The mods don't have jobs - they are volunteers. And this sort of stuff is what makes it more frustrating than it needs to be. If you add a committee, I for one will be gone. I barely know barjon but I'm sure that CV and LM would reach their respective "can't be bothered" limit.
I reached it once yesterday when MP6140 attacked Lightning MQueen for doing what he was supposed to do - personally I'm not sure how long I'll continue as this sort of rubbish wasn't why I volunteered in the first place. We get complaints about threads being ruined and try to keep them clean which takes time and repetition - the complaints are genuine but cleaning up threads is the mod equivalent of getting sent out to get drunks off the street and having them throw up on you. You try to help people keep it on track (I know the others do too) but they come back a little while later, compelled to repeat - its like herding cats.
I've got two teenage daughters and they're easier than you lot.
You are welcome to volunteer if you'd like to show how its done better.
wow, calm down....calm down.
ok...ok we know you are a volunteer and you can quit any time; so I will try my best to not to upset you....Again.(I will be mindful that you have contemplated quitting several times.)
What you really saying is ; because you are a volunteer if( god forbid ) a panel/committee/team created to oversee your volunteered work on rare occasions your ego wouldn't allow it and you will be gone. You are pretty sure CV and LM would do the same,but not so sure about the Barjon
😆😆 Since Sharky foolishly said it sounds like a good idea, you are hoping by now he is got the message as well.:smart:
What can i
Could you show me a sentence/word anything in my suggestion (actual or implied) that
criticize moderators and their work or questions their judgements in the past or in the current dispute. (Not that something wrong with it . But it is simply not the case.) So I find your '' You are welcome to volunteer if you'd like to show how its done better'' comment; kind of comment that your teenage daughters would make. I simply suggested the idea; because I saw the same problem occurring often enough; thought in the future this would be a good vehicle to end disputes speedily and fairly so everybody can move on.
Now I will try again with an example what I envisaged how the system would work.
Try to understand the concept and then you might realize is certainly not against the mods, can actually be very helpful to them.
Every week refs in charge of hundreds of matches. They initiate the matches independent of any pressure(well almost) as they see fit.(within the rules and guidelines) and their decision final and binding on the day.
Majority of their decision never challenged. But players has the right to appeal the panel
if they think they have a case. Again majority of appeals dismissed by panel and finds that ref was correct . On very rare occasion panel finds in players favor and revokes the
penalty or reduce the severity of punishment. And everybody moves on. That simple.
Nothing more than that . No conspiracy theory against mods or anything.
Now you may find this unworkable even unhelpful. That would be perfectly legitimate point of view. And you can say so without personalizing argument. Then we can move on . That simple.