Mastery Trading Academy .. swindle

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How does sharing a platform with celebrities make you a good trader or a good trainer?

I once shared a platform with Sir Richard Branson but it was the train platform for a Virgin train which probably gives me as much credibility.
Laser and Fox both of you should get married, you both suit each other see previous post I told you I will not defend my identity again if both of you could actually read you will know I am not Mike Douglas and I am not Matt travis, why do I defend them, for the Same reason you attack them, I've met them both in person and they are simply not what you all describe about them, and just because you feel that you have circumstantial evidence, does not always prove fact, Laser Trader you of all people should Know that so usually you treat idiots like idiots.

Would like to hurt both of you more but you're not worth 25 more points.

Fox and Laser grow a pair..........

Well I certainly have grown a pair, thus after a discussion with people more knowledgeable than myself, it has been concluded that MTA Live is nothing more than a Vulture company preying on the weak, and unfortunate, thus I have decided to speak about my findings.

After reading this thread I guarantee that if a poll was taken on the validity of MTA Live' claims 99% would vote that it is nothing more than a company spewing out lies, and deceit.

Let me ask you, have you personally seen Messrs Travis, and Douglas' account statement showing an day on day increase over the past, say 6 months.

I have nothing against you Rockiller, and appreciate that you may just be a minion in the grand scheme of things, and that is nothing to be ashamed off, as a good minion is better than a bad one, and after your attack on me I shall call your bluff, and put my money where my mouth is...

So if you can relay the following to your master, one would appreciate it....

If you can provide empirical evidence of the 3-5% daily returns for the last month(yes one month shall suffice, and any one month in the last 12 months, just to make it easier for you), the 20 banks Master Douglas has taught to trade, and him sharing the stage with who he says then

"I SHALL PERSONALLY DONATE £10,000 to the charity of MTA Live' choice".

Oh, and in anticipation I have already PM'ed Mr Gould aka Sharky about holding the monies in escrow.

Despite your attacks towards me, I wish you well in your trading, and look forward to receiving the evidence, and if none is received we can all rest safe in the knowledge that all claims made by Messrs Travis, and Douglas are lies of a deceitful nature.

Illegal drug money is not welcomed by any charity Fox Or Dog might be more suitable which ever, tramps can't afford £10,000 but hey, dream on son and say hi to your mum.
Would like to hurt both of you more but you're not worth 25 more points.

Rockiller, if you read my posts you will see I back everything up with evidence. Also I have not resorted to name calling, insults or threats so why are you so aggressive ?

All I have done is shown things done by MTA Live and backed up what I have said with evidence, if you are not happy with their actions I suggest you take it up with them.
Can anyone from MTA Live or anyone else explain the following from Mike Douglas Day2 video.
I asked VantageFX but they could not explain it.

In a Binary Option Trade (see Order number at bottom of the screen)

Recording paused by Mike, then when restarted the timer has 30 seconds to go but the order is gone and Balance increased.

7 seconds to go and the position has gone against Mike, so he would lose money on the trade.

1 second to go and still a loss.

0 seconds - timeup and still a loss.

Then the screen changes to show a win. :-0

How can that be?
Is Mike Douglas using a demo account ?
Been reading this thread for a good few days now as I follow Matt on twitter and was keen to enquire about one of his courses. I supposed I'm right in saying I should steer well clear!!
Been reading this thread for a good few days now as I follow Matt on twitter and was keen to enquire about one of his courses. I supposed I'm right in saying I should steer well clear!!

Pay no one or any course learn how to do it yourself.
Will stand you in good stead in the long term.
Heaps of good free stuff in T2W if you dig deep.
Pay no one or any course learn how to do it yourself.
Will stand you in good stead in the long term.
Heaps of good free stuff in T2W if you dig deep.

There are also a range of good books out there.

I am not saying all courses are bad, but ...

A lot of people who provide courses get their money from the course not from trading ( 20 people a month @ £1500 gives them £30,000 per month).

Be very wary of get rich quick schemes (3-5% every day for example) and do due diligence, check companies are registered, check their claims and advertising material (google provide a picture search feature which is very handy) check if payments go to the company or an individual (individual is bad). Check for recognised reliable payment systems like PayPal (if paypal block an account it is a very bad sign).

There are a lot of tricks that can be done with demo accounts to make any crazy scheme look possible.

Facebook and twitter recommendations, likes etc can be faked, there is a whole industry built around this (SEO included). Don't be lazy, dig deep.

Scam artists feed on the desperate, vulnerable, ignorant, lazy and greedy, dont be a target.

Use free resources on the web and buy a range of different books and take time to learn the trading industry (pips, candles, leverage, spread etc.....)

There are many free platforms and brokers providing a demo account, use these to play and learn without losing any money. A demo account is not like trading your own hard earned cash, but can be a good way to learn about the markets.

Never fund a trading account with more than you can afford to lose !
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