Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

Mike Baghdady is resorting to extreme methods to get posts deleted these days. Maybe he can't afford the legal bills any more????


don't quite agree there. the post here was a copy more or less of a post over at babypips, which was linked to by taiwan. that posting is nearly a year old. so the poster here most likely wasn't poopy.

but they have had a year to dispute the post at babypips, it's still there. so we must conclude that it was made by poopy himself. and indeed can discuss it here.

link and quote

Mike Baghdady - Training Traders

To Whom it many concern
Posts within this link refer to me as being bankrupt. This is factually wrong.

I was involved in litigation, similar to many other human beings, with Robins Futures and I lost the case. I will not discuss its merits
Upon advise of my legal counsel and in order to protect my assets I filed for a Chapter 11 Protection Order so that I could protect my assets and at the same time be able to negotiate a fair and reasonable settlement. The document posted is an affidavit or a sworn testimony and NOT a judgement.

I have negotiated successfully, and I chose to prepay the whole settlement in full and in cash.

I voluntarily withdrew and the case was dismissed. The statement and the case no longer exist.

I am not bankrupt, nor have I filed for Bankruptcy. Nor am I involved in any litigation with anyone around the globe. Nor do I owe anyone a dime.

Unfortunately competitors out there and others who have nothing to offer but Fluff and are in Fear of what we deliver - resort to these underhanded techniques.


Read more: Mike Baghdady - Training Traders

can we now have our replies back that discusses this?
my name is jeff, I trade in Gold...is anybody here who want to talk to me? waiting my price is very ok just 38k per kg.
my name is jeff, I trade in Gold...is anybody here who want to talk to me? waiting my price is very ok just 38k per kg.

Jennifer Poopy will call you today to chat. hold on to your gold.

becareful she is greedy. If she ask you for some gold; don't give her anything.
don't quite agree there. the post here was a copy more or less of a post over at babypips, which was linked to by taiwan. that posting is nearly a year old. so the poster here most likely wasn't poopy.

but they have had a year to dispute the post at babypips, it's still there. so we must conclude that it was made by poopy himself. and indeed can discuss it here.

link and quote

Mike Baghdady - Training Traders

can we now have our replies back that discusses this?

arghhh, I noticed my post about the bankruptcy details was removed too. Casualty of war , I guess. But hey, it's all just fun and games until someone goes to jail, then it's just fun.




Hi Everyone,

I've been trading for the last few years and invested a lot of time in reading books and trying out various methods. Overall, I'm still pretty flat, which is not too bad, but neither is it great! I've decided to bite the bullet and take a course. I know that you guys are rather vitriolic about most trainers, but trawling through all the online offerings, I'm more confused than ever. I discounted a load of people but did attend a workshop with Mike Baghdady at Training Traders. What a bizarre set up! His office is a shabby unkempt flea-pit down a side alley. The office was a shambles inside - very dirty, very soul-less and definitely not somewhere I felt comfortable spending my money. My student flat was nicer than Mike Baghdady's office so the prospect of paying him £5,000 is a joke! So, after all the time procrastinating about spending the money to do a course, I was wondering if anyone can help me out with recommendations and save me wasting my time with people like Mike Baghdady. I tried to do a search for him on this website but I found lots of references to the fact that he likes litigation. Also, on the New Turtle Traders Facebook page, someone requested an update at the beginning of the year but the silence from Training Traders was rather telling. Does this mean that his system doesn't work and Mr Baghdady is running scared of telling people? I'm sure we would be bombarded with daily updates if the turtles were making money using his system. Anyway, I 'd appreciate your thoughts and any guidance on Mike Baghdady please
Yeah, scose, don't take the course. You should try signing up for the next free webinar just to see if it's anything you might like 😆

Fot those of you who like to see evidence of what has been claimed on this thread - here is another little snippet to satisfy your desires!!!

Thanks to ex members of staff at Training Traders for the info.

The emails below are from the Novotel in Perth, Australia. The subject is obvious. Open the attachment to see the invoice outstanding. It appears that Mr Baghdady cancelled his credit card on fleeing Australia leaving this bill and a number of others unpaid. I am told that this was very Mr Baghdady.

Paymentof the outstanding amount has not been received, please see attached theinvoice for the outstanding amount.

Can you please advise if payment can be made and when.

Kind Regards,

Eve Ahearn I Conference & Weddings Sales ExecutiveI Novotel Perth Langley I 221 Adelaide Terrace I Perth WA 6000 |
08 9221 1200 | DD 08 9425 1778 | [email protected]

novotelperthlangley.com.au l accorhotels.com l

Please note thatpayment of this invoice is now over due. Credit card details for Mr. MahmudBaghdady have been provided by Lydia however several attempts to charge thebalance due to this card have declined. Can I please ask that you contact meregarding payment of this invoice within the next 24 hours.

I am happy to chargeMr. Baghdadi’s credit card again if the cards available funds cover the balancedue plus the 1.5% credit card fee (2,859.25 in total). Otherwise I will requirean alternative credit card to charge.

I look forward tohearing from you.

Kind Regards,


Conference& Events Sales Co-ordinator
Novotel Perth

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Perth WA 6000
Tel: +61 (8) 9425 1779
Fax: +61 (8) 92212830

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Turtle News

It now appears that Baghdady charged a number of the turtles to take part.

So here we have the great trader running this unique experiment and taking 10 (or was it 20) people from all backgrounds off the street and funding them to the tune of £100k each.

Not only did he not fund them as claimed and advertised - he actually charged a number of them to take part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It must be the biggest scam and the most dishonest thing to do.

Al those who came on here to defend Baghdady should be ashamed of themselves. This guy is totally dishonest, a fraud and a crook.

The whole turtles thing is totally sickening. Not the turtles but everything else to do with it.
Where is Malcolm Steel now when we want to hear from him?????
Turtle News

It now appears that Baghdady charged a number of the turtles to take part.

So here we have the great trader running this unique experiment and taking 10 (or was it 20) people from all backgrounds off the street and funding them to the tune of £100k each.

Not only did he not fund them as claimed and advertised - he actually charged a number of them to take part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It must be the biggest scam and the most dishonest thing to do.

Al those who came on here to defend Baghdady should be ashamed of themselves. This guy is totally dishonest, a fraud and a crook.

The whole turtles thing is totally sickening. Not the turtles but everything else to do with it.
Where is Malcolm Steel now when we want to hear from him?????

I was told the same thing and have no reason to doubt it. Some of them paid him tens of thousands to get on the Turtles program.
I am told that the cost was as high as £50k and someone paid that amount.
Others paid amounts ranging from £35k to £50k.

I dont know who paid what but how does the total amount paid in by these guys compare to the total amount given to all traders for their accounts? I don't think I'd be terribly shocked if the totals were similar. In other words the few that paid funded the entire program.