Thought I'd have a go.

Thanks everbody,

Thanks for all yuor replies, i feel very welcomed. I must say though some of what you've said has given me the Heebie-Jeebies. I got a sort of idea I'm trying out that ties in with the dreams and nightmares I have. So if i have a nightmare i'll sell my position etc...Still you've made me think I might be playing with fire so I thought I might do one of those SPREAD thingamys and sell like 10 times as many of those BOBELS or whatever they call themselves. Afterall, It occerred to me that it is called SPREADBETTING so maybe that's a clue as to how I can win BIG TIME.

Anyway thanks for all yuor advice and I'll let you know how i get on.

BTW...Somebody sent me an email about how I can make easy money on options on orange juice futures.....Is that a good bet?

Nah, forget the options, and buy the future long. Dunno if you will sell for a profit, but if not just hang on to expiry, take delivery, and you will live long be healthly with plenty of vitimin C. Tip: buy a larger fridge
I think you might be pulling my leg there Peto!!! :cheesy:

After what some of you said I had a look at a daily chart of the march bund on a site I found. I reckon that it tried to go up on Friday and it looks like it ended up back where it started, so maybe I'm too late for the move up that Mystic Marilyn was gabbing about.

Seems to me like I should sell tomorrow and get out if we close above Friday's high....Is that a stupid thing to do? Anyway as I said before i'm here to HAVE A GO so that's what I'm gonna do.

Wish me luck, because I'm likely to kick the cat if I'm wrong first time out....I reckon beginners deserve a little luck 🙄

Cheers everbody,


p.s Is Feng-Shui one of those Asian indices that go up and down like a Geisha's gold lame thong?
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Actually when I saw a profit I took it, then it went up again and down and up and down and up and down...To tell you the truth my the time I was ready for my marmrite sandwich at tea time I was really quite kiddy.

Twisty the cat has survived my first day's trading without a beating.

I must say one thing tho....It does go up and down alot during the day doesn't it......It's like nobody has the faintest idea which way thay want to push it!

I'm beginning to think the market hasn't got a clue where it's going......So if I win it's just because I'm lucky that day...

A bit like when I go to BINGO on a Saturday. :cheesy:

Does anyone else here trade bunds or anything cos I' could really do with a few tips.At the moment I think I'll just have to toss a coin tomorrow.....I don't have a clue 😱


Od's fish Bundman, admit it. You are really a cunning master trader masquerading as a hapless fool.

You are the modern day Scarlet Pimpernel.

Sink me, if I aren't right.
starspacer said:
Od's fish Bundman, admit it. You are really a cunning master trader masquerading as a hapless fool.

You are the modern day Scarlet Pimpernel.

Sink me, if I aren't right.

LOL Gosh it's fun here, It's really nice to talk to all you young people with a great sense of humour...Most of the friends I have that are still alive just talk about their various ailments and the way things were before gravity REALLY started to bite.

I think the way I intend to speculate is rather simplistic....If it's going down I'm going to sell it and then if it turns around and goes up I'm going to buy it.....Obvoiusly this is all underscored by the outcome of my previous night' NIGHTMARE/DREAM analysis and the voices I hear in my head 😱 ( I think it's better that I hear them there than somewhere weird like my left ankle or something don't you?)

If I can't sleep because of my psoriasis then I'll revert to the mistrusted coin toss system. 😎

I'm defintely not going to use these "STOP" thingamies I've been reading about.....It's just seems too bloody dangerous to me.......I mean one of them might get hit on some sort of weird stop hunting pogrom ( I dreamt about that last night).....I think there are EVIL people at work in the BUND who are out to get my money

It's probably the HERMANS again, but I'm a little biased because of the way they steal my sunbeds when I'm on the Isle of White.



p.s BTW my coin toss came up...HEADS this morning so I'm going to buy the thing if it goes above about 120.40ish or thereabouts.....It didn't ssem too keen to give me bucket loads of lolly by going down yesterday so.........I'll just take a LUCKY DIP today.
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Bundman said:
LOL Gosh it's fun here, It's really nice to talk to all you young people with a great sense of humour...Most of the friends I have that are still alive just talk about their various ailments and the way things were before gravity REALLY started to bite.

I think the way I intend to speculate is rather simplistic....If it's going down I'm going to sell it and then if it turns around and goes up I'm going to buy it.....Obvoiusly this is all underscored by the outcome of my previous night' NIGHTMARE/DREAM analysis and the voices I hear in my head 😱 ( I think it's better that I hear them there than somewhere weird like my left ankle or something don't you?)

