Mike Douglas and MTA Online SCAM

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MT is an absolute joke in terms of trading mentor/coach - on his linkedin page he doesn't mention trading even once! He needs his head screwing back on

Matt Travis

Accomplished Director/Sales Director/CEO with experience and compelling successes in sales management, staff leadership and generating revenue at a senior level. Successful at developing and delivering strategies to support reputation and commercial growth. A background in successfully managing budgets, interpreting business insights and cultivating strategic alliances with agencies/partners.

October 2016 – Present (1 year 5 months)London, United Kingdom
Key Responsibilities:
● Utilised entrepreneurial skills to set up and develop a brand-new business; full accountability for developing high quality business strategies ensuring their alignment with short-term and long-term objectives
● Oversee all operations and business activities to ensure they produced the desired results and were consistent with the overall strategy and mission
● Leading all activities of the sales team utilising the Business Planning process to align with business strategies and KPI’s to deliver both Company objectives
● Establish innovative ways to maximise sales on a regional and national basis
● Hold full budget and P&L responsibility
● Accountable for the recruitment and management of teams; identify training and development needs through job analysis and appraisal schemes, maximising productivity through ongoing performance monitoring and review
● Created robust and structured sales approach to promote effective utilisation of the sales team; implement company price architecture and other Company policies across the business segment
● Develop relationships with all corporate customers and contractors to generate profitable business opportunities
● Work with key stakeholders and industry specific contacts to promote the services of the company
● Cooperate with the creative team to map out marketing strategies, defining messages and ensuring consistent brand visibility
● Communicate and maintain trust relationships with shareholders, business partners and authorities
● Oversee the company’s financial performance, investments and other business ventures

Key Achievements:
● Built the world’s largest FX education company to date, creating very successful sales teams, producing creative marketing and negotiating worldwide deals with affiliates

March 2013 – October 2016 (3 years 8 months)London, United Kingdom
Key Responsibilities:
● Developed and executed the company’s business strategies in order to attain the goals of the board and shareholders
● Personally built an extremely successful sales team to generate revenue
● Prepared and implement comprehensive business plans to facilitate achievement by planning cost-effective operations and market development activities
● Ensured company policies and legal guidelines were communicated all the way from the top down in the company and that they are followed at all times
● Communicated and maintained trust relationships with shareholders, business partners and authorities
● Analysed problematic situations and occurrences and provided solutions to ensure company survival and growth

What no ‘millionaire forex sensation Matt travis ‘ to start off the cv.

My god he is the most insufferable prick I have ever come across and I am just so happy he is getting his comuppunce now after all his years ****ting on people.

I would love to run into him and just lay it all out for him and ask him what the **** was thinking the whole time.
- I mean how can you post **** like ‘I am the master of this game, nobody can come near me, I taught all the banks, I’m going to make the homeless rich, I’ll cjamge their bum lives, I made 100k today before brralfast’ And not just think wow what a prick I am.

Or did he believe his own madness ? Like serial liers start to believe their own lies.

Did I mention he’s a prick ?
Or did he believe his own madness ? Like serial liers start to believe their own lies.

Cocaine is a hell of a drug

It is interesting that this new CV makes no mention of his time at JP Morgan. He did actually work there, albeit it for a short period of time and in a glorified telesales role, and not as a superstar trader which he used to claim.
What no ‘millionaire forex sensation Matt travis ‘ to start off the cv.

My god he is the most insufferable prick I have ever come across and I am just so happy he is getting his comuppunce now after all his years ****ting on people.

I would love to run into him and just lay it all out for him and ask him what the **** was thinking the whole time.
- I mean how can you post **** like ‘I am the master of this game, nobody can come near me, I taught all the banks, I’m going to make the homeless rich, I’ll cjamge their bum lives, I made 100k today before brralfast’ And not just think wow what a prick I am.

Or did he believe his own madness ? Like serial liers start to believe their own lies.

Did I mention he’s a prick ?

😆 well put

No mention of JPM on there, here is the rest of the shiz fest btw....

