Master class in hind site trading

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Some of you lot are really raking in them green pips!!
Blooming hell, before long, you'll be making more than me and you'll be giving ME tips!!!! Imagine that!!....anyone giving ME advice!! Because, you's me who has been teaching you.
Yes...great...I know....and you have to consider that all these trades were made tonight while I was sleeping !!!!
Dissers can't believe about my incredible multitasking skills ...but all is possible when you are an expert trader with 10.000+!

Apart, obviously, to type ex "Long EU at 85" after a trade......too much distraction!!!
You surely live in another planet if you think that a human can type during a trade.
Like everyone can thing is trade while I'm sleeping ....very relaxing....all another thing is type 4 words during a trade...... absolutely too stressfull......and really not possible !!!
Second that (y)

Time for my 2 calls to make a living in London .

Volkswagen scalp buy if it stays above 164.05 ish and scalp sell if it goes below 163.70 and stays there !

Volkswagen currently 162.80 spooky !
Shame I can't prove it


If anyone does honestly think I dont know what I am on about and cannot trade and if I do I am lucky etc - well its a real shame you are 100% wrong and everyday you might now start to find out that you have got it wrong.

Dont worry though - everybody gets things wrong.

EU latest chart

^^are the mods OK with this??

ps - holding scalp buys on cable for now. slowly taking some profits, rems remaining
lighten up, Nick. Have you not at least enjoyed the live/in advance calls being made by me and other experts?!! Look back over some of them with a clock and a chart and an abacus. There's much to learn
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LMAO!! :)
bloomin' jealous dissers!! Do the maths!!

uro is currently1.1214
I have a little range i've been monitoring.
High of the range is 1.1235
low is 1.1195
My stop will be just 5 pips!! Nice tight stop.

I'm looking for a possible long above the top of the range and a possible short below. If it chops around and breaks both levels but never gets anywhere, well.....

I'll let you know how I got on.
Originally Posted by morgan_edge View Post
Closing half here at 95
+60pips on 5 pip risk
Originally Posted by morgan_edge View Post
Allow me to divert your attention to cable.
Current price. 1.5393
current price structure suggests longs of 1.5401, 02, 03. I f we can hold this leve we will be long
also, shorts beloew 1.5382, 81, 80
4 pips stop

Get ready for some more easy money, peasants
Originally Posted by morgan_edge View Post
Already +16 in the bag
Originally Posted by morgan_edge View Post
closed 78.75% here for +16 pips

If it's not clear by now that i'm an expert, it never will be/!

Originally Posted by morgan_edge View Post
Dax is possible longs over 20, 21 and 22
short below 10, 09 and 08
4 pips stop
Originally Posted by morgan_edge View Post

Taking 56.6% off here at 9990 for +20! :)

Was this not a live in advance call????
If not, We must be on different planets!! Bloody dissers/spoilers!
Maybe if I told you that i've got 17 years at the coal face you'd then understand that i'm an expert and thus able to make these sorts of unbelievable trades?!
Originally Posted by morgan_edge View Post
now trading at 9968
closing more here for +42!!

Was this not live in advance call?! If not, you need specsavers. Last time I checked 09.00am is before 09.42am
Originally Posted by morgan_edge View Post
rest of here at 9930 for +80 pips!!
Are Nicks hilarious intermiitent outbursts getting pulled by the mods or does he keep deleting them himself?! LOL!
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Last few scalps. Gonna give him a heart attack!! :LOL:


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