Motivation to keep going when you thought of quitting - View Link

Another vid' to add to the collection. Actually, there's 12, but I've only linked to the first of them on YouTube to save cluttering up the thread. Enjoy!


Clutter away 😉. Might stretch folks' attention span though, at nearly 2 hours in total. I think it adds interest if you add your thoughts on it (but that may be just me).

Wow, I've heard of the mate before but I've never heard him speak or his story. Truly inspirational and absolute props to everything the mate has accomplished in his life.
Hi Sandpiper,
I confess I've not watched all 12 videos, but I have seen the original film. As real life drama about two climbing friends and their relationship with each other and the mountain that nearly kills them, it's one of the most inspiring, jaw dropping and totally mind boggling tales you'll ever watch. As an insight into the human spirit and wo/man's capacity to survive against unbelievable odds, it doesn't get any better than this. If the 12 vid's are anything like the original film, it will be well worth the two hours spent watching it. If you think it's a load of pants, I delete the post!

Finished watching the lot. Good film (seems to be largely extracted from the film) and certainly a testament to the guys determination. If I'm honest, that kind of stuff doesn't really inspire me, simply 'cos I believe it's more significant how we face life than how we face death and I'm certainly not a fan of "you have to face death to feel alive". Not to take anything away from the guys, but extreme sportsmen/women (and Alpine style up that is as about as extreme as you can get) are by the very nature of what they do, extremely self-serving and selfish for the most part.

I thought Simpson's involvement in "Free Tibet" was interesting but I can't work out how much they do on an ongoing basis since their online community seemed to die about 12 months ago.

Was trying to work out whether the book was worth reading but in searching around it looks like "Storms of Silence" would be more my kind of thing. Thanks for posting it though. Certainly interesting.
I agree with c_v, the sentiments expressed in the vid' are spot on. Of course, 'thinking big' and dreaming of a life outside of the mundane 9-5 box is always going to be an option if you're the (ex) marketing director of a company like MSFT. But I guess that's just me being all cynical and negative again . . .
...But I guess that's just me being all cynical and negative again . . .


Yep 🙂. Daring to dream big is an option for anybody no matter what their 'status'. As he says, "it doesn't take more than passion, energy and drive". In any case, he started small with a book drive and a rented yak. Career wise, he was director of marketing for Microsoft Australia and had about 70 odd people reporting to him (so not a huge cheese!!).

As it happens, I think that the more you have progressed career wise, the harder it gets to break away from it.

ferrari FX


Worth a look.




As it happens, I think the Law of Attraction has some good things going for it. Personally, I don't think the video does a very good job of promoting the good elements and instead seems to focus on the psuedo scientific elements such as "It's been scientifically proven that positive thoughts are more powerful than negative thoughts". Bill Harris (who appears on the video) has a lot of interesting views on this area as well as many others. Wasn't too impressed with anyone else on there.

That said, the whole Law of Attraction thing is hugely interesting. My problem with it is that it is very difficult to find an accomplished practitioner with whom you can have a decent discussion. Don't know what you've found, but In my experience, many people simply latch onto it as a means of justifying why they should be even more selfish and self-serving than they already are.

Interesting anyway. And I certainly hadn't seen it, so thanks..
Not sure it provides motivation to trade, but it does provide sufficient motivation to live and appreciate.
YouTube - Coach Carter - Our Deepest Fear

Ok. So it's Hollywood. But in it's favour it is Samuel L. and the film wasn't received that well. It is a shame that they felt the need to screw around with the original prose by Marianne Williamson, but it's still good I think. In any case, the real Ken Carter seems like a cool guy.