If I can't sleep because of my psoriasis then I'll revert to the mistrusted coin toss system. 😎

I'm defintely not going to use these "STOP" thingamies I've been reading about.....It's just seems too bloody dangerous to me.......I mean one of them might get hit on some sort of weird stop hunting pogrom ( I dreamt about that last night).....I think there are EVIL people at work in the BUND who are out to get my money

It's probably the HERMANS again, but I'm a little biased because of the way they steal my sunbeds when I'm on the Isle of White.



p.s BTW my coin toss came up...HEADS this morning so I'm going to buy the thing if it goes above about 120.40ish or thereabouts.....It didn't ssem too keen to give me bucket loads of lolly by going down yesterday so.........I'll just take a LUCKY DIP today.
Bundman, I'm a little concerned about the advice, or lack of, you may be getting on this thread. Many posters seem to think you are some sort of a joke or are joking.

Let me help you.

While the coin toss system appears to be well thought out and you clearly have the makings of a system or sorts, the 12:40 thingy indicates you're letting TIME become an aspect of your trading plan. Bad move.

Time is a movable entity. If your trade is going with you, then time will speed up and you'll be into a loss in no time at all. When your trade goes against you, time will slow down and you'll have plenty of time to give it to turn around again, hopefully, in your intended direction.

The other slight tweak to your system I'd suggest you considering is - completely reversing it.

Buy all the way down and when at the bottom, confuse the hell out of the bod son the other side of your trades by selling. Them once a firm upward trend has been once again established, Sell all the way into the top. It'll be a strategy that will leave them breathless I can assure you. It's one I've adopted with each new tranche of trading capital and it's never let me down.

Sorry to hear about your ailment, but it's all in the mind. You're developing a 'barrier' to ideas and advice and I think you'll find, accepting the kindly and professional advice offered here that your problems will soon be over.

You'll have plenty of time to get up early to ensure you stake out your own sun-bed. Even perhaps stay there 24X7 even further rubbing salt, er well, sand actually, into the wounds.

I believe 120.40ish is the price, not time but who knows, the way this thread is going it could mean anything 😆
TheBramble said:
Bundman, I'm a little concerned about the advice, or lack of, you may be getting on this thread. Many posters seem to think you are some sort of a joke or are joking.

Let me help you.

While the coin toss system appears to be well thought out and you clearly have the makings of a system or sorts, the 12:40 thingy indicates you're letting TIME become an aspect of your trading plan. Bad move.

Time is a movable entity. If your trade is going with you, then time will speed up and you'll be into a loss in no time at all. When your trade goes against you, time will slow down and you'll have plenty of time to give it to turn around again, hopefully, in your intended direction.

The other slight tweak to your system I'd suggest you considering is - completely reversing it.

Buy all the way down and when at the bottom, confuse the hell out of the bod son the other side of your trades by selling. Them once a firm upward trend has been once again established, Sell all the way into the top. It'll be a strategy that will leave them breathless I can assure you. It's one I've adopted with each new tranche of trading capital and it's never let me down.

Sorry to hear about your ailment, but it's all in the mind. You're developing a 'barrier' to ideas and advice and I think you'll find, accepting the kindly and professional advice offered here that your problems will soon be over.

You'll have plenty of time to get up early to ensure you stake out your own sun-bed. Even perhaps stay there 24X7 even further rubbing salt, er well, sand actually, into the wounds.


Thanks Bramble, that's really useful and also a little spooky if you don't mind me saying so.....Just this morning I was sat on my comfort pillow watching my computer screen and felt like I'd gone into some sort of "time warp" It was only an hour later when I realised that the computer clock had moved on that I realised my connection had gone doollally!!!....I'm such an old codger I just sat there convinced that it was a really dead day!!!!

I'll try and average more as you say, since you are LEGENDARY around here you must be absolutely minted using that strategy, although it seems a little complicated.

I thought I might return the favour by telling you about something I've noticed that looks like it's EASY money......Every day at bang on 21:00 my screens show me that the bund trades (almost instantly) back to where it was at 16:15!!!!!

Now if that's not stealing sweets from a child I don't know what is? How can people be so dim?

I'm going to be all over that one like a Vampire on a baby tonight!!!!

I'll probably go to church on Sunday and confess though......It's a chance to get free wine before I go to the social club for my OAP roast dinner.

