You were the one! I knew it! As soon as you buzzed off to chase the gee-gees, the index went up.
When you come back, let us know, will you? 😛
Nah lol, I havnt gone to see them (I wish)
I only really take trades when a legit trend is set up, so I can wait for it to break and then look to trade ie. now!
did you get on this one and ride it?
did you get on this one and ride it?
nope. you?
think it was mEmmerrr thats off too the horses
if we can break 3784 then 3825 first tgt
is there still room for entry long?
i missed first two buy signals, @ 3775 and 3781, did not bother after that.
yep my system showed it as buy entry around 3782 but i wasn't looking ,like you once the entry is missed never chase the trade. 🙁
yep my system showed it as buy entry around 3782 but i wasn't looking ,like you once the entry is missed never chase the trade. 🙁
tgt was 3825 then 3885.
Took that for +12.
It illustrated a decent point that really solid price action overrules any indicator going, my stochastics was beginning to curl over but the strength of the price meant a long was still good.
sounds goood now seeking entry