moderator initiated post deletion and stealth editing

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. . . I think the view Tim expressed about the reaction of a woman to that thread actually would probably get him some sharp remarks from a great many women I've known . . .
Hi John,
I'm not sure what you're driving at here, but the inference is that in my earlier post I was suggesting that a women couldn't 'hold her own' amid a group of men. Until now, that thought hasn't crossed my mind. Indeed, I wouldn't dream of being so sexist and am embarrassed at the thought of it. If the lady in question - or anyone else for that matter - interpreted my comment in this way, then I apologize unreservedly. Just to clarify, the point was merely that she might be bored by the 'locker room banter' and be unimpressed by the off topic response to her perfectly reasonable request for help and then go elsewhere. NOT that she wouldn't find it funny or be made to feel uncomfortable. Her gender is only relevant in as much as - to the best of my knowledge - there are few female members of T2W and it would be great if there were a few more of them. Fond memories of HelenQ , Skim' and Co. Nothing more and nothing less than that.
seeing as how it was more than obvious to be a joke, easily identified as a joke and only needed the addition of the word "joke" to make it perhaps a bit more palatable, I think the mod in question overstepped by not simply coming in, stating something similar to "OK GUYS -- enough is enough !", perhaps pm'ing each of the participants and then letting it go ---- people can argue endlessly on "theory of response", but you catch more stegasorrie with honey than you do with vinegar, and thats a VERY important part of "carrying the big stick" that i learned many a year ago !

maybe mods should sit down and have "pow - wow" which seperates the INTENT behind the words that they believe should be deleted ---

humbly put forth by one of the worlds greatest thinkers as espoused by myself !

enjoy and trade well

The guidelines are exactly that, guidelines - they're not hard and fast rules, that must be followed to the letter or argued over endlessly as to their exact interpretation. They assist in the goal of the website of being a great place for traders to hang out and hopefully learn something to. May common sense prevail! Off-topic banter is fine, it's what makes this a real community - people have to have a means of expression; but ultimately we want to make the forums a useful resource, as john says, 'I don't get a lot of time on the site, and really have no desire to scroll through a page and a half of posters slandering each other, albeit in fun and jest, to find something worth reading.' - so don't be suprised if the mods have cleaned up a thread after some time has passed, it keeps the site focussed and free of noise and as a community we should applaud their efforts, it's not as if they don't already have the rather mammoth task of cleaning up all the rubbish that spammers try to litter this site with.
just to throw in my two penneth - but I couldn't take a side on this - and i've tried.

Plenty of my posts have been edited / deleted. I pride myself on political incorrectness and I accept a fair few will cross the line. What's more, 90% of what I post is crap, with little effort input.

Tony - you write some superb stuff and I can see why you might get offended if it's tinkered with. But the humerous fluff - why bother? Personally, I don't know why the humour can't remain, but there's plenty of other sites for gaining pleasure (and increased shoulder / arm strength to boot🙂 so why not just let it ride? (not a dig, a question)

Hi John,
I'm not sure what you're driving at here, but the inference is that in my earlier post I was suggesting that a women couldn't 'hold her own' amid a group of men. Until now, that thought hasn't crossed my mind. ....

Sorry Tim, if I misinterpreted, but my initial take was that you were implying women would be insulted/disgusted/etc. - not that that couldn't hold their own.
You might find greater joy and acceptance at (for lots of reasons...)

jj – you come to this site recommended by some whose opinions I value and I look forward to your views and debates in those areas in which you can provide some expertise.

However, as you’re very much the new boy on the block (and paradoxically an Advisor too which I assume is based on your ‘street side’ credentials rather than any long-term familiarity with the site which I personally would have thought a minimum prerequisite for this role) I wonder if you wouldn’t be better off just sitting back quietly, looking and learning rather than attempting to jump in and join the fray?

As you also seem to have a bit of a short with mp6140 and take every opportunity to slug it out with him and there also appears to be some vendor-related issues with you (yet to be declared?) and or with mp, it further suggests there is a time for you to be vocal and in the spotlight and a time to just sit back, relax and bide your time.

Just a friendly suggestion.

NO vendor related issues on this side of the discussions, bramble -- but there are some on the other side !

i think ive got the answer, but wont post on site ---- its the USUAL answer !

Badly worded on my part mp, I didn't mean to imply there were any vendor issues on your side. I meant 'vendor issues with him and/or issues he may have with you'.

