My, €4.1k to €227k in 2 years, journal.

close the account and NEVER open another spread betting account again. you will just lose your money over and over again
Cheer guys.
Im just a new trader but have been trying to learn for a few years!
I funded this account with £1800 about 6 months ago and have got it up to £3500.
Then the 'rogue trade' added another £600 to that.
So account stands at £4100.
I have withdrawn the money and it is in my bank account.
its a bit of BOTH. thats why its so hard, even if you can master yourself you are still trading against others in the market and you need to beat them too. its shark infested out there !!!

its not just a case of hire a psychologist and you'll be a millionaire trader in no time ....

come back to this post in a few years once you have been beaten into the ground a few times and you will understand a lot better.....

Maybe you just been looking in the wrong places and listening to the wrong people Advtrader? I reckon this game is possible, but you gotta start with the right foundations (that's what my backtest contact told me :smart🙂.
Note 1.25200 as a resistance line. Several attempts to breach it failed. The Pin bar does not "cause" any fall (or rise)- it is merely representative of price action which is why many traders pay heed to round numbers etc and price action around them. If you are foolish enough to believe all Pin bars should be traded then you will lose money.

Got to agree to disagree on this one Neil, but thanks for stopping by.

Good trading to you.

and the fact the market has been in a down trend since 2/7. Path of least resistance is south.

Some advice to the thread starter:

1. Don't try and pick tops/bottoms.
2. Don't swim against the tide.
3. Follow the trend and try to pick up small, consistent gains.

Thanks for the advice, but i was told trend following's about hitting the home run, Babe Ruth style!?? Which is it?

Thanks for the advice, but i was told trend following's about hitting the home run, Babe Ruth style!?? Which is it?


If you want to hit home runs and catch most of the trend you're gonna need very deep pockets.

Those that do ride the majority of the move are scaling in and out as the move ebbs & flows.

Any successful trader will tell you that preservation of capital is the most important aspect of trading, limiting their risk and staying in the game.

Finally, the Pin bar didn't cause the drop, the weakness appeared long before then, last friday, and it was then confirmed on monday morning to be precise.
Whatevs. I read some of your stuff, you have to keep your losses too! Im only new so i know im going to lose in the first 2 weeks, after then though ill give you some advice for free dont worry scose. I might even start up a mentor business on the side, you can be my first student.

You're going to looose in the first 2 weeks!? Don't be so pessimistic. With all this pin bar research you're doing it's quite possible you'll hit that £400k target in the first ten days.
Any successful trader will tell you that preservation of capital is the most important aspect of trading, limiting their risk and staying in the game.

Great words slapshot.

I think everyone here should print this out and put it up somewhere you can see it. Wise words from an old pro (professional(trading), not lady of the night whose past it).

You're going to looose in the first 2 weeks!? Don't be so pessimistic. With all this pin bar research you're doing it's quite possible you'll hit that £400k target in the first ten days.

Taken u off my ignore list r.chanock, and the bbf_trader - let's get positivity going. Thanks for the kind words, but even i know thats not possible. Not unless u take some huge risks which i wont be doing.

Taken u off my ignore list r.chanock, and the bbf_trader - let's get positivity going. Thanks for the kind words, but even i know thats not possible. Not unless u take some huge risks which i wont be doing.

Actually, it's really not that hard. Sure it takes some work, but it is doable. I can show you how if you like.
By the way, again, if anyones gonna be in the huddersfield area tonight, its darts ngiht at the Rat and Ratchet on chapel hill (7pm). Send me a message if you wanna stop by, and i may buy you a pint (but not a pie sorry). Look forward to seeing you later.

You reckon?? Well im prepared to put hours in but i cant afford to lose my stake. How do we do it?

In about 10 days' time, just post something like:

"Well, I made some good trades and am now up by OVER £400,000. So screw you, haterz!".

That ought to do it. Like I said, some effort required (less now than formerly, because you could just cut and paste that instead of composing and typing it yourself).
In about 10 days' time, just post something like:

"Well, I made some good trades and am now up by OVER £400,000. So screw you, haterz!".

That ought to do it. Like I said, some effort required (less now than formerly, because you could just cut and paste that instead of composing and typing it yourself).

Not even gonna bother replying to that leopard.