I find it amusing that I blow kingtrader7 out of the water proving him wrong with evidence and ask for an allegations to be withdrawn as I proved beyond doubt that I have not lied, now a new person appears to accuse me of slander and a personal issue.
OK lets start with the accusation of slander. MTA Live is not registered in the UK, when they were trading as Mastery Trading Academy they were a UK registered company. Then Mike Douglas and Matt Travis split away to become MTA Live. If any of that is not true please let me know. Mattjs if MTA Live are registered in the UK or indeed as a company anywhere in the world please provide details or provide an apology to me.
Now to explain where the negativity comes from ... or should we just be clear and say facts.
A number of the people involved in setting up Mastery Trading Academy launched a vicious attack on her against another company they used to work for and they their company appeared.
A number of the publicity pictures used by Mastery Trading Academy, MTA Live and Mike Douglas on his Facebook page are from another company and nothing to do with MTA Live or Mastery Trading Academy.
See Proof here:
MTA are making out that if you take the course you will be making 3-5% every day and they are blasting social media with all sorts of questionable information to try and back it up. For example in Matt Travis's own twitter posts it can be seen he uses Demo accounts and loses an average of £1000 per day, but flags up winning trades and claims great success.
See proof:
If clients complain about not making 3-5% they are told its their own fault and that they should pay for more.
I could go on, I haven't even mentioned forcing people towards a broker they get commission from, virtual offices, loosing money during a course and claiming markets were closed ... but I think I have made my point.
Mattjs, it is not something personal, not jealousy and certainly not just negativity. These guys are using lies, tricks and mis-direction to make money out of people and anyone thinking about giving them money should be aware.
If Mike Douglas or Matt Travis are great traders and making loads of money from trading, why do they need to tout a course with questionable claims, why do they need to use lies and tricks to promote it and why do they need to direct clients to brokers so they get commission.
I have challenged MikeDouglas previously to post a trade plan of 4 or 5 trades before any position in entered, then we will see if he is any good. Its easy during a course to focus on a winning trade and ignore the losers, as yet he has failed to meet the challenge, I wonder why
A few things about MTA Live:
1. MTA make money from clients' losses (50% has been suggested by numerous sources... including ETX Capital, their previous broker) AS WELL as referral fees from their new broker - hence the switch over (oh no, it wasn't for your benefit at all).
2. It's arguable that they send poor signals now and again to personally profit.
3. Most of the "team" are paid for their services as well as fund management. i.e. Being his puppies, making phone calls, doing some webinars, promoting, etc.
4. Matt Travis trades demo accounts. The "£5 million fund" isn't a fund. Screenshots have been mistakenly posted with "demo account" visible on them in the past.
5. Most actual funds are down.
6. Any funds that Matt Travis takes on are usually passed over to Mike Douglas when Matt's blown 10-30% within a matter of weeks. Mike usually doesn't make much either over a period of several months.
7. When clients do have a decent day, everybody is begged to comment on Matt's Facebook statuses and to tag the MTA team in their own Fb statuses. "Prizes" are also offered for the best comments, and so on.
8. Nobody EVER sees losses.
9. Their signals have a 50/50 success rate at best.
10. Most apprentices are down or even on their accounts after 6 months (if they're still trading), but suck up to Matt and the team on the good days in the hope that they will make it as a Fund Manager.
11. Mike Douglas usually plans both long and short trades on his weekly webinars. The likelihood is that at least one of them will do well. I'll let you guess which one they go on and on about all week.
12. Matt Travis doesn't stick to risk management 90% of the time. Many clients and fund managers don't either, hence showing the big wins but not ever showing any big losses (of which there are many).
13. Their new broker, 24FX, have been fined for malpractice in 2016 and aren't regulated. They pay MTA, hence the switch over.
14. Matt Travis deletes any and all even slightly negative comments on social media. Most people end up getting blocked if they question him (or they revert to personally attacking the individual for not being sold on the empty hopes and dreams).
15. When Matt Travis loses people's money or people feel even ever so slightly let down or scammed, they're ignored and usually blocked.
16. Matt Travis' materialistic lifestyle is all a front. Rented house, cars driven by his puppies, girls who want money, and people he literally buys. It's sad, really.
I think that just about sums it up. Anybody who backs MTA are either living in hope that things will come good or are being paid by Matt Travis.
Over and out.