My, €4.1k to €227k in 2 years, journal.

Ah, kebab meat! :lickslips:

How the devil are you old bean. Looking at your sig and seeing some of those old posts brings back some good memories. Except your 115% profit scheme is now so outdated, you wont sell any with that. You need at least 500% per month now. Stakes are higher.

I have been searching recently for the clip of trader going nuts as it reminds me of one of my long gone friends.

Indeed. Many people are unaware that the pigerat, from which kebab meat comes, is not actually a real animal, but rather an industry term.

Kebabs are of course made from a 70 /30* mixture of urban pigeon and rat.

*NB Split refers to meat content only. Kebabs are by law 20% fat, 10% grease, and 15% clag and floor-sweepings.

Oh, stop. You're making me hungry!

TBH I don't care if "meat" contains bone, fat, cartilage etc. It's got protein and other substances that the body needs. And eating fat won't make you fat. I eat a lot of fat and am getting leaner. At 40, I can see defined abs.

Then again, I am awesome.
Had no idea in the US its common practice to use human and industrial waste as fertiliser -called sludge. This isn't even the point of the article...

"Sewage sludge, or “biosolids,” is the viscous brown chemical byproduct of municipal wastewater treatment systems. According to Public Justice, it contains bacteria, viruses, pathogens, heavy metals, prescription drugs, and toxic chemicals from both domestic and industrial wastes."

Public Justice Joins Lawsuit against Synagro in Pennsylvania -- Environmental Protection

How the devil are you old bean. Looking at your sig and seeing some of those old posts brings back some good memories. Except your 115% profit scheme is now so outdated, you wont sell any with that. You need at least 500% per month now. Stakes are higher.

I have been searching recently for the clip of trader going nuts as it reminds me of one of my long gone friends.


Hi! Am good, ta. And you? I have been doing more in the way of sports trading as Betfair is a bit of a money tree for me. So many mong-**** gamblers out there making a nice market for traders who can carry the skills over from FX.

Yes, well, actually my 115% thing was a mis-wording. I meant 115% probability. 500% probability of a trade being right is better, of course. I will have to upgrade my system. 😀

Sounds a bit ominous re the mad trader reminding you of a long gone friend!
There should be a law against trading from French Polynesia !

All that sun sand and s**. Enough to drive envious folks over here in the rain right raving balmy just thinking of it.

PMA and belief will not help you ONE SINGLE BIT in trading !! lol - its shark infested waters out there man....THE REAL WORLD !! stop watching bull**** videos like that - you are WASTING YOUR TIME

you want to be a trader ? then your 5k is GONE....infact a lot more than that will probably go....maybe your car, house, everything you have.....and even then you may not make it. thats the REALITY of the world
exactly no one wants reality...but unfortunately thas all there is !!!


"This is a rather common characteristic of us compulsive gamblers when still gambling. We spend a lot of time creating images of the great and wonderful things we are going to do when we make the big win. We often see ourselves as charming and charitable fellows.

We may dream of providing our family and friends with new cars, expensive holidays and other luxuries. We picture ourselves leading pleasant and gracious lives made possible by the huge sums of money we will accrue from our "system". Servants, penthouses, charming friends, nice clothes, yachts and world tours are a few of the wonderful things that are just around the corner when we finally make a big killing.

Pathetically, however, there never seems to be a big enough win to make even the smallest dream come true. When we succeed, we gamble to dream still greater dreams. When we fail, we gamble in reckless desperation and the depths of our misery are fathom less as our dream world comes crashing down.

Sadly, we struggle back, dream more dreams and, of course, suffer more misery. No-one can convince us that our great schemes will not some day come true. We believe they will for, without this dream world, life for us would not be tolerable.
PMA and belief will not help you ONE SINGLE BIT in trading !! lol - its shark infested waters out there man....

Don't discourage him, we need more cannon fodder

I think PMA and self belief play an enormous role in system design, and in developing an edge. You need a lot of tenacity and belief to keep on banging your head against that particular wall.

I think its possibly a disadvantage on a day to day basis.

I suppose I used to buy into this stuff more when I was a discretionary trader, but since I got my ducks in a row, I assume most days I'm going to lose a bit or make a bit and I'm right most of the time.
Hi everybody,

I recently was lucky enough to be invited to one of IG's Forex seminars, and i'll tell you what; it really opened my eyes!!

Benji, I'm pleased for you.
How does one get invited to one of these?
I hope they pointed you towards the holy grail.....

Its the only thing you'll ever need to succeed in this game.

If you wanna be the best... if you wanna beat the rest...
Try hard, harder & even harder, (& Don't smoke)

Roy Castle school of trading.
Benji, I'm pleased for you.
How does one get invited to one of these?
I hope they pointed you towards the holy grail.....

Its the only thing you'll ever need to succeed in this game.

If you wanna be the best... if you wanna beat the rest...
Try hard, harder & even harder, (& Don't smoke)

Roy Castle school of trading.

I think it was passive smoking that killed him, M'Lud.
PMA and belief will not help you ONE SINGLE BIT in trading !! lol - its shark infested waters out there man....THE REAL WORLD !! stop watching bull**** videos like that - you are WASTING YOUR TIME

you want to be a trader ? then your 5k is GONE....infact a lot more than that will probably go....maybe your car, house, everything you have.....and even then you may not make it. thats the REALITY of the world

Your negativity must be addressed if youre gonna win back your losses Advtrader. I know this is a tough game, but i reckon your in a bad place now, so make yourself a drink and check out the vid below. I didnt say it was easy, thats why im giving myself a month to get it sorted - then the challenge begins. Its all about the right foundations i think, which maybe u didnt start with and still dont have? Thanks for the advice so, appreciate it. Just dont start up a motivational speaking business anytime soon 😆.

80 Second Review, Can Personal Achievement help You? - YouTube

P.S - Ignore his advertising and product links.
Don't discourage him, we need more cannon fodder

I think PMA and self belief play an enormous role in system design, and in developing an edge. You need a lot of tenacity and belief to keep on banging your head against that particular wall.

I think its possibly a disadvantage on a day to day basis.

I suppose I used to buy into this stuff more when I was a discretionary trader, but since I got my ducks in a row, I assume most days I'm going to lose a bit or make a bit and I'm right most of the time.

At last, a member who embraces the PMA 👍. Got to keep fighting.
