moderator initiated post deletion and stealth editing

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Actually fxscalper you were harassing a vendor who was staying within his own thread. And got temporarily banned for rudeness.

My advice was that if you wanted to point out the failings in a vendors offering you should limit the frequency of your posts and keep them rational rather than rude.

Good advice really.

I think that like your attacks, "once a month" is an exaggeration. I also note Grantx leaping into the fray so some things still haven't changed. Grant, if you feel it's a women's institute (or worse, I seem to recall you said) and you are not happy staying within the site's guidelines why not just go somewhere else? I can think of one site almost elite enough for your needs.
Don - don't reinstate it!
I thought the comments were unedifying, confusing and wholly inappropriate for a newbie thread in the First Steps forum. I believe said newbie was of the fairer sex and, as we all know, there's precious few women on these boards.
I know you aren’t one Tim and I’m sure you don’t mean to come across as one either, but for newbies who don’t really know you, I imagine some have sized you up as a real prig based on those comments.

The member in question may be ‘the fairer sex’ (what’s wrong with just saying ‘female’?), but not necessarily. Any more than I really am a bramble. Regardless of their gender (or species), they get treated the same as everyone else. Just like real life…?

While from these and some previous remarks, some may have formed an opinion of you that you feel you occupy “No. 1 The Moral High Ground”, I know you’re not that much of a self-opinionated fool and you’ve done yourself a big disservice for those that don’t know you as well in perhaps coming across as one, however inadvertently. As I think about it, it is quite possible if you and Don are correct in your self-authenticated assessment of humanity in general, that some may even have been traumatised by forming that opinion of you. We should offer a counselling service. Actually, the site may be legally liable for providing such a service where traumatisation, however briefly caused in that split instant between insane and insensitive postings and mods sending out their post snatch squad, has occurred. I’ll check it out and get back to admin. Gently of course using a soothing tone and pleasingly warm smile.

The real problem is, as an Advisor, your comments may carry more weight than they would without that label for newbies, and again, newbies might imagine your view represents far more of the membership than it actually does, which in reality, it is just your own opinion – which may well on occasion, or even more frequently, be quite at odds with the rest of the site’s sensible membership. With the privilege of Advisor-hood comes responsibilities too. I’m surprised you and the admin haven’t considered this more carefully or that you and all the other proto-mods haven’t at least got together to produce a basic code of conduct when expressing your views. Even more of an issue is the obvious lack of any training or moderation of the moderators themselves, but that’s not your fault.

I say 'was' because her experience this weekend will probably lead her to conclude that there's little of interest or value for her here on T2W.
Oh really? Based on that one thread? They didn’t check out any other forum or threads? Are you sure? Did you PM the member and have that conversation or is this just you projecting your own preconceptions and ‘issues’ (come on, we all know what they are) onto the situation so you can get what points you want to get across which seem to have strangely, diverged from the initiating problem which was originally under discussion?

Tell you what, rather than just pontificating from on high and letting us all know where we’re all going wrong and claiming to know through an as yet undefined process how you can gauge and judge the thoughts of all sentient beings, how about one of you gallant Knights in Shining Armour actually asking the member in question? I think you may just find that being a newbie to this site does not necessarily mean they were born yesterday. You might also find that they resent, quite as much as I do if not more so, your belief that they are going to be traumatised by such pranks and hijinks and assume them to be quite incapable of recognising it for what it was, and you and Don, for what you are. I’m not making any specific value judgement on you or Don, I’m leaving that up to the individual members to decide for themselves. That’s called free will and apparently most of us are born with it. Some however, feel they have a better idea what is good for folks than do the folks themselves. They become politicians, or moderators.

This would all be extremely funny if it didn’t suck the energy and life-force out of the site. There are damned few real traders on this site as far as I can tell, and those that are tend to leave precisely because of this nanny mindset taking ever greater hold to the absolute detriment of experienced and informed discussion and the off-topic banter that holds it all together and which builds a real sense of community and characters. Being moderated like naughty children by those that have less experience and knowledge than we do, this ‘ethic’ seems to have all but taken over the day to day running of the place leaving no room for those that can, to help those they want to, in their own way without ill-formed and over-zealous intrusions by those that should be sticking to their core role and not letting their over-inflated egos fed with their increasing feelings of omnipotence and power get in the way of what the site is, or should be all about.