Thanks again and I'm glad someone's willing to help, I was beginning to think I was becoming a laughing stock around here 😢

I'm reading about underwater earthquakes today and how they can predict a tsunami...Is that what Mr Elliot is onto? Gosh, how clever can you get? 3rd in a fith of e truncated second....It's beyond me I can tell you.

So much to learn and so little time needed for me to forget it all and have to start all over again 🙄


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Bundman said:
I'll try and average more as you say, since you are LEGENDARY around here you must be absolutely minted using that strategy, although it seems a little complicated.
Yes, thanks. It only seems very complicated. Once you develop the mental agility, hone the skills and begin to 'sense' the wizard timing needed to handle these sorts of things successfully, it'll come a second nature. I'm not saying you'll be a genius too, but hey, you can aim! And you're also right about my Legendary status. This is only achieved through hard work, diligence, emotional control, experience, restraint, mind control, practice, conduct, merit, diet, money management, physical control, risk management, charisma and style over many, many years of slog, self denial and unselfishly helping others. Or you can just do a large number of pointless posts containing nothing but drivel. I wouldn't suggest you take the latter route as there are some here who appear to have cornered the market using that approach. PM me and I'll give you their names - then you can pointedly ignore them.

One other thing, "average more"? How did you know that was the terminology for the process I was suggesting? If you're going to read books fine, but don't expect me to bale you out when the going gets rough!!! Either what I am saying is tremendously helpful to you and pure gold - or it's not. If you're going to fuzz your head with conflicting views from those who write books you're asking for trouble.

Bundman said:
I thought I might return the favour by telling you about something I've noticed that looks like it's EASY money......Every day at bang on 21:00 my screens show me that the bund trades (almost instantly) back to where it was at 16:15!!!!!
Crazy! Sometimes it takes a complete rank next-to-clueless newbie like yourself to spot things us pros miss. Guess we're too busy looking for patterns. Thanks for that. I'll obviously be there as well, but a tad before that 21:00 (don't want to get caught with the crowd) and be ready to cash in on the major reversion. I wonder why nobody else has ever noticed this phenomenon? I wouldn't mention around too much or it'll get traded flat before we've coined it.

Thanks again and I'm glad someone's willing to help, I was beginning to think I was becoming a laughing stock around here 😢
Couldn't happen here. These boards are for fellow traders: new and guru to share unselfishly and with patience and integrity. Helping each other with professionalism and mutual respect. No, we have special members who are quite deliberately laughing stocks in order to provide the rest of us with a little mirth from time to time. (The PM will let you know who they are - It's the same ones).

I'm reading about underwater earthquakes today and how they can predict a tsunami...Is that what Mr Elliot is onto? Gosh, how clever can you get? 3rd in a fith of e truncated second....It's beyond me I can tell you.
That's not Elliot - it's Ocean Wave theory (and his less known "Look at the size of that b*ugger Theory") by Jim Sloman and there are many excellent threads covering that topic, and it's various derivative systems (all commercial I'm afraid) all over this site.

So much to learn and so little time needed for me to forget it all and have to start all over again
Yes. One of the joys of Alzheimer is being really able to start each day afresh.

One final thing, you're spelling it wrong: it's Bond.
I've come to the conclusion that people here think I'm some sort of joker.....

That's really sad for me since it means that I don't get the benefit of good advice.....

And that's what I'm here for!!!!!!!!

Am I the only sad idiot who's trying to trade bunds directionally on this entire site?

If that's the case can somebody PLEASE tell me WHY? That is such a big mistake?

I'm feeling like such a fool!!!!!

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Bundman said:
I've comw to the conclusion that people here think I'm some sort of joker.....

That's reeally sad for me since it means that I don't get the benefit of good advice.....

And that's what I'm here for!!!!!!!!

Am I the only sad idiot who's trying to trade bunds directionally on this entire site?

If that's the case can somebody PLEASE tell me WHY? that is such a big mistake?

I'm feeling like such a fool!!!!!


Go to Search Forums at the top of the screen. Type in Bund and hit go. You will find 147 posts containing the word Bund (probably more now).

I think we will all be coming to you for the benefit of your Bund advice

Good trading

Charlton said:
Go to Search Forums at the top of the screen. Type in Bund and hit go. You will find 147 posts containing the word Bund (probably more now).

I think we will all be coming to you for the benefit of your Bund advice

Good trading


Ok ...I get it now..

This is a sort of...blind misleading the blind forum is it?

I need SERIOUS HELP...That's why I'm here.

Like what the **** shall I do tomorrow with this short BUND position I have?

