Mike Douglas and MTA Online SCAM

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Since Matt Travis is obviously reacting to the posts on this forum, but is afraid to post, I thought I would copy this onto here (click pic to enlarge).


Making out its a hate thing to try and get sympathy or discredit reall is desperate. All I have done is highlight facts and backed them up with evidence, no hate, just trying to stop people being fooled. Perhaps a guilty conscience makes it feel like hate 😉 I would ask you to point out any post from me with hatred in it, but you guys never back up your hot air. 😛

That aside, Matt if you do post legitimate results that show everyone making 3% per day every day then you will earn my respect (providing we can view the videos). 👍

What I do not understand is, if you have a good and sucessful method, why all the bull (fake and lies, not trading term 🙂 ). You are supposed to have a trading floor yet you post photos copied (I assume legally purchased stock photos) from the web. Why use Demo accounts (ref twitter account), why use Training Traders publicity photos of their event at Bloomberg in Mexico, why claim £100 profits when you lose £1000 per day and wipe out accounts (luckily for you demo accounts).
Not hatred but all the post you have ever posted or threads you have started have been a vicious attack on MTA???

You were the one that was fired from what i have heard? You are making yourself look like a tit, changing your story every 2 minutes, then when MTA prove something you make up other lies and start more ****...

You could pick out 10 more educators that are ten times worse, Greg Secker? OTA? You obviously have some sort of hatred, maybe jealousy as you do not have the skill set to start your own business or trade and make money or even do both for 2 incomes.....

Bloomberg photos are of Mike training the banks he "taught" along with another educator so why can't he use them? MTA allow you to visit there trading floor for free and trade live with them... why don't you go down and visit, see for yourself, I'm sure they are far to busy to reply to your utter bull **** and lies to try and bring down MTA, it will never work, and when you see their videos which i have seen the past 3 weeks worth it will allow you to get back in your cave and rot......

Enjoy your weekend, sad sad little man.

Dear, dear Mr Travis .
We really are losing the plot.
Been out all day and come home and have a look at this garbage.

It would appear that this grammatical work of art was aimed at me, Les J.
Again, I am not lasertrader or anyone else. Happy to be just me.
As for lasertrader , you are not getting the credit you deserve.
I have had a very good weekend thank you. Rugby with the guys this morning and a chess tournament for the rest of the day with my son. Came second and won some cash!!!
When will you get it? You were wrong, you are wrong and every time you post such garbage you just encourage more ridicule. If you had listened and understood in the first place you would not have to be doing this. Your not very good at it. I have not yet really started. Think about it.
Not hatred but all the post you have ever posted or threads you have started have been a vicious attack on MTA???

You were the one that was fired from what i have heard? You are making yourself look like a tit, changing your story every 2 minutes, then when MTA prove something you make up other lies and start more ****...

You could pick out 10 more educators that are ten times worse, Greg Secker? OTA? You obviously have some sort of hatred, maybe jealousy as you do not have the skill set to start your own business or trade and make money or even do both for 2 incomes.....

Bloomberg photos are of Mike training the banks he "taught" along with another educator so why can't he use them? MTA allow you to visit there trading floor for free and trade live with them... why don't you go down and visit, see for yourself, I'm sure they are far to busy to reply to your utter bull **** and lies to try and bring down MTA, it will never work, and when you see their videos which i have seen the past 3 weeks worth it will allow you to get back in your cave and rot......

Enjoy your weekend, sad sad little man.

Once more, for the record I am not Les Johnston.

Also, I have remained consistent in revealing fake information, lies and tricks mad by MTA. As for you accusation that I have lied, that is a serious accusation. Please provide some evidence for this claim !

Everything I have said has had supporting evidence. This includes my recent post pointing out the claim that MTA sales are through word of mouth are not true, incase you missed the evidence there is a screen shot of the adverts used to promote the Ireland course.

Mike Douglas previously worked for Trainnig Traders at the time of the training in Bloomberg in Mexico. It is therefore wrong to associate that event with MTA Live or Mastery Trading Academy. If Mike Douglas wanted to use that event he would need permission from Training Traders and would need to display a clear indication that is was not an MTA Live or Master Trading Academy event.