We on this site seem to go through periods of relative calm, punctuated by frenzied moments of inappropriate intrusion by those with the power but not necessarily the skill to wield that power effectively. I’d suggest, mods err on the side of caution and assume they probably don’t know what’s best for everyone and simply stick to the guidelines. It’s usually quite obvious to most when something in ‘in’ or something is ‘out’. Which is why these instances of pointless swaggering and bullying by the mods are given such distinct focus and attention. If in doubt, any doubt, leave it alone!

Tim, that response was as much for Don as you. Hope you both take it in the sprit intended….
I don't remember being banned. Also, you did say 'contribute once every few weeks' so I am not exaggerating. To be honest withca, I didn't mind it that much.

What I find amusing is your idea that you are entitled or qualified to tell people what to do and how often to do it. I really think it is cute even.😀.

Don't flex your muscle too much. The place has been working very nicely before you became a moderator so step back and give us a break, will ya? Be a sport.
You are right about banning - you weren't.

The entitlement comes with the role and the qualification exists until Sharky or the other mods decide otherwise. But cute is something I'm happy to be and light pawed is something I'd prefer to be - except with spammers.


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What an uncouth lot! To think that I am mixing posts with some of them, in an effort to better myself. 🙄
Appears to have been a bit of moderator initiated post deletion and stealth editing on this thread today. As pointless as it is irritating. Please can we have our site back now? Or are you mod-guys going to unilaterally make it an image of what you consider perfection - and boring for everyone else?

I suppose the point is its not "our site". I'm not really sure whose site it is or why it's here at all, but its most definately become a play thing for the mods, and its a situation that's becoming progressively worse. But come on, admit it, it is funny, you love it really

You cant blame the mods, what's point of having power and not abusing it ?

I find it entertaining in a sad sort of way but admittedly I probably do need to get out a bit more.
Just wanted to see if I could push a few of your buttons for the sheer fun of it. Didn't think it was going to be quite sooooooo easy! Oh, btw, I suggest you go back to your doctor for something stronger, 'coz the medication you're on at the moment clearly isn't working!
Tony, Please don't have a go at Timsk or nine, who I thank for being brave enough to stick their head above the parapet on this one. Thanks guys.

I'm here, your beef is with me on this one, lets discuss where you disagree with the post edits on the thread in question first, as you seem to be skirting round that issue, you can widen out the debate to other stuff later, as I think you will.

So, where's the actual problem with the edits that I made, are you seriously telling me those posts and edits should stand ...get outa here, you know damn well you've complained of lesser content than that.

You cannot defend the indefensible. I can't believe that there are five members, so far, that appear to be supporting your stance.

You and others, it would appear seem to have a problem with mods (whoever they are) and this so called power trip, what a load of bull, there's no power tripping going on, to be truthful its a pain in the butt most of the time, so no tripping feelings here lol
Maybe we need a discussion of what the standards should be? I favour an anything-goes-but-keep-on-topic-ish type approach myself.
Maybe we need a discussion of what the standards should be? I favour an anything-goes-but-keep-on-topic-ish type approach myself.

Not that I agree with anything goes but you are forgetting a couple of other important things. You also want it to be a place where less assertive posters can and do post so you need to tame the tigers from time to time. And, Sharky wanted vendors to be able to participate openly "within reason," so there is a balance between managing overenthusiastic vendors, banning those that don't learn or just drop in and spam, defending their ability to participate reasonably from the sometimes justifiably cynical attacks on them (which need to be moderated). That's certainly been the biggest conflict area for me.

Almost all my conflicts with members relate to vendor bashing. A few are from people stirring each other up too much. And some minor ongoing ones removing words that pass the spellchecker but don't meet the site guidelines when I see them.
What an uncouth lot! To think that I am mixing posts with some of them, in an effort to better myself. 🙄
Indeed. You probably see being set in your ways as something positive Split. You're as predicatble as almost everybody else. AS with GJ, if you don't want to get involved - don't. Simple really.
Just wanted to see if I could push a few of your buttons for the sheer fun of it. Didn't think it was going to be quite sooooooo easy! Oh, btw, I suggest you go back to your doctor for something stronger, 'coz the medication you're on at the moment clearly isn't working!
It'll take more skills then you'll ever possess to find them, let alone push them.

