
damn !!
MY grandfather must have missed that roof !!


Nah they had a secret agreement that mine wouldn't shoot yours down if yours spared my grand daddies attic.


Hey mate how are ya, hope life is treating you and your trading well.

Looks like I missed out on a lotta fun here while I was gone !!!


I am thinking of doing some mentoring. Before anyone starts the only reason i am considering this is because i am bored out my tits since giving up day trading and would be nice to do some teaching, i do not need the money 🙂

If anyone is interested in being mentored in swing/position trading (even day trading) in the commodity markets then get in touch. could be done online or in person, what ever suits.

might be useful to filter out the non-starters by:

1: clarifying what kind of minimum account size is required (stops you getting hassled by £2K spread-betters)
2: quantify the kinds of risks/rewards experienced.
3: time-frame you trade over.

the above would help you to have to turn away underfunded traders, and also to help those with the same mind-set be attracted to the offer. (eg, filter out intra-day minded or scalpers)

either way, I am assuming you're genuine, and hope you feel the pleasure of having helped a marginal trader become a profitable one.

its an honourable gesture, but be prepared to be lambasted for no good reason.
rather you than me. good luck. 👍

an alternative method would be to simply trade a spearate account, and post the profits off to some charity or other. (donaldduke offered that suggestion to me a short while ago, and is proving to be helpful. it assuages my guilt over having such a cushy job)

have a great week.
I wonder why that is.
I thought you were a longer term fundamental type trader? I would have though that spreadbet would be ideal for that?

I mainly trade currency futures.

no as you need to be able to execute options as part of the risk management. if you didnt want to run the same risk management i guess you could spread bet yes.
Learn to trade yourself son before offering to help others. Bit like a blind man giving driving lessons. Only a masochist or someone terminally stupid would take you up on this offer...As sharky says this thread should be moved to the Comedy section. I'm laughing my **** off here.
Learn to trade yourself son before offering to help others. Bit like a blind man giving driving lessons. Only a masochist or someone terminally stupid would take you up on this offer...As sharky says this thread should be moved to the Comedy section. I'm laughing my **** off here.

almost as amusing as people who hide behind fake nicks lol. scared to post udner your real name? bless
what sort of stuff would you teach?

😆 May I suggest you're not very good if you're looking for a moron like this to teach you. This site gets better by the hour. You have more chance of success rubbing a green bottle and hoping for a genie than following this plank.
😆 May I suggest you're not very good if you're looking for a moron like this to teach you. This site gets better by the hour. You have more chance of success rubbing a green bottle and hoping for a genie than following this plank.

Eddie - were you bullied at school by any chance ?

Young girls can be very cruel indeed.
lol, are you someone i have on ignore desperate for my attention so you made a new log in?
😆 May I suggest you're not very good if you're looking for a moron like this to teach you. This site gets better by the hour. You have more chance of success rubbing a green bottle and hoping for a genie than following this plank.

if 95% of traders fail, there's a 5% chance this guy's advice works.
genies, on the other hand, have 0% of existing.

Therefore , you are wrong.
if 95% of traders fail, there's a 5% chance this guy's advice works.
genies, on the other hand, have 0% of existing.

Therefore , you are wrong.

Like those odds do you ???? 😆 1 in 20.

You should try looking for needles in haystacks or maybe take up clutching at straws.

But yeah I'm wrong. This gent is going to turn you from a loser to a winner.
Like those odds do you ???? 😆 1 in 20.

You should try looking for needles in haystacks or maybe take up clutching at straws.

But yeah I'm wrong. This gent is going to turn you from a loser to a winner.
I have not yet traded money yet, therefore i have not lost.
Therefore i am not a loser.

Therefore,you are wrong.
cant trade the way i trade with spread betting im afraid!

I always thought of mentoring as when you assist someone find their own style and trade profitably, whereas teaching is when you make them trade your method or your approach.
It sounds to me that you are offering to teach your "edge" to someone, in which case someone considering it might reasonably ask for results. I don't mean publicly, but privately before they engaged your services.

Good Luck
Why is everyone giving the guy a hard time?

You want to listen to what he has to say? Listen
You don't? Don't

Caveat Emptor, "End Of".