Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?


No matter what field you’re in, the principles of coaching remain the same.
In that respect, “Trading Coaching” is very similar to “Sports Coaching”.

And Mike is the Steve McClaren of trading coaches.


Tonight. Tonight. Tonight.

For those of you who follow the words and wisdom of the great fraud that is Mike Baghdady get yourself registered right away for the "10th annual presentation"


He has never done this before, but who really cares as it is designed to catch the many unaware out there to feed his bank balance. More fraud.
Remember the best ever last webinar he did on FXStreet. "what the f_ _ k" What fantastic lulz!!!!

More fun assured if we can.

Spread the word - 18.00 tonight UK time.

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Tonight. Tonight. Tonight.

For those of you who follow the words and wisdom of the great fraud that is Mike Baghdady get yourself registered right away for the "10th annual presentation"


He has never done this before, but who really cares as it is designed to catch the many unaware out there to feed his bank balance. More fraud.
Remember the best ever last webinar he did on FXStreet. "what the f_ _ k" What fantastic lulz!!!!

More fun assured if we can.

Spread the word - 18.00 tonight UK time.


He must be the real deal - he's wearing one of those silly jackets....
Bankrupt, fraud, liar, conman. You bet!!

He is in New York having left many people seriously out of pocket in the UK and all over the world.
He has had someone rework his website and of course you can only contact him online as his company is registered in Cyprus. No actual place to get a hold of him.

He is a proven liar, has been declared bankrupt, has significant trading debts against him in the past, cheated the Turtles and his staff and fellow shareholders, has tried to have the truth eradicated and of course a trader who does not trade. Just ask any of the people who were with him in London.

Lulz should be the order of the day.
I wonder if RBS, Santander, Deutsche Bank, Jp Morgan and others know they are 'Institutional Clients'.....
I just got kicked out just because I called myself MikeBaghdadarse
Cant think why :cheesy:
sorry dont have the time to join, but make sure you get screen shots of lulz.
Sorry I dont have time to be an internet bully, but hell you guys are delusional.

Please point out one thing that I have said or claimed about Baghdady that is untrue.
His claim on the website that he pulled the Turtle scheme because of PFG Best is just a plain untrue lie. He instructed his fellow shareholder, Ben Tuckey to close it down months before PFG Best got into trouble. Ben Tuckey instucted the Turtles to close their positions and have funds returned to the central account.
Baghdady then up and left the country to visit his ill Mother in Egypt - so he claimed.
He of course never spoke to or explained to the Turtles why he did what he did. All that happened was that Tuckey told the Turtles by email that it was over.

The fact is that he did not have the money to cover the scheme he courted massive publicity on.

All true and straight from Turtles mouths themselves.
So who are you to defend this cheating fraud????

He has now returned to New York where he feels safe enough to now carry on online. No physical abode that anyone with a gripe against him can visit to have the matter sorted out. Only a postal address in Cyprus!!!! Really fills you with confidence.

Have you ever looked at the court documents posted on this forum proving him to be a bankrupt. Have you ever looked at the court judgements against him?

Have you read the liquidation papers served against his business in the UK last year? Have you seen the list of good people owed money by him?

These are not opinions of anyone other than actual courts in the USA and the UK. Not enough for you?

You will understand that Baghdady has denied all that has been put up in this and other forums. So we should just take his word for it?

The genuine article - he is not!
It would appear that Baghdady is frightened to allow anyone in this current webinar see what questions are being asked by others.
Or is it just me?
Really open and honest - eh!

He is scared ****less that he will be exposed so unlike almost any other financial webinar hosted by others - he has chosen to control what is said and read.

What is he frightened of I wonder????
there are 3 sides to every story PP your side, his side and the truth, dont be deluded by your own self importance.