Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

Oi! Baghdady. We are reliably informed that you monitor this forum and have even invested considerable sums of your hard earned $$$$ (from turtles and other ill- informed victims) in trying to have this thread removed.

Could you therefore comment on the recent court/tribunal hearing in the UK that found 100% against you?

You were found to have, without good reason, dismissed an employee, not paid his due salary or severance pay and not paid his due bonus. You also failed to provide him with the employment contract that the law requires. All pretty comprehensive and pretty consistent with not paying service providers and suppliers to your businesses all over the world.

This from the self proclaimed "Worlds leading expert on Price Behaviour Trading" who is now asking a new generation of potential victims to join you in your new venture and donate more $$$$ to your cause.

Surely you can comment on here and put the minds of the readers at ease with a simple explanation of how this court is mistaken and you are the genuine and honest real deal. Kind of important as you attempt to solicit new and ill-informed aspiring traders to join you in what appears to be your new venture - one that has no address or base. Kind of invisible really.
Received today:

19 September 2012

Dear Sirs

TMZF Ltd (formerly Spyglass Trading Solutions Limited)

The director of TMZF has resolved to place that company into Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation. A meeting of creditors has been convened for 28 September 2012. We understand that the Insolvency Practitioner involved is to despatch notices of that meeting today.

Yours faithfully

Paul Warry
for KMC Consulting

2nd Floor, 94 New Walk
Leicester, LE1 7EA
T 0844 997 0325
F 0116 216 7570
W Welcome to KMC Consulting - Insolvency and Debt | KMC Consulting
Attached is a copy of the Judgement from the Employment Tribunal.

Lets see if Mike Baghdady or Ben Tuckey (Both Directors at the time of the judgement) decide to honour this.

Alfboy - you may consider amending the letter below to suit yourself and your judgement and getting it over to Companies House on the details below, pronto:

Companies House
DX 33050

Dear Sirs

Re: TMZF Limited (formerly Spyglass Trading Solutions Limited)
Registered Company Number: 06738461

Our client:
Judgment – Claim Number:


We understand that there may be a possibility of an application being made for the above Company to be struck off.

We write to confirm that our clients oppose any application to strike off the Company. We enclose a copy of a recent x Judgment which has been obtained against the Company. Our clients are also looking into issues relating to potential wrongful trade and conduct and other issues relating to the Directors of this Company.

We would ask you therefore please to note our interest and confirm that the now application to strike off the Company will be entertained without first reference to ourselves on 28 days’ notice.

Yours faithfully

I have looked into the position in respect of invoking Directors disqualification proceedings.

Under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986, the Court has a discretionary power to disqualify a person from being a Director. When a Company fails, the Official Receiver provides the Secretary of State with a Report on the conduct of all Directors who were in office in the last 3 years of the company’s trading. The Secretary of State then decides whether it is in the public interest to seek a Disqualification Order. Any application is usually heard and decided by the Court.

Examples of conduct which may lead to disqualification include:-

1. Continuing to trade to the detriment of creditors at a time when the company was insolvent;
2. Failure to keep proper accounting records;
3. Failure to prepare and file accounts or make returns to Companies House;
4. Failure to submit tax returns or pay over to the Crown tax or other money due;
5. Failure to co-operate with the Official Receiver.

We seek to establish more about the Directors conduct and raise issues of concern then with the Official Receiver or appointed Liquidator to see whether they will report the Directors conduct and most importantly, Mr Baghdady’s conduct to the Secretary of State.
Can the letter to companies house come directly from me or does it need to come from a solicitor.
Can the letter to companies house come directly from me or does it need to come from a solicitor.

Can't imagine why it couldn't come directly from you - all they'll probably care about is whether the judgement can be verified, and that you havent received funds due...

BTW - I was told recently by a previous plaintiff who won an Employment Tribanal against Baghdady (Spyglass) in 2010, that he successfully received a settlement. I have asked him if he can provide the judgement papers... I cannot find them online.
Does this make sense:

Companies House
DX 33050

Dear Sirs

Re: TMZF Limited (formerly Spyglass Trading Solutions Limited)
Registered Company Number: 06738461

Judgment – Claim Number: 3203320/2011

20th September 2012

I understand that there may be a possibility of an application being made for the above Company to be struck off.

I write to confirm that I oppose any application to strike off the Company. I enclose a copy of a recent Employment Tribunal Judgment which has been obtained against the Company. I am also looking into issues relating to potential wrongful trade and conduct and other issues relating to the Directors of this Company.

I would ask you therefore please to note my interest and confirm that the application to strike off the Company will not be entertained without first reference to myself on 28 days’ notice.

Yours faithfully

Michael Gallop
Looks about right. Anyone with any concerns about this company should do the same quickly, taking care to include any evidence they can.
Re: OWG Corporate Recovery in respect of TMZF Ltd

A Meeting of Creditors is to take place on the 28th September 2012 at 1530 at the the offices of OWG Corporate Recovery, 41 Skylines Village, Docklands, London. E14 9TS

The Notice of Creditors Meeting is given and signed by Mr Mike Baghdady.

A list of the names and addresses of the company's creditors will be available for inspection at these offices during this time.

The proposed liquidator is Angela Kelly (IP Number 9689) of OWG Corporate Recovery Limited - angela@owgplc.com - 0207 510 4590
what do you want from me pboyles; it is not fair you destroy my career. am bankrupt now; happy? no justice in this world.

you are jealous of my success. am famous because of hard work. 30 years experience in trading.

I train bankers and turtles. they trade with their eyes closed.

you should me your track records or shutup

because of you am hiding now.

please guys leave me alone. i had enough of you at trade 2 jealous.
what do you want from me pboyles; it is not fair you destroy my career. am bankrupt now; happy? no justice in this world.

you are jealous of my success. am famous because of hard work. 30 years experience in trading.

I train bankers and turtles. they trade with their eyes closed.

you should me your track records or shutup

because of you am hiding now.

please guys leave me alone. i had enough of you at trade 2 jealous.

I suppose The Leopard had to come back sooner or later.
what do you want from me pboyles; it is not fair you destroy my career. am bankrupt now; happy? no justice in this world.

you are jealous of my success. am famous because of hard work. 30 years experience in trading.

I train bankers and turtles. they trade with their eyes closed.

you should me your track records or shutup

because of you am hiding now.

please guys leave me alone. i had enough of you at trade 2 jealous.

Hey Mike ....good to have you on board here.....welcome :smart:

Phone number for Angela Kelly is incorrect. They don't seem to have a working site so can anyone update with the correct number