Men vs Women

Don't worry ladies, don't be offended by myself! I'm just a bloke who doesn't know his **** from his elbow?
Women, this is women,"oh, don't sell it off, don't, it's near it's 52 week high. Come on now, it's a shame, give it a chance!".
Women, this is women,"oh, don't sell it off, don't, it's near it's 52 week high. Come on now, it's a shame, give it a chance!".

Doesnt the CANSLIM method use essentially this style of investing ?
52-week high shows strength. Some investors would buy, in conjunction with other rules.
trendie, retrospect and human rights laws will not change the floor, biology and genetics are the true contenders here. But you may have a point.

human rights: blacks were regarded as lesser people. therefore never given the chance to see what they could achieve. ( as traders or anything else )
women were regarded as lesser people because they were women. never given the chance to see what they could achieve.
human rights allows people to have the chance to see whether they can succeed, by giving equal opportunities. ( but this a side-issue )

the argument is circular.
ONLY men were ALLOWED to trade. therefore, the false assumption ONLY men COULD trade.

previously, only RICH people could trade, because of the nature of trading shares, fees, margin, etc. Only in recent times, through spread-betting, CFDs,etc, has the "little" guy had the CHANCE to see if he/she could hack it.

Are you a wealthy individual to be able to trade ? I am not. If it were not for spread-betting, and CFDs, I would not be able to even try. How about you ?

until we allow people to have a go, we will never know if women are better traders.

genetics: dont understand what genetics has to do wth trading.
If women tend to more reluctant to take risks in general then it is a bit like the tortoise and the hare to compare them to men 🙂
Racer, so what are women( without being sexist). Get this, the year 2000ish tech stocks explode, look at the chart. now imagine the same, but with women in control. It wouldn't be a phenomenem, but rather a zit on the face of the market?
As is what? Tech stocks would probably not have 'exploded', the bubble may not have happened at all.

One way to analyse it would be, do women participate in crowds and riots etc.....
If they don't make up a significant proportion then I would suggest that the herd and euphoria that was the tech bubble would not have happened or be so out of control to the same extent.