Motivation to keep going when you thought of quitting - View Link

Hi Tech,

Many thanks for your glowing praise, much appreciated.


Hi Tech,

No need to be sorry, can fully see your point.



best advice ever: Never have a crap without taking your trousers down first.
no it isn't, I projectile vomit all over my desk whenever I see it

honestly, wtf are we going to have next in the field of extreme glurge? There's a whole self help cagtegoy on amazon if you are really into this ****e, but it won't make you happier or help you in any way...
no it isn't, I projectile vomit all over my desk whenever I see it

honestly, wtf are we going to have next in the field of extreme glurge? There's a whole self help cagtegoy on amazon if you are really into this ****e, but it won't make you happier or help you in any way...

I have been practicing meditation for some time now and found it very helpful in many ways.

YouTube - Meditation with Colleen Baron Reid Part 1
no it isn't, I projectile vomit all over my desk whenever I see it

honestly, wtf are we going to have next in the field of extreme glurge? There's a whole self help cagtegoy on amazon if you are really into this ****e, but it won't make you happier or help you in any way...

Hi Arabian,

I'm convinced that if you were to projectile vomit you would cover much more than your desk.

Iagree with you completely that everyone is has happy as they make their mind up to be.


no it isn't, I projectile vomit all over my desk whenever I see it

honestly, wtf are we going to have next in the field of extreme glurge? There's a whole self help cagtegoy on amazon if you are really into this ****e, but it won't make you happier or help you in any way...
It's certainly in the wrong forum - that's for sure. Perhaps if you're a mod reading this you could move the thread to somewhere more appropriate. I think we can guess where arabian would suggest!
As to whether or not this stuff helps one or makes one happier in any way - that's impossible to prove one way or the other. I've read a lot of PMA books over the years and non believers like arabian could - with some justification - point at me say it's not done me much good. I'm not spectacularly rich, I'm a bit of a miserable git and I (still) tend to view the glass half full. So, all in all, I'm hardly a beacon for the personal psychology movement to look up to and for others to follow. On the other hand, had I not read those books and watched those vid's etc. perhaps I would have gone off the rails completely and 'lost it' big time and gone on a killing rampage. Not likely, but possible. And, just think, one of my victims might have been you arabian! So this "extreme glurge" as you put it may, conceivably, have saved your life and kept me out of Broadmoor!

no it isn't, I projectile vomit all over my desk whenever I see it

Well, at least it's not projectile commenting.

honestly, wtf are we going to have next in the field of extreme glurge? ...

Glurge?.. Almost certainly 🙂. Extreme?.. not even close, but I'm sure we can all try harder. 🙂

There's a whole self help cagtegoy on amazon if you are really into this ****e, but it won't make you happier or help you in any way...

Au contraire my dear vomulencer. Every time I watch the video Phil initially posted it helps me in ways too numerous to count.