I don't know whether to get out ..or what the **** I should do......


If u don't know what to do stop trading. Trading is only for people who know what they do. But, I have a better idea: Stay in the market. We need people who don't know what to do.,, It's so easy to get their money... 🙄 🙄 🙄
Bundman said:
Like what the **** shall I do tomorrow with this short BUND position I have?

I don't know whether to get out ..or what the **** I should do......


First, just calm down...

I mentioned in my commercial coaching PM to you (still haven't got the cheque) that you have to calm down before getting really angry with that Bund position. Short, sharp, shallow breaths. Panting even. Hold your breath every so often for 5 minutes or so to increase your BP. Then think nasty unpleasant thoughts.

When you're in the right frame of mind, check your position. If you're Short and it's going against you - sell into the mother to let it know who's boss! If Long and it's going against you - Buy, Buy, Buy until it understands what it has to do for you.

Whatever you do, don't attempt to assess fundamentals or chart patterns or anything like that. But do listen to the local news and try and out-guess what likely impact local stories are going to have on your position. Particularly the weather. Then reverse that view a random number of times until your head is a bit fuzzy.

It's better if ALL your cash, and borrowings and even credit card withdrawals are riding on your position. Make sure your mortgage money, grocery money - everything is on the table. You do want full commitment don't you? You have to play big to win big. I keep telling you this.

If you don't learn to control the markets they will learn to control you.


(When did you post the cheque?)
TheBramble said:
First, just calm down...

I mentioned in my commercial coaching PM to you (still haven't got the cheque) that you have to calm down before getting really angry with that Bund position. Short, sharp, shallow breaths. Panting even. Hold your breath every so often for 5 minutes or so to increase your BP. Then think nasty unpleasant thoughts.

When you're in the right frame of mind, check your position. If you're Short and it's going against you - sell into the mother to let it know who's boss! If Long and it's going against you - Buy, Buy, Buy until it understands what it has to do for you.

Whatever you do, don't attempt to assess fundamentals or chart patterns or anything like that. But do listen to the local news and try and out-guess what likely impact local stories are going to have on your position. Particularly the weather. Then reverse that view a random number of times until your head is a bit fuzzy.

It's better if ALL your cash, and borrowings and even credit card withdrawals are riding on your position. Make sure your mortgage money, grocery money - everything is on the table. You do want full commitment don't you? You have to play big to win big. I keep telling you this.

If you don't learn to control the markets they will learn to control you.


(When did you post the cheque?)

Thank you so much Ramble!!! 😆

Finally I've got what looks to me like some sensible advice after all. I mean, in my book, if you risk nothing, you risk EVERYTHING. So you may as well go for it.

If this one doesn't work out then ok...I'll just have to move to a rented bedsit in a council block....No big deal.

On the other hand, if it does come good, I could me a MILLLUNNAIRE by this time next month Rodney!!!!

So the key rule is, if I get you, just AVERAGE,AVERAGE, AVERAGE until you reach untold riches.

Simple really :cheesy:

Risk management is for wimps.



P.S I've sent you a personally guaranteed IOU from my numbered, anonymous, ficticious, overdrawn, swiss post office, international giro account. Hope that's ok!! 😀
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Bundman said:
Thank you so much Ramble!!! 😆

Finally I've got what looks to me like some sensible advice after all. I mean, in my book, if you risk nothing, you risk EVERYTHING. So you may as well go for it.

If this one doesn't work out then ok...I'll just have to move to a rented bedsit in a council block....No big deal.

On the other hand, if it does come good, I could me a MILLLUNNAIRE by this time next month Rodney!!!!

So the key rule is, if I get you, just AVERAGE,AVERAGE, AVERAGE until you reach untold riches.

Simple really :cheesy:

Risk management is for wimps.



P.S I've sent you a personally guaranteed IOU from my numbered, anonymous, ficticious, overdrawn, swiss post office, international giro account. Hope that's ok!! 😀

Well all I can say is....THANK YOU...THANK YOU.....THANK YOU!!!!

Espescially to BRUMBLE......I averaged and added to my position short of this BUNDTHINGY like I had one last chance to make my you suggested.

Guess what....I've covered it ALL today and CLEANED up.

I don't need to trade again, I'm off to Tahiti....

Thanks everyone, I can't tell you how wonderful this has been....Suddenly I'm MINTED....So I'm gonna quit whils't I'm ahead....

I suppose I got lucky at last.


Bundman :cheesy: