Markets mastered

I did email Bob.

I suggested he come on the forum and tell people that he's a real person, and not a fictitious creation of Nick's. Sadly, I received no reply.

Has anyone else had any joy contacting our elusive Mr Griggs?

Given that he only 'works' a couple of hours a day, I'd have thought he'd have plenty of free time, so I can't believe he's been too busy to reply! 😆


Another great email from Nick (nkruger on this forum so I've been told)

Read below and email Bob 🙂 He's making £800-£1000 per week!
Nick must be short of a few quid. Received this tonight...

"This evening I am releasing a fifth strategy for the aforementioned collection of systems, so giving you numerous reasons to get into the market with potentially profitable trades.

This 5th strategy is completely different from the other four already included in the trading system manual, and can also be used (if you wish) on the “Trade With A Day Job” evening trading system, so making your evening trading session more reliable.

If you would like to download this extra trading strategy, you can use the following payment link:

trendFX extra strategy - £17:95 payment link"
Hi all, having read through this thread I will have to agree with the vast majority of you. His systems are far from unique and have very little chance of success in their current state.
His most popular (it would seem) approach the TWADJ is not a bad approach for the S&P as it turns out in the evenings however the use of some S/R lines would be very beneficial in screening many trades. Oh and you will need to really decide which candle formations you are willing to trust as many he sugests turn sour on you time after time.
Observations on his daily updates of his trades. Suprisingly they turned up most days. However as I thought would happen it did not take long to realise that this is composed rubbish! there are too many instances of easily identifyable trades on his charts that he didnt take because suprise suprise they would have been loosers!, but our cleaver Nick only takes the following trade that turns out to give him 30 pips! HMMMMMMMMMMM. Make of that what you will.

The TrendFX system! My word if you are going to attempt using this please make sure you have very deep pockets. After contacting Nick whilst explaining that this system is more or less exactly the same as this readily available website. (Learn Swing Trading | An Introduction to Swing Trading) he requested that I send some screen shots of losing trades. No problem!! I sent over a dozen or so shots from various instruments from last 3/4 weeks and awaited Nicks reply as to "where I was going wrong!" I should mention that these were just screen shots as one would take perhaps if back testing and not live trades however the theory is still intact for this purpose. No reply, as you can imagine.

So all in all (and I appreciate that there have not been any posts on this thread for a while) my experience of his products and suggestions would be to go to babypips, gen up on divergence, candlestick patterns, throw a couple of darts at a dartboard for your MACD settings add a couple of cranky odd numbered moving averages and flog it under a homemade website complete with spelling mistakes.

Or you could go to the babypips site thoroughly read all that is there and elsewhere on the net use your intelligence as I will do from now on and stop purchasing other peoples systems. It is (as I have discovered) just a lazy way to try and find an effective trading system for your self.

One last thing that made me die and set off the first alarm bell. Was in his first system the importance of divergence was discussed for some 20 pages or so at least. One of his chart examples complete with downloaded gif images from babypips to boot gave you an example of a Hidden Divergence and then the text right next to it gave the definition of a regular Divergence. If you were new to divergence this would have been a bit of a head ***k for you. I mentioned this to Nick and he said thanks for pointing this out and he would amend it. I dont know if he has but what the hell is he doing having major I mean MAJOR errors in his system description like that.

Rant over it's not as steamy as some postings on here but this is an accurate description of my experiences and findings of his approaches and the absolute truth. I know it may be a case of the "pot calling the kettle black" with regards to the spelling mistakes given my writings above but I am not trying to market and sell a trading strategy.!

IMHO steer well clear of this one.
Hope this helps chaps.
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Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

On the surface, Nick's systems seem plausible, as does Nick himself (although I've also encountered his reluctance to answer probing questions - at least post sale!). And when you look on the charts, you see instance after instance where Nick's methods would have made a profit, and you think 'Piece of cake! This guy is the real deal!'. Then you go live with the methods and lose money, and assume you had been either unlucky or indisciplined. But what's easy to overlook is all the instances in historic charts when Nick's methods failed; due to human psychological biases, it's easy to look at the evidence that supports your theories, and pay no attention to that which casts doubt on what you want to believe.

When you get down to first principles, why should Nick's methods work? What psychological inefficiencies in the marketplace do they exploit? Maybe they do find instances where the market is overbought and oversold (if you believe in such concepts), but whether you can say (as Nick effectively does) 'If this market is overbought and shows signs that it's hit a barrier, then you can grab 20 pips' profit with an 80% profit by going short'. IMHO, the markets are way too random for that kind of logic to work. The market might well decide that it's going to carry on a further 40 pips before it turns. Or it might retrace 15 pips, and then continue on its prior upward journey, leaving you very frustrated!

My advice to anyone who is determined to use Nick's methods is to forget about the 20 pip target, and instead ride the trend till it runs out of steam. That way, you'll capture some of the market's over-reactions, and have a fighting chance of making a profit...

CC - Nice link. Which of the systems in particular resembles Nick's trend system?

Nice talking to you Jeff. The "Simple Swing Trading Entry Strat" (Intermediate level as they put it) is the closest one to Nicks. The TAZ that is mentioned on the site Nick calls it a "TEA" and the candle stick formations are also an identical ingredient to the strat. Hidden Divergence is added to the mix to support the candle stick pattern in the "Zone" etc. He states Divergence first, and then candle stick pattern to confirm. He uses 3 moving averages of shall I say similar proportions to those given on this website to create his trade entry area. There are two supporting indicators Macd with the previously mentioned "Dartboard" settings and Stochastic with shall we say slightly reduced settings and either can be used to spot the divergence. The Stoch is far more reactive to price changes so will give you many more signals.
There is no mention of support of resistance areas which I find rather strange seeing as his methods are supposed to be based on leading indicators. ie Div, and candlestick patterns. Perhaps he has not had a chance to rip off the baby pips site for a system utilising pivot points yet!!!!

But there we are there might be that to look forward to in the future.
One last update I received a full refund from my purchase of his so called "Trend Fx" system, for which I am thankful seeing as it is spectacularly poor at spotting genuinely higher probability trades, and one would be better off using Tarrot Cards!
But fair play he did cough up after much hounding. So just to keep the record straight.
Oh and by the way he mysteriously never received any of my mails! with the screen shots fully demonstrating the poor results from the principal approach. No suprises there.
The guy lives in Spain. That is where all the British criminals go and hide. Never ever trust a British vendor who lives in Spain. Spain is built on corruption so I am sure he feels very much at home living there!
How do you know?

And do you not find it suspicious that none of the people who give testimonials about him have Facebook accounts?

BTW, it would have been good of Nick to have credited Alexander Elder for the basic ideas behind his trading systems...

I have bought all of his systems and they are a con they are just divergence and candle patterns. There are so many possible trades every evening and guess what Nick manages to hit the perfect ones every single time. You get the daily email and he points out the trades he takes which always turn out to be winners. If you question him about other trades during the evening he fobs you off with some excuse and 9/10 the excuse he give he has used previously as an example of a trade. The guy is not to be trusted and he does not respond quickly to emails he can sometimes take weeks. AVOID at all cost. He website states:

Do You Offer A Money Back Guarantee?

Yes I do, it is a 60 day unconditional guarantee, so if you are not happy for any reason, I will return your money straight away.

I have been trying to get a refund as I have been paper trading the system for nearly 2 months now and the results are shocking I currently stand at 4 wins in 27 I email charts and ask for guidance but when he figures out that you know his system is a scam he just ignores you and hopes you go away. I cannot stress how poor a system and his level of "mentoring and support" is a joke.
selling even a simple MA following scheme will net you big profits if you sell enough of them and honour a 60 day money back guarantee

all you have to do is pay back the people that dont make money during the 60 days and keep the money where the market obliged - as it will do in trending markets

thats scamming lesson 1 - watch Derren Browns scam on horsracing where someone truly recieved 5 winning horseracing tips in a row.......

jees I had Gambling friends of my Bookmaking Family making a fortune doing that in the 1960's for christ sake.....tee hee


as a master Vendor
The guy lives in Spain. That is where all the British criminals go and hide. Never ever trust a British vendor who lives in Spain. Spain is built on corruption so I am sure he feels very much at home living there!

a little sweeping as a statement but I see your point ......😉
selling even a simple MA following scheme will net you big profits if you sell enough of them and honour a 60 day money back guarantee

Even more profit if you promise a 60 day money back guarantee and don't honour it.
I bought this a couple of years ago,tried to get my money back well within the 60 days but, surprise surprise no reply.
Continue to get emails with trades and regularly trying to sell me his other systems,
buyer beware.
I bought this a couple of years ago,tried to get my money back well within the 60 days but, surprise surprise no reply.
Continue to get emails with trades and regularly trying to sell me his other systems,
buyer beware.

I have tried to open a case with PayPal but its been over 45 days they don't care. Don't know what else to do, been spam emailing him but no reply
I don't think you will see the money back, he has never replied to any of my emails but,as i said, he continues to email me trying to sell
I don't think you will see the money back, he has never replied to any of my emails but,as i said, he continues to email me trying to sell

He lives in Chelsford?.Go and turn up at his door,and go armed with a board stating your grievence,i would pay up just to get rid of you quick.As a side, he uses paypal which i do not, he gave me his evening system for nought as a bank transfer was not worth the hassel said Nick.You cant fault that.No never made a bean with it so ditched the said.