I'd save all your energies to work on your trading if I were you based on Friday's performance....
I remember back when I was a child, even the kids whose parents gave them a secure and happy home generally resented their parents' authority. Sometimes the parents would respond by trying to explain to the kids how good they have it, and sometimes the parents would try to help the situation by giving the kids more stuff, but this usually would backfire and the kids would resent them even more. Thing is, the parents' efforts were doomed from the start as resenting authority is what kids do -- at least until they (hopefully) mature.

Tony, Please don't have a go at Timsk or nine, who I thank for being brave enough to stick their head above the parapet on this one. Thanks guys.
Unless you've found yet another innovative way to interpret guidelines, I can respond to whoever I choose, in any way I choose,providing I stick within guidelines. Bit of a one-way street, but I'll live.

I'm here, your beef is with me on this one, lets discuss where you disagree with the post edits on the thread in question first, as you seem to be skirting round that issue, you can widen out the debate to other stuff later, as I think you will.
Skirting around? I couldn't have been any clearer. You're off remit here Don. As for widening the debate, I don't need to.

So, where's the actual problem with the edits that I made, are you seriously telling me those posts and edits should stand ...get outa here, you know damn well you've complained of lesser content than that.
Don, isn't your language here fairly close to contarveing site guidelines? The 'D' word? Careful. Or you'll have to ban yourself. I'm not going to reiterate the probelm - it' all clearly stated. If you still can't get it after a re-read, ask someone for help.

You cannot defend the indefensible.
Self-defeating logic, but let that one go.
I can't believe that there are five members, so far, that appear to be supporting your stance.
More of an interesting statistic might be that the only ones supporting yours are mods and proto-mods (and Split who has his own agenda).

You and others, it would appear seem to have a problem with mods (whoever they are) and this so called power trip, what a load of bull, there's no power tripping going on, to be truthful its a pain in the butt most of the time, so no tripping feelings here lol
Well, seems that all of us are wrong then doesn't it. The only difference is you have the tools to air-brush out reality.

I've stated my piece. You were totally wrong to take the action you did and exceeded your remit to the detriment of the site.
I remember back when I was a child, even the kids whose parents gave them a secure and happy home generally resented their parents' authority. Sometimes the parents would respond by trying to explain to the kids how good they have it, and sometimes the parents would try to help the situation by giving the kids more stuff, but this usually would backfire and the kids would resent them even more. Thing is, the parents' efforts were doomed from the start as resenting authority is what kids do -- at least until they (hopefully) mature.

Well put jj. But the mods need to grow up very, very quickly if they're not going to totally wreck this happy home the parents are providing.
Come on, surely admin can crank out a few more proto-mods and mods to jump in and give us proles a good kicking? Is that all you've got? LOL
This is really silly, the mods are here to help keep this site running smoothly. I hope that everyone supports their efforts in applying the site guidelines. If they choose to delete some off-topic remarks on a thread targeted to newbies, some time after the remarks are posted, so as to keep them clean and noise free then I applaud them. Ideally we'd do that every day, and threads would have a minimum of posts and a maximum of benefit to the reader. At the same time this is a community, and people are free to have general banter, sillyness etc, but if ultimately it's not adding anything to the body of knowledge on the forums, then there's no real need to have it there longer the conclusion of the conversation.

Members have to accept that their posts may be deleted if off-topic or offensive; but that this is always done within the spirit of the website, as defined in our site guidelines.
Now that Paul's put the hammer down, I'll toss in my two bits. :cheesy:

I'm not as active as most of the rest of you, and since I'm not in the same timezone as most I always seem to be coming in on the tail end of things. As a result, I often don't see things get moderated in real-time - so to speak.

I personally don't have any problem with the moderation done on the thread in question. This site isn't a men's locker room or fraternity house - unlike some other sites - and I for one prefer it that way. I can't stand the politically correct crap, and I think the view Tim expressed about the reaction of a woman to that thread actually would probably get him some sharp remarks from a great many women I've known, but I do get a bit annoyed at the distraction that a seemingly increasing amount of inane banter creates on otherwise interesting threads. I don't get a lot of time on the site, and really have no desire to scroll through a page and a half of posters slandering each other, albeit in fun and jest, to find something worth reading.

I don't know many of you as well as you seem know each other, though, so that's just my perspective.

To TB's broader point, though, I have seen at least one clear recent example of over-moderation (which I reported off-board). In that case is was an obvious case of personal bias, which clearly has no place in moderation. I'm not claiming that it happens with any frequency, just that it can and does sometimes happen.
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