Mastery Trading Academy .. swindle

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Hi Veryamused (Les Johnston)

Please ask the moderator where rockkiller is based via I.P because i can assure you Matt Travis has not even started an accpountant yet, you wait until he gets started lol.... Rockiller is top strong for you, so you try and divert the attention to Mr Travis.

What you fail to see is your mistakes. you come online admit you are Les Johnston. You then try to claim that Mike Douglas & MTA scam people although in various videos and blogs you post you state how Mike is the real deal he does make 3-5% per day and now you are back tracking??

Here you go day 1 video below and day 2 video uploaded on facebook please find below or on MTA'S youtube channel, these are uploaded daily.

Evidence wins so i am sure you will carry on to bring down MTA as you have nothing better to do then try bring down the greatest every education company. the company who sacked you 🙂

Enjoy the videos, you can see the balance grow over the next few weeks at 3% per day the end balance in 3 weeks is probably the same as what you now have left in your savings account.

Hi Veryamused (Les Johnston)

Please ask the moderator where rockkiller is based via I.P because i can assure you Matt Travis has not even started an accpountant yet, you wait until he gets started lol.... Rockiller is top strong for you, so you try and divert the attention to Mr Travis.

What you fail to see is your mistakes. you come online admit you are Les Johnston. You then try to claim that Mike Douglas & MTA scam people although in various videos and blogs you post you state how Mike is the real deal he does make 3-5% per day and now you are back tracking??

Here you go day 1 video below and day 2 video uploaded on facebook please find below or on MTA'S youtube channel, these are uploaded daily.

Evidence wins so i am sure you will carry on to bring down MTA as you have nothing better to do then try bring down the greatest every education company. the company who sacked you 🙂

Enjoy the videos, you can see the balance grow over the next few weeks at 3% per day the end balance in 3 weeks is probably the same as what you now have left in your savings account.


Your style gives you away Mr Travis.
That you cannot ever hide. The readers will see through this.

To more serious matters.

I have not posted to say that MTA and Mike Douglas scam people. Again you get it wrong. That seems to have been done long before I joined the thread.
I responded to a number of personal attacks full of childish, false and pathetic content despite advising that you were barking up the wrong tree.
Despite the warnings you continued so reap what you sow.

Given that its now clear that lasertrader is not me the reader can see what was said themselves and no matter what you throw this way the content is there for all to see.

I have asked a simple question - not made a claim. You have claimed to make 4% every day. So let us see the evidence. Nothing else is asked.

ps. When you made the ridiculous claim I was and am willing to show my trading account for the same period. I did ok and can prove it. Can you? In this business if you claim something to get money off people then you should be able to back it up with evidence.
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So can someone summarize what the situation is and how Mike Baghdady and MTA fit into all of this as it is getting confusing.

Mike Douglas, Les Johnston, Matt Travis and Janet Mcanuff worked for a company called Training Traders owned by Mike Baghdady. Training Traders provide courses for beginners and experienced traders.

A forum was started in here attacking training Traders and Mike Baghdady, at least one of the people mentioned above (Les Johnston) was involved in the attack. Then those 4 people set up a new rival company Mastery Trading Academy, providing a very similar course. They used a number of fake publicity pictures taken from Training Traders events and re-badged or inferred to be from Mastery Trading Academy.

The 4 people must have had a big fight as Matt Travis and Mike Douglas then started trading as MTA Live without Les Johnston or Janet Mcanuff. The fakes and lies continued (as proven in earlier posts) with Matt Travis faking it by trading Demo accounts, also claiming wins when he was actually making huge losses. They made out MTA Live was a legit registered company, accusing me a lies when I exposed them then after that they quickly registered the company. Then claims of only friends and word of mouth customers when they were heavily marketing. So lots of lies and dirty tricks (lots more, see earlier posts for details and evidence).

Recently they have advertised 2 different courses scheduled to happen at the same time both being taught by Mike Douglas and Matt Travis setup a mentoring scheme ("Double your income") which died after 1 day.

Please see previous posts on this thread and "Mike Douglas and MTA Online SCAM" for all the evidence of the wrong doings.

These guys have reacted with false accusations, abuse, harassment and more recently threats.
Can we get this thread back on track with facts and evidence instead of accusations and dirt throwing.

I exposed Matt Travis for using Demo accounts, ignoring that he foolishly left evidence of his huge losses, I thought I would demonstrate why claims made using Demo accounts should be ignored.