It would be very wrong for MTA or Mastery Trading Academy to label it as their event .. oh wait thats exactly what they did on their Facebook page (until they were exposed on here).


How would my visiting the MTA office resolve anything. My posts have been clear and exposed wrong doings by the company a visit to their office would not remove those.

This is not the first time someone linked to MTA Live has tried to accuse me of lies to try and discredit, I issue the same response, tell me where you think I have lied or not provided evidence. As before I will gladly provide the evidence and blow you out of the water.

Oh you added a post to moan that I cropped Matt Travis's twitter. To be honest I thought I was being incredably generous with that post. But since you wanted to see more of Matt Travis's twitter postings:

Click on pictures to enlarge.

I thought they traded live with their own money 👎

Check these next 2 pictures carefully.
The Account Value is £10,224 then the next day (first day was a Friday) it goes down to £7,794 bragging about making £1600 (he did but after losing over £4000).
Just in case anyone else is as bad at maths as Matt Travis, that is an overall loss of £2430 in 2 days.


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It is very strange, MTA have supposedly just finished a course in London, but there are no photo's from the event. The last course there were lots of tweets and photo's. Maybe no one turned up 😕

Looks like they are trying a different approach


Obviously they have realised that the 3-5% every day claim was a bit silly (to be polite) and they are now trying a different approach.

Lets think about the attention grabbing name. If I have an income of £10,000 per month they are saying I will double it by trading live with Matt Travis. No if's, but's or maybe's I will double my income. So even if after outgoings if I just have say £1000 left to play with I will make an extra £10,000. :-0

Now lets consider this in reality.
They charge £49 per day :-0 or £199 per week :-0
I think we see the SCAM now. People will try if for a week, it will not work for them, MTA pocket £199. Lets face it Matt Travis has a history of trading demo accounts and making big losses.

I guess as PayPal has put a stop on their account they had to look at a different method of grabbing peoples money.

Again a reference to haters. I wonder if they realise that people can see the only hate in these posts comes from MTA, accusing me of being Les Johnston (which if they had any intelligence they would realise how wrong that is) and saying some vicious and personal comments against Les Johnston.

Mike and Matt, you obviously read this forum since you answer on your facebook page where no-one can respond. You are missing the point (deliberately I suspect) posting results will not undo the Lies you have told and tricks you have done to sell your course.

Just to summarise perhaps you will actually try and answer these points for once 🙂

1) Do you think it is right that the people involved in MTA launched an attack on Training Traders (a rival company most of you worked for) and then set up MTA as a rival company?

2) Do you think it is right to use photos from Training Traders events and label them as MTA event?

3) Do you think it is right that you traded as MTA Live and made out you were a registered company, even accusing me of lying when I exposed it (I enjoyed making you eat those words though 🙂 ) ?

4) Do you think it is right that Matt Travis was making out he was making loads of money when he actually lost over £2000?

5) Do you think its right that you make a big thing about trading your own money live but Matt Travis has been trading Demo accounts?

6) Do you think it is right that you pushed clients to one broker so that you got commission and did not tell clients or correctly inform clients of the options (as reported by one of your clients)?

7) Has PayPal put a stop on your account ?

8) Why have you got fake photo's on your website and social media (by fake I mean stock photo's or copied from other site and not actually MTA trading desks or office)?

9) Why have MTA accused me of lying when I have provided undisputable evidence for all my points, more to the point why has MTA not apologised when I have repeatedly shown then to have wrongly accused my of lying.?

10) Why do you prevent free speech and remove comments from your facebook page when they point to Trade2win?

Posting results or accounts will not answer these questions.
@LaserTrader - nice job showing up the scammers. Looks like they're getting p*ssed. 😆

Yup 🙂

But they have at least learned not to come back with stupid accusations to try and discredit legitimate comments which are backed with evidence (I think they are too scared to now because I have destroyed them every time and they made themselves look foolish)

Their credibility has been obliterated and they only have themselves to blame.

Time for a victory dance:

No its not me in the video but it fits the image MTA would like to pin on me (fair play to the guy he's got some moves).
What kind of ******** would actually describe himself being known to the banks as the "Forex genius"?