Business Development
Success Resources
February 2010 – March 2013 (3 years 2 months)London, United Kingdom
Key Responsibilities:
● Full management for developing and shaping sales strategies, direction and tactics to deliver continuous results in high end ticket sales to seminars at a Global level
● Responsible for negotiating terms and closing deals with new business; negotiated deals with world leading speakers such as Richard Branson, Donald Trump and Tony Robbins
● Created and implemented effective strategies and lead worldwide B2B sales employees toward achievement of corporate sales objectives
● Provided leadership through effective communication of vision, active coaching and development while comparing sales results to goals and taking appropriate action to correct when necessary
● Maintained competitive knowledge to create and adjust sales strategies
● Provided regular and structured reports on performance to the board of directors on a regular basis
● Analysed market trends and evaluating competitor activities
● Acted as company ambassador at company marketing events
● Developed and maintained strong client relationships, acted as the liaison between the customer service and sales teams

Field Sales Agent/Manager
April 2007 – September 2010 (3 years 6 months)
Door To Door Sales
Team Of 15 Sales Agents Underneath Me.

Request More Details If Needed

Sales, Management
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If Matt Travis had an enema, he could live in a matchbox... At least his lying has gone from (allegedly) having serious implications to just plain embarrassing.

I love the premise that, despite being so underfunded and light on resource, the police still had time to call him back up and give him some feedback. Although, to be fair, I wouldn't trust Matt Travis to tell me the time...

That's a coincidence, the last time the police called me back to say "what a bloody good spot" was when I told them there's a ginger lad on facebook running a ponzi scheme/ fraudulent forex education business...
Annnnd it's all kicking off on Dan Newman's Facebook - some very interesting claims. I'd suggest reading Lewis Flanagan's (probably libellous) comment before it's taken down...
Annnnd it's all kicking off on Dan Newman's Facebook - some very interesting claims. I'd suggest reading Lewis Flanagan's (probably libellous) comment before it's taken down...

Thanks for the heads up, I was waiting to hear all these revelations Lewis had.

I think it’s worth to copy and paste his comment here.

Lewis Flanagan replying to a post on Dan Newman’s Facebook where Dan makes comment to Matt slagging off Dan for working on site and in a chip shop while trying to run a trading telegram group.

“”I heard he had resurfaced, I wasn’t going to say anything but two weeks ago he messaged my girlfriend a day or two before our anniversary on Valentine’s Day telling her that I had been cheating on her for 6 months (lies) he also told her that I cheated on her when I was in Vegas on the MTA retreat, she had her own insecurities like we all do and she felt like she had to ask him for the proof he had, so I told her to leave me alone and we haven’t spoke since as far as I’m concerned going to him of all people for dirt on me the person she’s with was a betrayal in itself so we are no longer together and I blame no one for that but myself, the point here is this is the kind of ‘man’ you’re dealing with the kind of man that would hurt an innocent girl to get to someone he doesn’t like, so instead of spending her anniversary and Valentine’s Day with the man she loved she probably spent it crying just so he could have what he thought would be the last laugh. I said he’s do it on my live video it was the only card he had. The only reason he’s going after Dan now is because in his sad little narcissistic mind he believes he can turn everyone against dan and take as many people from the FX Community group as he can and make broker affiliate profit of them, I’ve seen the email he sent to all the clients. Lies, lies, motivation quote, lies, lies motivational quote and more lies. He has been charged before he’s been banned from driving he’s been arrested for fighting numerous times and he told me personally he was arrested for raping one of his own relatives. That bull**** quote about adversity, ever since Connor mcgregor used the word adversity he throws it in anywhere he can, THIS ISNT ADVERSITY THIS IS KARMA, he’s spent years conning people out of their hard earned savings ruining peoples lives, lining his pockets from other peoples misfortune and he’s never thought twice about it, he’s an absolute scumbag and the only thing he’s ever been loyal too is the character he made up in his mind, this millionaire mentor the multi millionaire trader the well being speaker tony robbins right hand man the best there ever was is or will be, he’s unstable.. I’m telling you now he’s a pathological liar, and a psychotic narcissist, please google those terms and you will see strong resemblance. please if anyone is reading this cares about him. HE NEEDS MENTAL HELP, he’s unstable I can bet my life that if he goes down like he should he’ll do something stupid, he’s very unstable. He even beat his girlfriend, his daughters school teacher, he bragged about it to another ex employee.As far as the comment about trying to capitalise on his downfall, it cost me to leave as I’m now flat broke, I left a 50k a year job to work for him he sells people a false dream that isn’t available 😂 dans FX Community group is free of charge as far as I know ? The only person who’s trying to capitalise is Matt by trying to paint a bad picture of Dan so he can benefit, everyone that works for him leaves, surely you can see this no one stays with him everyone leaves him, the only people who don’t leave him, Pete love ? Only reason he’s there is there is because he wants his 250k back but matt doesn’t have it because he spent it he’s been living off it the past year and now he’s broke and the only way for Pete to get his money back is to help the ‘business’ make it’s come back. James Wardell ? He’s here because he has nothing else he’s financed up to the eye balls on his Audi TT yeh you know that guy who makes 6-7 figures a year ? His TT is on finance and he’s flat broke too, the only reason he is a ‘shareholder’ in a worthless ‘company’ that’s changed it’s name 5 times in a year is because he’s owed wages from Matt over 50k every single employee that’s ever worked there is still owed wages, Chloe borowczyk the PA ? I didn’t touch down on this on my live video because I heard she broke down into tears to another employee when she left matts house one time, so I felt sorry for her but then I seen the message she put in the groups bigging matt up and saying **** about me and Christe, Chloe kisses matt touches him intimately let’s matt touch her body matt even convinced her to leave her boyfriend and she was going to, but matt was just playing games with her he said to us all I’m just ****ing with her I like to see how easy I can get her to leave her boyfriend. So Chloe will do anything he says and I mean anything !! One minute she’s crying about him forcefully touching her one minute she’s letting him touch her. Anyone who goes anywhere near him or the ‘company’ is a moron and he is being investigated by he FCA because I’m in touch with them and I will be testifying. Going after dan was a low move why can’t he just go down with a little bit of dignity he’s like a cockroach on his back trying to survive, how sad is that though to try and publicly humiliate someone for earning an honest living ? Someone who was once your friend your colleague a brother ? Deliberately go out of your way to bring them down or try and upset them when they’re finally doing well for themselves, desperate to take as many people down with him as he can clawing at anyone he can it’s sad it really is sad to see that he just can’t let people move on and try and rebuild and live their life. As far as the education goes anything you learn with them is online for free, and he did not invent forex or any working strategies what so ever I have never learnt anything from him Chris Hart thought me the basics and I developed my own knowledge by trading and studying charts, so to make out it’s his material is silly because it’s Japanese candlesticks and it’s been around for a long time and the actual educational material was taken from another company, he doesn’t care about anyone but himself he has no interest in helping anyone in anyway the only time I have ever seen him do anything genuinely nice was when he was on Facebook live and that was only for likes, remember the homeless guy ex soldier on Richmond high street promised him he’d change his life and handed him a 3 quid sandwiched walked straight past him the very next day didn’t even acknowledge him, again the homeless guy in LA when he said he went ‘viral’ we got out a taxi and he saw a camera and sprinted as fast as he could to get in on the lime light told the homeless guy again he’d change his life and make him a millionaire the guys doing the filming actually help homeless people they contacted matt time and time again after he’d promised to do so much but he ignored them, same as he ignored me when I asked him if I should go looking for homeless people who’s lives we could change 😂 What ever happened to project 10 ? Oh yeh I was project 10 Hahahaha I’ve never been homeless in my life it’s a lie created to mislead genuinely good people to admire and follow a false character created by lies and deception, I have my own property which I rent our and live in a 3 bedroom new build I’ve earned 50k a year for the past 4 year offshore 😂””
From the same Facebook post - a post from his brother...:?::

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So Matt has sent and email out to his ‘clients’ ? Surely he’s not trying to get back to it ? Who in their right mind or even their half right mind would ever work with that fool again ?


Good afternoon everyone.

This email may come as a shock, but probably nowhere near as much of a shock as my disappearing act over the past 4/5 weeks.

Firstly, I want to apologise for the lack of communication.

Looking back, I should have employed somebody to run the company whilst I stuck to what I'm best at - educating and helping people become the best versions of themselves.

I can categorically state that I am not on bail, that I was not and never have been charged with anything in my life. I am co-operating fully with the regulators and no charges have been brought against me at all. At all times, I relied fully on the advices given to me by fully authorised FCA and CYSEC brokers.

The regulators asked to speak with us, we cooperated with them only, to find that the advice given to us through regulated brokers and trading accounts was incorrect.

I was never prohibited from trading or coaching at any stage of my career – I have made the decision however, myself, and with no compulsion from any regulators or authorities, to step aside for some time to gather my thoughts and feelings. This has been an emotional situation, and I need some time to reflect.

The strongest people aren't always the people who win, but the people who don't give up when they face some adversity.

For anyone that has paid for a course/programme that we were unable to start or unable to continue, we will be happy to refund or start/complete the program if you wish to do so. Please get in touch.

I've seen many a man try and capitalise on my current weakness - with complete lies and stories created to drag my name through the mud to further their own agenda. I have received threats to my life and those of my family. The majority of these people are in it for their own agenda. Most of them learnt from me, they now teach our methodology and fair play to them, but praying on a man whilst he is down, a man that gave them the opportunity to make something of themselves is nothing but disrespectful and hurtful. I never wanted enemies - sometimes I've been my own worst enemy, but I'm a young man that had tried his best to change the lives of the people around him. I may have been naive, but I have never deliberately taken advantage of anyone at all, and certainly not for personal gain.

As for the broker issues, every single person we ever recruited onto our programs were aware of our agreement with the authorised and regulated brokers – instead of you paying for our services AND us getting our referral fee we just got the latter, saving you money and allowing you to have education for free. Nobody can fault our results and education.

I look forward to resuming the education with those I’ve spoken to and those who wish to continue.

If you don’t I understand – I completely get that and can only hope my apologies at least touch you a little.

I will live and learn and wish you all the best in future endeavours regardless of if we speak, cross paths or continue our mission together.

Thank you for reading and big love to everyone, even if you really do dislike me.

Believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear.

Pete, James and I are working closely on future plans and look forward to clean name and fresh start under what looks to be a very exciting future.

One Love.



Mtakeover South West London TW9 United Kingdom +447590055595

How can anyone believe this kind of **** ��
Damn. That’s pretty bad.

I see there’s a rape accusation on a relative thrown into the mix in Lewis’ earlier post. What the ****.

I saw that - I think they would be best advised to withdraw those allegations on the basis that they are clearly unable to substantiate them. Methinks they may have overstepped the mark there...
They have no real reason to withdraw the allegations, to pursue any sort of libel action against somebody is incredibly expensive and Matt is flat broke, not to mention he has much bigger issues to deal with right now regarding FCA etc. Also I don't doubt that what Lewis is saying is true - and if a statement is true then it isn't libellous, just contentious.

Matt confirmed on his facebook status earlier that he is being investigated for trading other people's money without a license. A serious offence with a realistic prospect of conviction and custodial sentences. Screenshot attached of him confirming it in his own words. He is blaming it on the brokers - however ignorance of the law is not a defence.

Matt's "comeback" didn't last long, he's already deleted his facebook again...


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What's the deal with this guy - sounds like he invested heavily in MTA? Anyone know what the backstory is to this?

He invested £250,000 into MTA, which Matt then pissed up the wall on personal expenditure living the millionaire lifestyle.
They have no real reason to withdraw the allegations, to pursue any sort of libel action against somebody is incredibly expensive.. .

Yes, very true. I always tend to err on the side of caution, but each to their own!

Interesting about this Peter chap. That's a fair chunk of change to lose and part of me feels sorry for him, but then presumably if you're going to part with that much money you'd at least do some sort of due diligence on the company...?
Yes, very true. I always tend to err on the side of caution, but each to their own!

Interesting about this Peter chap. That's a fair chunk of change to lose and part of me feels sorry for him, but then presumably if you're going to part with that much money you'd at least do some sort of due diligence on the company...?

It is my understanding that he was previously a registered Independent Financial Advisor for a living! The mind boggles.
So, Matt Travis is back...only he's changed his name (on FaceBook at least) to Matt Lloyd, presumably in a bid to distance himself from the **** storm he's faced.

I wonder if the FCA are aware that he's planning on resuming his antics but under a different name?
I've also been told that James Wardell is no longer working with Matt Travis / Lloyd.

He's still listed as a Director, so I don't know how true that is.
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