I made over £3000 in 10 minutes. Not my money so no risk and pure luck.
I actually did this on the first attempt, but I could have just kept on creating demo accounts until I was successful.

Now the sneakier method. Open 2 demo accounts (if you just have 1 PC pick a broker with an online platform and open 2 browsers) then take the same instrument (Forex pair) and on one account go long and the other go short.
Then obviously only show the winner 🙂

There are other tricks, these are just a couple of examples.

Now that MTA Live have started posting their videos, keep an eye out for jumps in time, jumps in balance and make sure they show the trading history so you can see its always the same account. They say they will post daily videos over the next few months, I look forward to seeing the numbers getting bigger 🙂
Oh Look who back, Laser Trader

Thought we lost you Bro, I see you're ignoring the police instructions, weren't you told to stay off this site lets see, following the police investigations lol, or were you just making that up, you numpty.

The things people say on this site just to get mummy to put the dummy, or in your case the breast back in your mouth is hilarious.

Now I'm gonna watch some German Porn Lmfao.........
I would like to apologise to Malcolm Steel.
In fun I signed a response to a private message on this site from Mattjs as Malcolm, this was in no way meant to imply the message was from Malcolm Steel.

Apparently as a result Malcolm Steel has had a number of calls and threatening text messages, I understand this is now a Police matter and that the calls and text messages have been traced back to Matt Travis from MTA Live.

I have been asked not to antagonise MTA Live or Matt Travis while this matter is being investigated.

Good Evening Laser Trader,

You have not antagonised MTA Live at all, but delivered a valuable service to new members with evidence on why they should stay away from this company, even when you have been goaded, you have not lowered yourself to their standards, and today I have done my own due diligence on MTA Live with members from my Skype Group and shall post my findings.

I shall start this post of with a statement that I do not know any of the protagonists involved in this thread, yet seeing it constantly on the front page of T2W forum I decided to ask members of my Skype group, some of whom do not post on T2W any longer what they make of this company, and the childish vitriol spouted by people representing this firm.

After an enlightening discussion a few indisputable facts were pointed out to me, thus I shall relay them on.

Mike Douglas is not FCA registered, yet is very willing to take money from you to invest on your behalf.

Mike Douglas HAS NOT taught over 20 banks how to trade, as stated on Matt Travis's twitter photo, and as one Skype member pointed out "bank traders are not sitting there trading binary options at £10/pip" 😆😆 as Mike demonstrates in his youtube account. If this fact is incorrect, please supply me with the names of the 20 banks, as I would love to know(thought not).


I was also told that Mike Douglas has taken money from someone to trade on their behalf, and ACTUALLY LOST THEM MONEY in spectacular fashion, rather than make them money, and upon account analysis it was deemed that the trades he had taken did not adhere to any sensible money management at all, but were tantamount to gambling. Caveat Emptor.

MTA Live are teaching exactly the same stuff as Training Traders taught(out of the frying pan, and into the fire me thinks).

As for Matt Travis, well he is an amusing character, or so I'm told.

A natural born salesman, or bull hitter of Walter Mitty proportions. Whilst working at JP he was basically laughed out of the job by his colleagues due to the far fetching yarns he span from his brother being a undefeated UFC fighter(yet work colleagues whom were avid followers of UFC had never saw, or even heard of him) to who he had dated in the office, but was found out to be, yes you've guessed it, telling porkies. However, you know the real reason why you left 😉P.S. If your reading this Matt, Johnny says Hi. 😉

As for his tutelage under the likes of "Donald Trump, Anthony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Richard Branson & many others". All I will say is "cool story bro". 😆😆

He was for want of a better word, a glorified cold caller, yet went around telling everyone he was a trader.

These facts have been passed to me, and if Mike, or Matt would like to contact me via PM, I will be more than willing to provide you with additional information in a bid for transparency. However if you could do me the courtesy Mr. Douglas of providing me with the list of the 20 banks you have taught at, and empirical evidence of your returns per day from yourself, and Mr. Travis, I would be grateful, and up until that time, please excuse me for saying this, but "Obviously, MTA Live is nothing more than a sales company built upon a mountain of lies, and intent on fleecing people out of their hard earned cash, as others have pointed out on this thread, and I certainly would advise others to stay away from this company also".
Mr Fox, dear Mr Fox been out looking through bins for food, you puppet you have not stated anything new, there is not a single successful trader out there who has not been burnt by the financial market, Mike Douglas is no different there, in his presentation that I went to he openly admits to making lots of money and losing lots of money, I say bring back Fox hunting.........

