Bundman said:
I'll try and average more as you say, since you are LEGENDARY around here you must be absolutely minted using that strategy, although it seems a little complicated.
Yes, thanks. It only seems very complicated. Once you develop the mental agility, hone the skills and begin to 'sense' the wizard timing needed to handle these sorts of things successfully, it'll come a second nature. I'm not saying you'll be a genius too, but hey, you can aim! And you're also right about my Legendary status. This is only achieved through hard work, diligence, emotional control, experience, restraint, mind control, practice, conduct, merit, diet, money management, physical control, risk management, charisma and style over many, many years of slog, self denial and unselfishly helping others. Or you can just do a large number of pointless posts containing nothing but drivel. I wouldn't suggest you take the latter route as there are some here who appear to have cornered the market using that approach. PM me and I'll give you their names - then you can pointedly ignore them.
One other thing, "average more"? How did you know that was the terminology for the process I was suggesting? If you're going to read books fine, but don't expect me to bale you out when the going gets rough!!! Either what I am saying is tremendously helpful to you and pure gold - or it's not. If you're going to fuzz your head with conflicting views from those who write books you're asking for trouble.
Bundman said:
I thought I might return the favour by telling you about something I've noticed that looks like it's EASY money......Every day at bang on 21:00 my screens show me that the bund trades (almost instantly) back to where it was at 16:15!!!!!
Crazy! Sometimes it takes a complete rank next-to-clueless newbie like yourself to spot things us pros miss. Guess we're too busy looking for patterns. Thanks for that. I'll obviously be there as well, but a tad before that 21:00 (don't want to get caught with the crowd) and be ready to cash in on the major reversion. I wonder why nobody else has ever noticed this phenomenon? I wouldn't mention around too much or it'll get traded flat before we've coined it.
Thanks again and I'm glad someone's willing to help, I was beginning to think I was becoming a laughing stock around here 😢
Couldn't happen here. These boards are for fellow traders: new and guru to share unselfishly and with patience and integrity. Helping each other with professionalism and mutual respect. No, we have special members who are quite deliberately laughing stocks in order to provide the rest of us with a little mirth from time to time. (The PM will let you know who they are - It's the same ones).
I'm reading about underwater earthquakes today and how they can predict a tsunami...Is that what Mr Elliot is onto? Gosh, how clever can you get? 3rd in a fith of e truncated second....It's beyond me I can tell you.
That's not Elliot - it's Ocean Wave theory (and his less known "Look at the size of that b*ugger Theory") by Jim Sloman and there are many excellent threads covering that topic, and it's various derivative systems (all commercial I'm afraid) all over this site.
So much to learn and so little time needed for me to forget it all and have to start all over again
Yes. One of the joys of Alzheimer is being really able to start each day afresh.
One final thing, you're spelling it wrong: it's Bond.