It's amazing the "Forex genius" doesn't make the TST rich list. There are a lot of Forex traders (fund managers) on there who wouldn't describe themselves as such.

Which banks has he supposedly trained? He claims 20 of them.

Mike Douglas BUSTED !! on day 2 of his trading videos.

Matt and Mike build up their videos, making us wait for the proof. I thought it would take longer, but they are busted on day 2.

I included a link to the video below so you can see for yourself, this is what to look out for (click on pictures to see full size):

In a trade 6:52 to go, note the order number 6840159 listed at the bottom of the screen.

After Mike Douglas paused the recording, it comes back at 00:29 but the trade is already closed - check bottom of the screen the order is already gone and balance increased. Order closed at least 30 seconds early, I checked with VantageFX this is not right.

Check out this screenshot, at 00:07 the trade is actually a loss.

At 00:01 it is still a loss

00:00 actual end of the trade and a loss of £32

But the display shows a win. Bit of luck the magic platform took him out of the trade over 30 seconds early (or is it visual effects 🙂 ).

Cheap tricks on a demo account perhaps 🙂 BUSTED !!!!! :smart:

Check the video for yourself:

Question 1 and question 2

As the mods have decided to only have one thread running on this subject we would wish the readers to have the opportunity to witness the answers provided by Mike Douglas and Matt Travis to questions put to them.

The questions are based on what they have claimed themselves so should be easy to answer and provide evidence you would think! Seems not though.

Question 1.

B]Trading is simple and psychology, if you're disciplined and not greedy, do not try to hit big every time you trade you can make consistent profit like I do, I currently make 4% on my account every day and Mike Douglas taught me, he replies to all my emails immediately for which I am grateful, thats why I speak highly of him African Angel and Laser Trader not because I work for them but I bet you both work for Greg Secker.[/B]
Posted by Rockiller . 17th August 2014.

So let us begin.

Mr Travis. Will you please publish the evidence that supports your claim (made on 17th August) that you make 4% on your account every day? I am sure that with such claimed performance you would wish to share the trading evidence with us.
Not any old spreadsheet please but a verifiable trading account.

We have not had an answer - draw your own conclusion to this one.

Second Question.

Mike Douglas

Known as the Forex genius by the banks, known as the trading expert by the professional traders and known as the best trainer, communicator and educator by our clients, Mike Douglas has shared platforms with the likes of, Richard Branson, James Caan & Robin Sharma,

The above statement is taken form the mtalive.com website - The Team page.

Will Matt Travis or Mike Douglas care to provide us with information on where and when he shared a platform with Sir Richard Branson and Robin Sharma?
I am sure that you will have many photographs of these events so we look forward to seeing Mike Douglas with these two great speakers.

It looks like we are not getting an answer to this one either! I wonder why?
I think a more important question is why did Mike Douglas fake Video 2 (the second day of the daily evidence of trading) ?

See the evidence earlier post:

Matt Travis was shown, with clear evidence, to have faked results with demo accounts and claiming success when he made big losses. Now Mike Douglas is shown to claim a win on a losing trade.

Selling a product using fake or incorrect promotional material I believe is classed as obtaining money by deceit.

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I've been following this thread for a while now as I stumbled upon a few of Mike and Matt's videos. It's all laughable really!

I'd like to point out one thing, though - surely one of the few ways to REALLY prove their absurd claims are legit is to put up a live stream of their trading, right? Over the course of a few days, just so people can see how they REALLY make 3-5% a day. Why haven't they done that? A video of 'live' trading isn't really live trading, let's be honest. I don't want to point out the obvious but I'm pretty sure any idiot could film themselves putting on ~10 trades and eventually they'd come across a good winner they could talk about.

Just my 2 pence worth.
I shall start this post of with a statement that I do not know any of the protagonists involved in this thread, yet seeing it constantly on the front page of T2W forum I decided to ask members of my Skype group, some of whom do not post on T2W any longer what they make of this company, and the childish vitriol spouted by people representing this firm.

After an enlightening discussion a few indisputable facts were pointed out to me, thus I shall relay them on.