Mr Laser Trader, polluting the Air again, you obviously watch too much Harry Potter, there is no magic or trickery in the video, you all claimed that Matt travis and Mike Douglas could not possible make 3 to 5% per day, and now they are producing videos showing a % gain of 3% suddenly it's not enough, nothing ever will be enough for you idiots, the lot of you, i'd say seem like you need another text.

When will we ever see any trading results from any of you lot or are you all here for the playground cause if you are, I have this for you, If you Smell, What the Rocks Been Cooking!
Mr Laser Trader, polluting the Air again, you obviously watch too much Harry Potter, there is no magic or trickery in the video, you all claimed that Matt travis and Mike Douglas could not possible make 3 to 5% per day, and now they are producing videos showing a % gain of 3% suddenly it's not enough, nothing ever will be enough for you idiots, the lot of you, i'd say seem like you need another text.
3-5% per day?

So out-performing the best institutions' yearly performance on a near weekly basis, then? Why not at least make this scamming bull**** half-realistic?
3-5% per day?

So out-performing the best institutions' yearly performance on a near weekly basis, then? Why not at least make this scamming bull**** half-realistic?

Mr Leverage, i'm busy but will deal with you later you think fool.
Me thinks Rockiller's cage is well and truly rattled.

MTA have made big claims that's why proof is needed.

I guess ignorance and denial is your only option regarding the video. Binary trade ended over 30 seconds early just before trade turned against Mr Douglas. If you don't see anything wrong you have no idea what you are talking about, oh yes you did say MTA taught you 🙂

If Mike Douglas was showing banks or anyone how to make 3% per day in the real world a bank would have grabbed him long ago for a 7 figure sum!
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Laser Trader Whoop, whoop, that's the sound of da Police, Whoop, whoop go and hide you little flea.

Rockiller, it is not me that is in trouble, I stopped posting to allow a clear investigation into the harassment and threats made by Matt Travis.

Going to the police was probably the best thing to do but if Matt Travis or anyone from MTA Live threatened me I would not run to the police.

You seem determined to make out I am someone so you can launch a personal attack, obviously you can not refute the points made showing The Scam since they are backed with evidence.
Laser Trader I have dealt with you and the rest of the clowns on here but I got heavy and the Moderator thought you clowns would be deeply offended so he smacked my **** so I'm gonna go and rub some baby oil on it and come back later for you to sniff, you'd like won't you?
Rockiller, you are coming across like an absolute fool, and you are destroying MTA Live' credibility even further, you are defending MTA Live with such gusto that it is leading many to believe that naturally, You are Mr Matt Travis, or Mr Mike Douglas.

Where is all your animosity, and angst coming from, as you are reminding me of...

P.S. Any resemblance to Mr Travis is purely coincidental.



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I think Rockiller has gone to look for his dolly that he threw out of his pram big time 🙂

After video 2 from Mike Douglas I think MTA Live need to look for a white flag and surrender.
Laser and Fox both of you should get married, you both suit each other see previous post I told you I will not defend my identity again if both of you could actually read you will know I am not Mike Douglas and I am not Matt travis, why do I defend them, for the Same reason you attack them, I've met them both in person and they are simply not what you all describe about them, and just because you feel that you have circumstantial evidence, does not always prove fact, Laser Trader you of all people should Know that so usually you treat idiots like idiots.

Would like to hurt both of you more but you're not worth 25 more points.

Fox and Laser grow a pair..........
Todays question

Well it appears that Mr Travis is not going to present his trading account and show us that he makes 3% to 5% profit every day. Amazing for someone who is not so shy eh!

Well onwards and upwards to todays question.

Mike Douglas

Known as the Forex genius by the banks, known as the trading expert by the professional traders and known as the best trainer, communicator and educator by our clients, Mike Douglas has shared platforms with the likes of, Richard Branson, James Caan & Robin Sharma,

The above statement is taken form the website - The Team page.

Will Matt Travis or Mike Douglas care to provide us with information on where and when he shared a platform with Sir Richard Branson and Robin Sharma?
I am sure that you will have many photographs of these events so we look forward to seeing Mike Douglas with these two great speakers.
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