In any event, this will probably give the mods their chance to decide to close the thread - save them having to invent one.
PS --- WHAT is this thread supposed to be about, in reality ?
I don't know. I didn't start it, it was a post of mine strong-armed out of another thread by one of the mods in an attempt to defuse a situation that wasn't volatile to start with and in the process made a bigger deal out of it than would ever been the case had it just been left as it was.
jj – you come to this site recommended by some whose opinions I value and I look forward to your views and debates in those areas in which you can provide some expertise.

However, as you’re very much the new boy on the block (and paradoxically an Advisor too which I assume is based on your ‘street side’ credentials rather than any long-term familiarity with the site which I personally would have thought a minimum prerequisite for this role) I wonder if you wouldn’t be better off just sitting back quietly, looking and learning rather than attempting to jump in and join the fray?

As you also seem to have a bit of a short with mp6140 and take every opportunity to slug it out with him and there also appears to be some vendor-related issues with you (yet to be declared?) and or with mp, it further suggests there is a time for you to be vocal and in the spotlight and a time to just sit back, relax and bide your time.

Just a friendly suggestion.
I do definitely appreciate the polite and intelligent tenor of your post (unlike many others, unfortunately), though I don't agree with its content.

On one hand, you think everyone should be free to express their opinion unmoderated. On the other hand, you think I should keep quiet when I disagree with you. I believe this exposes the root of the issue.

As always, I encourage anyone to report any post in which I make an inappropriate reference to products/services of mine on this site, past or present, and I encourage the mods to be even more heavy-handed with me than any non-advisor, given the responsibility associated with the role. I'm willing to bet that the only reason you guys know I'm a professional in the industry is the little icon over there, which I placed voluntarily. Unfortunately, that icon seems to serve more as a bit of a target for folks who run out of intelligent objections to things I've said rather than the 'full disclosure' for which it was intended.

Edit: We're wandering further afield from the intended topic of discussion. I'll refrain from further posts along this line of discussion and allow you the last word on the matter. Should you wish to continue what appears to be evolving to a personal conversation with me, feel free to PM/email me. I'm not hard to find. 🙂

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How about creating a team(that deals with complaints); which does not include the mods. A kind of a costumer service. If any member believes he/she unfairly treated (deletion of post; receiving a ban; etc) can directly apply to this team. A team's decision would be final.

Incidentally, I believe this will help mods to do their jobs more effectively. They don't have to engage in personalized arguments, with the clearly angry/unsatisfied member.

My suggestion is; This team should be consist of three people. Two advisors and one paid member of staff.

I do definitely appreciate the polite and intelligent tenor of your post (unlike many others, unfortunately), though I don't agree with its content.
Many others as in my posts or other posters?

On one hand, you think everyone should be free to express their opinion unmoderated.
Please identify where I've made that claim.
On the other hand, you think I should keep quiet when I disagree with you.
Again, cite your reference for this comment.
I believe this exposes the root of the issue.
I believe it has - you're inventing positions for me which I've never taken in order to attempt to justify whatever it is you're about to state next.

As always, I encourage anyone to report any post in which I make an inappropriate reference to products/services of mine on this site, past or present, and I encourage the mods to be even more heavy-handed with me than any non-advisor, given the responsibility associated with the role. I'm willing to bet that the only reason you guys know I'm a professional in the industry is the little icon over there, which I placed voluntarily. Unfortunately, that icon seems to serve more as a bit of a target for folks who run out of intelligent objections to things I've said rather than the 'full disclosure' for which it was intended.
I'm not objecting to anything you've said, intelligent or otherwise. I was suggesting there was a time for you to full tilt bogie and a time for you to keep stum.

edit: As for your edit comments, no, it's Ok thanks. I'll allow you the last word. I'm guessing you'll need it. LOL
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This sounds like an excellent idea. The 'resolution team'. Perhaps TheBramble would like to volunteer?

The mods don't have jobs - they are volunteers. And this sort of stuff is what makes it more frustrating than it needs to be. If you add a committee, I for one will be gone. I barely know barjon but I'm sure that CV and LM would reach their respective "can't be bothered" limit.

I reached it once yesterday when MP6140 attacked Lightning MQueen for doing what he was supposed to do - personally I'm not sure how long I'll continue as this sort of rubbish wasn't why I volunteered in the first place. We get complaints about threads being ruined and try to keep them clean which takes time and repetition - the complaints are genuine but cleaning up threads is the mod equivalent of getting sent out to get drunks off the street and having them throw up on you. You try to help people keep it on track (I know the others do too) but they come back a little while later, compelled to repeat - its like herding cats.