Mike Douglas is not FCA registered, yet is very willing to take money from you to invest on your behalf.

Mike Douglas HAS NOT taught over 20 banks how to trade, as stated on Matt Travis's twitter photo, and as one Skype member pointed out "bank traders are not sitting there trading binary options at £10/pip" as Mike demonstrates in his youtube account. If this fact is incorrect, please supply me with the names of the 20 banks, as I would love to know(thought not).


I was also told that Mike Douglas has taken money from someone to trade on their behalf, and ACTUALLY LOST THEM MONEY in spectacular fashion, rather than make them money, and upon account analysis it was deemed that the trades he had taken did not adhere to any sensible money management at all, but were tantamount to gambling. Caveat Emptor.

MTA Live are teaching exactly the same stuff as Training Traders taught(out of the frying pan, and into the fire me thinks).

As for Matt Travis, well he is an amusing character, or so I'm told.

A natural born salesman, or bull hitter of Walter Mitty proportions. Whilst working at JP he was basically laughed out of the job by his colleagues due to the far fetching yarns he span from his brother being a undefeated UFC fighter(yet work colleagues whom were avid followers of UFC had never saw, or even heard of him) to who he had dated in the office, but was found out to be, yes you've guessed it, telling porkies. However, you know the real reason why you left P.S. If your reading this Matt, Johnny says Hi.

As for his tutelage under the likes of "Donald Trump, Anthony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Richard Branson & many others". All I will say is "cool story bro".

He was for want of a better word, a glorified cold caller, yet went around telling everyone he was a trader.

These facts have been passed to me, and if Mike, or Matt would like to contact me via PM, I will be more than willing to provide you with additional information in a bid for transparency. However if you could do me the courtesy Mr. Douglas of providing me with the list of the 20 banks you have taught at, and empirical evidence of your returns per day from yourself, and Mr. Travis, I would be grateful, and up until that time, please excuse me for saying this, but "Obviously, MTA Live is nothing more than a sales company built upon a mountain of lies, and intent on fleecing people out of their hard earned cash, as others have pointed out on this thread, and I certainly would advise others to stay away from this company also".

The above post was made by Mr Fox on 8th October on the other thread on this subject. It may be the single most important post yet on this thread.

Question for Mr Fox.
From your sources, when exactly did they say that Mike Douglas traded others money and lost a lot? It would be interesting for all to know how long these things may have been happening.
The above post was made by Mr Fox on 8th October on the other thread on this subject. It may be the single most important post yet on this thread.

Question for Mr Fox.
From your sources, when exactly did they say that Mike Douglas traded others money and lost a lot? It would be interesting for all to know how long these things may have been happening.

Good Evening VeryAmused,

First of all, I hope you've had a good day trading.

I have logged on to T2W after my Skype group has finished for the day, so in the name of accuracy of information I will have to ask them again in the morning, however the crux of the issue at large is still very true.

I.E. Mr Douglas taking monies from others(under the pretence of being a forex genius I assume), and LOSING MONIES belonging to others quite spectacularly with no regards to any modicum of money management.

From what I've been told Mr Douglas is the brains of the operation who wants his basic wage per person attending, regardless if the company does well, as he knows it one day will ultimately fail, and his reputation will survive, and so he pushes his "nice but dim" patsy Mr Travis to do all the donkey work.

To anyone thinking of going on this course, DON'T, you can get so much free, and better information from forums like this, that you will be just wasting your money.

Just remember, just as it is in life, in theory, everything may look obvious, and easy, yet the inner workings of real life prove very difficult, and that the biggest trick companies use to get you to pay for what they are selling.

They even had the audacity to doctor a losing trade into a winning trade on youtube, a trade where the forex genius Mr Douglas won £13.62p or there abouts. 😆😆😆, and this is the chap who's taught over 20 banks apparently(NOT).

Please remember, even with live videos, it is quite easy to have 2 trades going in the opposite direction, and filling the audio in afterwards on the winning one, so it looks like a lot has been made.

A simple question of asking for 6 months account statement showing a 3-5% return per day, as they stated they are making should suffice, and if they can not provide this, then run for the hills.

