This whole thread is getting no where as is a bit ridiculous.
This from someone who only came on to ask for some proof yesterday. Despite being given some pretty significant evidence of the unsavoury history of Baghdady we now witness WhichWayNow appear to take on the burden of batting for the Baghdady / Tuckey camp. Not once did WhichWayNow address any of the substantial points exposed yesterday despite being asked to several times by The Leopard. And now this dribble. Very strange indeed.
This has classic Baghdady inside cohort written all over it and most of those in this forum have seen it all before.. A poor effort that has rebounded in the most majestic manner possible.
My view is that this thread is very bad and the motives behind many of the postings are wrong. It is not about highlighting mistakes and wrong doing, it is a hate campaign against one person with the aim of brining down a company.
So it is wrong for the many on here to reveal the truth about Mike Baghdady & Ben Tuckey.
It is wrong to point out the false advertising aimed at soliciting sales from the gullible and unwary..
It is wrong to point out the claim that Joe Tuckey (brother of Ben Tuckey) was not an institutional trader - an absolutely outrageous and totally misleading claim.
It was wrong to point out that Mike Baghdady was never "Head Trader at NYBOT". (a position that never existed) A claim frequently made in various media interviews and general marketing.
It was wrong to expose the fact that Baghdady has debts in Australia, Dubai and the UK.
It was wrong to point out that Baghdady owes money to a number of creditors in the UK.
It was wrong to point out that Baghdady fired people at will without the most basic referal to due process.
It was wrong to expose the fact that Baghdady assaulted his VP Sales after refusing to pay him the money he was owed.
It was wrong to expose Baghdadys false claim to be "World Trading Champion" - a claim designed to solicit the gullible and unwary to part with money to spend time with the great man himself.
It was wrong to ask the turtles to demand evidence that Baghdady and Ben Tuckey had the funds to fulfill the very public claims made for the turtle experiment. Given that many of those who were selected gave up careers to join this experiment you would have thought that at the very least they would have had the funds to actually carry it out.
It was wrong to expose the fact that some of the turtles actually paid to be there despite Mr Baghdady stating on TV that it would cost them nothing!!
It was wrong to expose the fact that Baghdady had approached a number of other clients and attempted to get them to buy into the turtle experiment for the bargain price of only £50,000!
It was wrong to expose the truth though the court judgement about Mr Baghdadys past.
It was wrong to expose the fact that Baghaday was bankrupt in the past despite his public denials.
It was wrong to expose the fact that Baghdady has left significant trading losses in his deep murky past. Surely a relevant point to anyone interested in paying the great man to learn how to trade.
The only person responsible for bringing down the company (but which one - its a moving target) if indeed it is down is Baghdady himself. Control freak, marketing disaster, liar, fraud, failed trader, bankrupt!!!!
As I have pointed out a new rival company has suddenly sprung up after the bringing down of Baghdady. That to me smells of conspiracy.
Janet McAnuff is hardly a rival. Although the current attempt at setting up has rightly received much criticism, to claim its a rival to the great mans efforts is pushing the boudaries a little too far.
I do believe there are valid points raised in rare places (as I said I do not follow pboyles belief that all training is bad etc but his points more than others were valid).
Baghdady obviously did file Chapter 11 (verifiable evidence) this was not in regard to his company but some decided to tar with the same brush.
The point you seem to miss about the chapter 11 submission is that it appears to have questionable contents. Ask again, how is it that a man who claims to have no cash assets (his claim - not anyone else) or bank accounts can pay "in full and in cash" his settlement with Robins Futures????
Baghdady claims not to make money out of trading so how come he can just settle a significant claim with Robins Futures?
The company did do wrong by using “World Trade Champion”. This is a case of false advertising.
This point however has been blown out of proportion somewhat, I searched ASA adjudications, there are hundreds for well known companies just in the search for “Training Traders”. Just to be clear they are not relating to Training Traders.
And your point is?
False advertising aimed at solicting sales. Pulled by Bloomberg and advert never shown again. Training Traders never seen on Bloomberg again - ever. Wonder why.
