might come and bit you at some point.
Also please stop posting rocky montages, its pathetic when you're not doing anything. If you were actually trading and making money then i might understand it a little better, but its just hot air and 'all talk'. Its like that sad friend you used to know that was going to do all these great things but never took any action, you soon started viewing them as pathetic and stopped hanging out with them, you heard from a friend recently that he hasnt changed and is planning a trip to Mount Everest next year. The same trip he was planning 12 years ago!
You dumb-ass! I bin trading 4 a year m8! Go check my live trades in this thread you diplodufus!!! Just aint made any money yet hahaha :cheesy:
this is 4 u diplodufus:
Actually, just over 1 year into your ' €4.1k to €227k in 2 years ' plan I and I am sure many others are genuinely interested to know if you are 'on target' to achieve your stated goal ?- ie what is your a/c balance now ? Do you still think it is achievable ? Thanks.
Hi Chase, the balance is approx. the same as when I started, and no I don't think the target will be reached. This is due to the fact that the largest gains in the silver market will be on the upside (imho), and with the precious metals having been in a cyclical bear market since I started this journal, there ain't enough time to be compounding those kind of numbers! I'll need an extra year.
So let me get this straight. You've wasted 1 year and have made ZERO, so you now think that you need an additional 1 year (making a further 2 years from today) and you'll turn 5k into 227k? Based on what? A year of achieving nothing?! LOL im convinced you're trolling, and if you're not id seriously consider psychiatric help.
Reffy, you represent the trading paycheck mentality on here, which is why most of you faill. Listen carefully my friend, and go away and think about what I'm about to say:
"You can't push on rope."
Wow thanks Yoda!
And i think you've set yourself up for this, coming on here telling people you knew best and were going to do these wonderful things and you ended up achieving nothing. As many people told you at the start, but you wouldn't listen would you?
That is why im pushing you, maybe to show some humility and take a bit of advice. And here you are 1 year later STILL spouting the same crap about turing this 5k into a huge some of money that NO trader in the world would likely do!
This is why i find it laughable and im not the sort of person that can just sit idly by while someone talks bullsh*t and other are being polite. Dont get me wrong we've all had set backs and failures, but you seem delusional and you should scale back your expectations and listen a little more to what is practical.
You also dont have to just trade silver you know?
Thanks for stopping by.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt.
U need to focus more on your game buddy, and increase your positivity, maybe this will help (very good vid, hope u enjoy):