It looks like messers Douglas and Travis have stopped posting the trading videos after Mike Douglas was busted for faking the videos on Day 2. They claimed they would post everyday for a month, I take it by stopping they acknowledge the bust.

Opps sorry for the typo, obviously I meant messrs not messers

... or did I :smart:
Question 3 for Mr Douglas and Mr Travis

It seems that Mike Douglas and Matt Travis do not wish to answer simple straight forward questions based on what they have claimed.
So far two questions asked and no answers given. A bit strange for these previously, less than shy, promoters of themselves.

Lets try another one.

Why were customers who had paid for a course on the 3rd-5th October in Johannesburg, South Africa trying to contact you a couple of days before - asking if it was happening, what time it was happening and where it was happening?

Why were these customers contacting your partner in South Africa complaining and asking questions?

Why was your partner in South Africa asking what was happening the day before the advertised course?

Why did the advertised course in Johannesburg on the 3, 4 and 5th October not

Seems very strange that it was promoted all over your website (and still is today)

90 Day Challenge South Africa
4-5-6th October – Johannesburg
11-12-13th October – Cape Town



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Anyone would think that the key people contributing in this thread don't really like each other. Maybe it is time for a reconciliation, a shaking of hands, a pat on the back and a smile to each other.

So how about it?
Question 4

Can Mr Douglas or Mr Travis tell the readers why the course in Capetown, South Africa on the 11-12-13th October did not happen?

Trend beginning to form?


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Anyone would think that the key people contributing in this thread don't really like each other. Maybe it is time for a reconciliation, a shaking of hands, a pat on the back and a smile to each other.

So how about it?

I am surprised you think it is a personal thing. If you look at all of my posts I have tried to make sure they are not personal and delt with facts. As I already mentioned my reason to post is to expose the wrongdoing.

The people from MTA have tried very hard to make things personal because they have no answer for what they have done, lets face it the evidence is clear and shows them in the wrong. Exposing (busting) Mike Douglas for faking his videos is not personal.

But I do think the MTA guys owe some appologies for the persoanl attacks and threats before any hands should be shaken.
Anyone would think that the key people contributing in this thread don't really like each other. Maybe it is time for a reconciliation, a shaking of hands, a pat on the back and a smile to each other.

So how about it?

Actually, you got me thinking. Maybe a new approach would be better, instead of simply exposing wrong doing, perhaps some advice would be better.

The following is posted as advise and not an attack. To show I am trying to help I will give you 1 month to rectify all the fake claims and videos etc. Assuming you have got a good trading method after the month I would like to see a trade log to demonstrate it (not just an odd screen shot).

Ok the advice. You should not have been involved in attacking a rival company before setting up your company it looks very bad. Education companies get slated on here, you should have made sure you started on solid ground. Using fake photos and outrageous claims did not help one bit, you should have used your own pictures or just stock graphics (not photos from other companies).

Be aware of your image and what you post on twitter, people will check.
Just as an example, postings this:

You do realise the attachment still had property of AutoTrader on the top left dont you?

A quick check and this can be found

A quick check of the MTA Live website registration and electroral role shows you dont live at that house, why show a picture of a car at another house. It makes you look foolish and puts people off buying your MTA course.

At the end of the day like it or not you are coming across as a pair of Scam artist.

Matt don't be played. I suspect Mike Douglas is hiding behind you so all the smelly stuff hits you.

OK more constructive.
If you are legit and not out to Scam people and have a good method/course:

Update your website, remove old courses and links.
Remove the photos from other companies and put photos of your trading floor instead.

Do not keep posting screen shots to try and claim big wins, especially not from different platforms.

Use a Demo account and trade for a period of time, say a week or more then use the trade log to show your method works. And do not be tempted to fake the log or edit videos there are ways to tell. Make sure you show the full trade log.

Setup a free live webinar to demonstrate your method, but make sure you block incoming chat/messages.

Make sure you provide what you advertise and do not advertise 2 courses in different places at the same time.

Most of all be open honest and upfront. Tell people if you get commission from brokers, don't promise or make out everyone will make 3-5% from day one and that some will fail.

It is down to you now, either you have a product you believe in and want to be fair with people .. or not.
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