I am sure people are going to come back and say there are lots more things, but the point is mistakes were made and wrong things were done by the company.
A whole lot of wrong things! There was a clear and defined "trend" that seemed to be gaining momentum. Remember the whole lot of wrong things were being done by Mr Baghdady and Mr Tuckey - not anyone else
HOWEVER – there are a whole shed full of unsubstantiated claims made by a handful of people and not to mention direct personal attacks.
Claims of Baghdady being a con artist and the company being a scam. This was in no way backed up. In fact pipsplease is in the ideal position to do so as he claims to have given the company money. But he refuses to answer my question regarding, perhaps
because it will contradict the scam and con artist claims.
Again, what is your point?
Unpaid Novatel bills. I phone yesterday and the bills had been paid. But what about that email being used as evidence. The fact that the offices are shut and no one is there, especially the so called inside sources, how did this email come out. Perhaps these guys also know the News of The World hackers
There is no way they could have got hold of Baghdadys or the company email.
The bills have not been paid. The email is genuine. Baghdady has also left a number of promoters of his Australian tour out of pocket and has not paid agreed amounts. He is being pursued elsewhere on this matter.
The biggest thing for me which shows the true nature of this whole thread is how,
when asked for evidence certain people get very aggressive and launch personal attacks and the small group all join in to try and give a good kicking. Sorry guys I never backed off from a bully at school and I am not likely to here either.
There were points raised about Baghdady sacking people all the time and indeed at least one taking him to court for wrongful dismissal.
Why were people being fired I would have expected that they would leave if wrong doing was taken place. Very Strange. What is worse is that people with a grudge are being used as believable sources without any evidence.
As well as dong my research and finding out who pbolyes is (many posts ago) I also found out who some of the other players are.
Les Johnston (
Retailer gives consent to Baugur's £351m proposal - Telegraph) the guy that was responsible for the crash of a retail company and got fired from them (was then employed by Baghdady).
What is thr relevance of this? Also think you may have got your substantive points wrong.
Howard Abernety (
Howard Entertainment) the mdeia person (hmm sounds like Digbyarbuthnot) whos own company is so successful it has made no money in the past 8 years (taken on and sacked by Baghdady).
What is the relevance of this? Do you know what the income of Mr Abernety is? If so, how would you come to have this information? Is it just your opinion or are you in possession of information obtained illegaly?
Tony Michaels (
Twitter) Worked for a successful OTA franchise, put in charge of New York office and that franchise went bankrupt in 18 months (franchise sold and Tony kicked out). Started a joint venture, it failed and other party far from happy. Started Online University of Trading, providing lifetime training and support, it failed within 5 months. Guess what, employed by Badhdady and sacked.
Again, what is the point?
Mr Michaels was convinced by Mr Baghdady to come to the UK to help him. He was given completely false information about the financial state of the business and its performance. He was not told many things he should have been. Mr Michaels was hired under false pretences - a common theme eh! Do you really think Baghdady would have gone to all this trouble to bring someone from New York who was not good at what he did? Baghdady paid him - until he decided not to, he paid for his flights and his apartment - until he forgot and did not pay anymore - thats why the landlord is after him.
And to cap it all. Baghdady refuses to pay him and then assaults him. Pure class!!!!
The above information is based on public information and postings by other people which have not been challenged. I have received other information but I don't think it right to post.
So in summary, we have some facts backed by verifiable evidence, but a lot of unbacked accusations, a lot of personal and vicious attacks, disgruntled employees and a range of ulterior motives
I have a feeling that a load of personal attacks an insults as well as nonsense responses to bury this post will follow as certain people have no grounding to their argument.
Its a shame they have to resort to such measures.
BTW the reason for the big post, I have other things in life and wont be on here much at all from now (open invitation to attack as I wont be here to defend
🙂 ).
We wonder why you came on in the first place. All you have managed to do is to ensure even more attention is focussed on the behaviour of Baghdady and the Tuckeys. Not very clever but Baghdady and his cohorts never were very good at information management - the trend continues.
This thread seems to be an obsession for some, by all means post,
but there are more important things in life.