
I always thought of mentoring as when you assist someone find their own style and trade profitably, whereas teaching is when you make them trade your method or your approach.
It sounds to me that you are offering to teach your "edge" to someone, in which case someone considering it might reasonably ask for results. I don't mean publicly, but privately before they engaged your services.

Good Luck

I would agree. What's happened to you ?? Have you found Christianity ?? You're actually offering to help someone. I'm impressed.

I do think people are probably gonna want to see your results before engaging your service even if it's free.

Good luck with it anyhow.
pork pies!


  • mr rothschild.jpg
    mr rothschild.jpg
    43.2 KB · Views: 199
I'm interested. Currently I spreadbet the main indices and to be honest Im not that great.Started with £3500 about 9 months ago I now have about £3800( big woop). Get intouch if your serious.

Most of the big mouths have lost more than your whole account in 9 months, so you are not doing too bad dude.

keep it up. :clap:
Why is everyone giving the guy a hard time?

You want to listen to what he has to say? Listen
You don't? Don't

Caveat Emptor, "End Of".

My sentiment exactly. Well said Gecko. Its a shame the neggers don´t have better things to do.
Rumour has it that he is actually charging $1,000USD a day for mentoring. The use of the word "free" it would appear was just to lure the uninitiated.
Well - if he has what he says he has then it is worth $1,000. To be honest, I am the one that gave him that figure !

For me, it's hard to see how to move forward with no references and no audited account statements. Perhaps money in escrow is one way.

The thing is though - if this is just a negligible fee for the use of his time and Rothschild is really on his way to making $1 million this year from this setup, then the kind of due dilligence someone like me would require would be too much of a pain in the ass to do.

After all, it's not as if he's doing this for his primary source of income....

I know I couldn't be arsed to set something up, follow proper regulations etc if I was on the way to a million a year...
Well - if he has what he says he has then it is worth $1,000. To be honest, I am the one that gave him that figure !

For me, it's hard to see how to move forward with no references and no audited account statements. Perhaps money in escrow is one way.

The thing is though - if this is just a negligible fee for the use of his time and Rothschild is really on his way to making $1 million this year from this setup, then the kind of due dilligence someone like me would require would be too much of a pain in the ass to do.

After all, it's not as if he's doing this for his primary source of income....

I know I couldn't be arsed to set something up, follow proper regulations etc if I was on the way to a million a year...

Million a year. WOW. nice.
What is all the fuss about, really?

Rothschild has offered to explain to whoever is interested a strategy he claims to use in commodities, for free. There are a hundred threads here about strategies, must of them are duff / taken over by cr@ppy posts - by dealing on a one-to-few basis, the material is likely to be more focused and specific issues dealt with properly.

Why anyone is suggesting audited statements are necessary is beyond me, in fact I think it is a bit of a joke. There are other (frequent) posters here who mentor for money, seems to me the OP is being treated unfairly because of his occasionally abrasive posts. What matters is what he says, not whether you like the guy or not.

Bottom line is you can ask if you are interested, and make your own mind up whether it's bullsh!t or not. If you can't manage that, give up now.

EDIT: OK, turns out he hasn't offered it for free... ethos of the post remains the same though - don't bust the guys balls for making an offer.
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i never once used the word "free" in my post. but i am not doing this as a business. it is something to fill the ever i dont really want to hand over good setups for nothing..why would i? i dont think im going to go ahead with it anyway, to much hastle!
Well - if he has what he says he has then it is worth $1,000. To be honest, I am the one that gave him that figure !

For me, it's hard to see how to move forward with no references and no audited account statements. Perhaps money in escrow is one way.

The thing is though - if this is just a negligible fee for the use of his time and Rothschild is really on his way to making $1 million this year from this setup, then the kind of due dilligence someone like me would require would be too much of a pain in the ass to do.

After all, it's not as if he's doing this for his primary source of income....

I know I couldn't be arsed to set something up, follow proper regulations etc if I was on the way to a million a year...

hey i said i would be on course for a million if the setup continues to pay dividends! nothing is set in stone lol.

also i think its important that people know that yes i may make 1 million this year, but i didn't start out as a 1k spread better. i had alot of capital to begin with.
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Can you lend me $1000 per day and some trading capital? I'll pay it all back once I'm raking it in I promise! 🙂

It is rather sad that this site that sets out with noble aims gets hijacked by people who seem to be so negative. I have mentioned before there are no successful traders who haven't been mentored. I only trade UK options so I'm not interested in the average player. I trade 4 figure amounts every month and expect to make at least 4 figures(£ sterling).
It is rather sad that this site that sets out with noble aims gets hijacked by people who seem to be so negative. I have mentioned before there are no successful traders who haven't been mentored. I only trade UK options so I'm not interested in the average player. I trade 4 figure amounts every month and expect to make at least 4 figures(£ sterling).

I think this Rothschild guy admitted to blowing up in the end and gave up trading??