Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

His linkedin profile looks pretty good. I also look at his website and I can't find any flaw. Can you please explain on what was meant with him not meeting the margin?

What about if I told you half of his LinkedIn profile and website claims were total lies? Completely made up to fool people like you into giving him your money.
His linkedin profile looks pretty good. I also look at his website and I can't find any flaw. Can you please explain on what was meant with him not meeting the margin?

You are a vendor on a trading site ! And you don't know what meeting the margin is !

What do you Vend ?
So Ben Tuckey has finally ended his appointment as Director of TMZF Ltd.

However, a director of a company may in certain circumstances be made liable for the debts of the company of which he is a director. This might result in the director being personally required to pay some or all of the company's creditors. Directors can be found guilty of wrongful trading if he or she carries on business when the director knows that it will not be possible for the company to avoid an insolvent liquidation. It is a defence for a director if he can demonstrate that when he became aware of the likelihood of an insolvent liquidation he took all possible steps to minimise the loss to creditors. However, resigning as a director does not necessarily absolve the director from responsibility.
In order to minimise the risk of being accused of wrongful trading, a director should make sure that: potential problems relating to the solvency of the company have been discussed with the other directors; an accurate record of any discussions has been kept; the company has adequate up to date financial information. If a director finds himself a director of a company that has become insolvent he should take immediate professional advice. Under Insolvency Legislation, disqualification orders can be made against company directors. The responsible insolvency practitioner is required to report to the Department of Trade and Industry on the conduct of all company directors involved in an insolvent liquidation.
Any advice from lawyers that wish to help me enforce the judgement made in my favour against TMZF Ltd of which both Mike Baghdady and Ben Tuckey were directors, please get in touch.
I think you're p*ssing into the wind trying to get a wongful trading beef for these guys. Never say never but Tuckey is likely in the clear. Slaggyladdabloop however has a history of not paying creditors and setting up phoenix companies and/or shadow directing in order to continue in his enterprise at the expense of creditors. Fraudulent claims etc will be useful in character testimony here. That's the route I'd be going down if I were you.

So Ben Tuckey has finally ended his appointment as Director of TMZF Ltd.

However, a director of a company may in certain circumstances be made liable for the debts of the company of which he is a director. This might result in the director being personally required to pay some or all of the company's creditors. Directors can be found guilty of wrongful trading if he or she carries on business when the director knows that it will not be possible for the company to avoid an insolvent liquidation. It is a defence for a director if he can demonstrate that when he became aware of the likelihood of an insolvent liquidation he took all possible steps to minimise the loss to creditors. However, resigning as a director does not necessarily absolve the director from responsibility.
In order to minimise the risk of being accused of wrongful trading, a director should make sure that: potential problems relating to the solvency of the company have been discussed with the other directors; an accurate record of any discussions has been kept; the company has adequate up to date financial information. If a director finds himself a director of a company that has become insolvent he should take immediate professional advice. Under Insolvency Legislation, disqualification orders can be made against company directors. The responsible insolvency practitioner is required to report to the Department of Trade and Industry on the conduct of all company directors involved in an insolvent liquidation.
Any advice from lawyers that wish to help me enforce the judgement made in my favour against TMZF Ltd of which both Mike Baghdady and Ben Tuckey were directors, please get in touch.

I'm no lawyer but fairly familiar with how this process all works. Basically, as a director of a company, you have a legal obligation to ensure that it is being run correctly (ie not in a fraudulent manner). Given how long Training Traders, TMZF et al were carrying on for, it is inconceivable that Ben Tuckey would have been unaware of any business malpractice. As a director, you can be personally liable for your time as a director. This means that you can't be taken to court, lose and then resign your directorship to try to avoid legal implications.

He would have had to sign the forms for all the names changes - that must have kept him enough! He'd also have to sign off on the annual accounts once they'd been completed & audited. But given that the accountant took Baghdady to court, then I wouldn't be surprised if the whole place was a total mess.

I think it's reasonable that you could chase Ben Tuckey for monies owed. Were you awarded money at the tribunal? If so, you could chase Ben Tuckey directly for payment IF your case was against TMZF, Training Traders (or whatever) and he was a director at the time of your employment and subsequent tribunal.

I wonder if Ben Tuckey is regretting getting involved with Mike Baghdady? it's already cost him over £500,000 and now he's probably a sitting duck for creditors! Stupid Much?!
Attached is a copy of the Judgement from the Employment Tribunal.

Lets see if Mike Baghdady or Ben Tuckey (Both Directors at the time of the judgement) decide to honour this.


Mike Baghdady has informed me that he is going to appeal this judgement.

He couldn't be bothered to show up or submit ANY evidence in his favour but he wants to appeal.

Says it all about his character.

Rather than settle his debts and treat people with respect, he prefers to rip people off and dismiss them as "cockroaches".
The latest email from Mike:
"do you really think you are that important ? I just stepped into you I will scrap you off my shoes and go"

Is this the type of person you want to do business with?
The latest email from Mike:
"do you really think you are that important ? I just stepped into you I will scrap you off my shoes and go"

Is this the type of person you want to do business with?

Alfboy, when you were working with Mike, did you see or saw any evidence he traded real money? secondly, he claimed that he was self financing the Turtles of $100,000 each was this true?
Alfboy, when you were working with Mike, did you see or saw any evidence he traded real money? secondly, he claimed that he was self financing the Turtles of $100,000 each was this true?

He didn't finance the turtles with 100,000 that's for certain because some of them have said so. In fact some of the turtles paid Baghdady, one of them gave him 50,000.
Alfboy, when you were working with Mike, did you see or saw any evidence he traded real money? secondly, he claimed that he was self financing the Turtles of $100,000 each was this true?

As pboyles rightly stated, Mike did not self fund the turtles at all.

More than one turtle paid to be there.

I personally negotiated one turtles entrance, so I know exactly what was paid and what was promised.

I am not a trader but to my knowledge Mike never traded real money.

Mike is extremely good at selling his system to ignorant people. i was ignorant to trading and believed the hype that he spouted. I honestly thought he was doing the right thing and that he was the difference in this market full of snake-oil sales people.

It took a few months to settle in before I started to notice what a sham the company was. Mike is a control freak and would not allow anyone any rope to do their job.

Before the COO and the Director of Education left, they had to attend another tribunal from a former sales manager that was suing for Mike for something or other.

Alarm bells started to ring and after the performance in Australia. Well, thats for another time.
Mike is extremely good at selling his system to ignorant people. i was ignorant to trading and believed the hype that he spouted. I honestly thought he was doing the right thing and that he was the difference in this market full of snake-oil sales people.

It took a few months to settle in before I started to notice what a sham the company was. Mike is a control freak and would not allow anyone any rope to do their job.

Before the COO and the Director of Education left, they had to attend another tribunal from a former sales manager that was suing for Mike for something or other.

Alarm bells started to ring and after the performance in Australia. Well, thats for another time.[/QUOTE]

thanks for your reply. The turtles: were they paid any salary during training or/and post training, if not how were they supposed to make a living during this period? Also do you know of the ex-turtles that can come on to this forum and tell us they experiences or did they sign a non-disclosure doc preventing them to do so?
They were all paid "expenses" of £500 per month (or there abouts)

They had to sign LLP contracts which prevents them from talking about the experience.

I may have a copy of the LLP so will post it if I find one. Then we will know for sure.

I am still in contact with some of the turtles, as well most of the staff and some grads.

I would prefer not to discuss Australia, PFG Best, the FSA, Credit Card details, Turtle payments or anything else at this time.