I've got two teenage daughters and they're easier than you lot.

You are welcome to volunteer if you'd like to show how its done better.
Indeed. You probably see being set in your ways as something positive Split. You're as predicatble as almost everybody else. AS with GJ, if you don't want to get involved - don't. Simple really.

Hey, what they say about you is right. You are prickly! 😆

Not worth it, man---I'll see you on another thread!

I have just deleted a number of posts in this thread. Reason's: insults, a different scrap not related to TheBramble's issue etc. Two comments in particular:

MP6140. Much as I love you and your posting style can you please cease harassing Mathemagician. He is here with Sharky's blessing and he contributes to the site. As are and do you. If you really want to be a mod --- volunteer 🙂 If he irritates you please put him on ignore.

Mathemagician, please put MP6140 on ignore.

The feud has gone on long enough and doesn't improve the site. Its not offering new information and it lacks TheBramble's extreme wit and use of the english language. I plan to wage a campaign of deleting posts between the two of you as they keep coming up in threads that are on different topics (unless you start a thread for the specific purpose of having it out, which I will leave alone). If either of you finds new posts from the other relating to you then hit the complain button. Neither of you need to defend newbies from each other ... Caveat Emptor.

Call this moderator abuse if you wish. Complain to Sharky if you need. But as long as I'm still doing the job I'll do it my way (apologies to Frank).

Note for mike in response to post below: we can run variable length bans too or issue infractions but try not to use the bans. Someone might think we had gone power crazy if we banned too many non-spammers.
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With out sounding like an **** licker we should probably support the mod's discretion in applying the standards.

But maybe the standards need changing?

Also, sharky: I Love - Your Guide To Mating With Dolphins!


During one of those countless seminars my boss keeps sending me on, I remember being asked once to give an example of someone totaly dedicated to their job.

I couldn't make my mind up between that English Lawyer guy who works in the US trying to get prisoners off death row and the Italian secret service agent that died in Iraq a few years ago using himself as a human shield to protect a freed hostage from a hail of bullets.

Next time I get asked that question I'll know what to say.

Thankyou arabianights

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I think the idea of having a different name for the 'advisors' was mooted before, I don't mind changing it if enough people think it's worth the hassle, and people are geniunely worried that advisors could be mis-represented as somehow qualified to give trading advice, and not just website advice.

Other possible names would be:
'Site Advisor'
...any more?
I think the idea of having a different name for the 'advisors' was mooted before, I don't mind changing it if enough people think it's worth the hassle, and people are geniunely worried that advisors could be mis-represented as somehow qualified to give trading advice, and not just website advice.

Other possible names would be:
'Site Advisor'
...any more?

The other thing is to make sure that a vendor never becomes an advisor, and if s/he later becomes a vedor, then make sure you remove the advisor tag.
The other thing is to make sure that a vendor never becomes an advisor, and if s/he later becomes a vedor, then make sure you remove the advisor tag.

I'm not sure that would be beneficial to be honest FX. Do we want people involved in the development of the site from every walk of trading "life" or just from a non-pro background?

A trader who runs a fund has a commercial interest, which may or may not be relevant here at T2W.

Using Mathemagician and StratOpt as examples, these are both guys who I know to have a huge wealth of experience in strategy coding and are involved in fund management.

Unlike users like OilFXpro who chose to shill post here with the objective of directing users to his website for his personal gain, Math & strat have chosen to support T2W and directly get involved in the advancement of the site and add significant value for those who have a shared interest in their respective areas of expertise.
I'm not sure that would be beneficial to be honest FX. Do we want people involved in the development of the site from every walk of trading "life" or just from a non-pro background?

A trader who runs a fund has a commercial interest, which may or may not be relevant here at T2W.

Using Mathemagician and StratOpt as examples, these are both guys who I know to have a huge wealth of experience in strategy coding and are involved in fund management.

Unlike users like OilFXpro who chose to shill post here with the objective of directing users to his website for his personal gain, Math & strat have chosen to support T2W and directly get involved in the advancement of the site and add significant value for those who have a shared interest in their respective areas of expertise.

Oh, I never saw it that way, arb. I was rong about that then. Thanks.
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