Markets mastered

I took one for the team guys and ordered today.

Basically you get 4 set-ups/systems, the first two are very similar to Nick's previous systems using divergence.

The third is a MAX strategy and the fourth is a S/R strategy based on a line of best fit.

I'm not going to go into detail on each of the systems (that wouldn't be fair on Nick) but I will be looking into the effectiveness of the approach over the next few days. Is anyone interested in me posting my findings here?
Hi Mazbar

Yes, I'd certainly be interested - Thanks.

Is there anything in any of the systems that's radically different to anything you've seen anywhere else?


I took one for the team guys and ordered today.

Basically you get 4 set-ups/systems, the first two are very similar to Nick's previous systems using divergence.

The third is a MAX strategy and the fourth is a S/R strategy based on a line of best fit.

I'm not going to go into detail on each of the systems (that wouldn't be fair on Nick) but I will be looking into the effectiveness of the approach over the next few days. Is anyone interested in me posting my findings here?
sounds to me like the standard pitch.
He brings out a new method,why would he need to do that if the others worked,so basically its complicated and no exact rules.people dont seem to learn.There is so much free stuff on the web and this site,why pay someone for it.if you really want ill think of a system for you for only £100
So far Nick's 3rd method (MAX) is interesting based on some limited backtesting, seems to work well at market open on a +15 minute timeframe. It's an idea that, at first glance, surely must have been done before but I can't find anything exactly like it on the web or as part of the many systems I own.

I'll continue my work and report back at a later date.
Thanks for the update Mazbar.

Maybe my cynicism was misplaced! 😆


So far Nick's 3rd method (MAX) is interesting based on some limited backtesting, seems to work well at market open on a +15 minute timeframe. It's an idea that, at first glance, surely must have been done before but I can't find anything exactly like it on the web or as part of the many systems I own.

I'll continue my work and report back at a later date.
Are you a successful trader and does your system encompass a technique that you regularly use?

If so, I'd say there would be a market for it. 🙂


My system is myself and my eyes. Most of my methods are called live on the live call thread
Hi Mazbar

How are you getting on with the system?

The people who Nick included in his email today seem impressed by it (although surprisingly, like the previous people whose testimonials Nick sent out, they don't appear to be on Facebook)...


So far Nick's 3rd method (MAX) is interesting based on some limited backtesting, seems to work well at market open on a +15 minute timeframe. It's an idea that, at first glance, surely must have been done before but I can't find anything exactly like it on the web or as part of the many systems I own.

I'll continue my work and report back at a later date.
Hi Ferru

Most of the testimonial emails provided by Nick don't contain proper results of backtesting. Their nature is more 'looks like a good idea Nick, thanks'.

I have been backtesting the systems and here are my topline findings:

If you struggled to match Nicks divergence signals in his previous system you'll find the same issues here. This applies to the first 2 systems provided (I think it's actually 1 system with 2 parts). If you spot the signlas as Nick does, this will work for you. However, I'd like Nick to signal his trades as he makes them rather than retrospectivley via his email updates to show that the system can work in real time. I have had mixed results.

His two new systems have yet to prove themselves imho.

The MAX system will throw you around and stop you out many times before you find yourself on the end of a nice move, especially if the market is in a period of long consolidation. Of the markets I've tested the results are variable to say the least.

The 4th system assumes a constant rate of price acceleration/decelaration, so only works a small percentage of the time based on my back testing so far. It is also open to interpretation as it involves tweaking an indicator to match current market conditions.

In the manual Nick suggests you spend many many hours in front of the screen to learn the subtlties of his systems. With the amount of screen time he's suggesting you'll probably end up spotting your own favourite set ups on the markets you trade 🙂

Hope this helps.

Thanks Mazbar

So to summarise, these new systems are up to Nick's usual standards? 😆

That's an excellent summary Jeff.

Hope you appreciate me taking one for the team! 🙂
Hi Mazbar
The people who Nick included in his email today seem impressed by it

They always do. Nick just sends out BS, everyone in his testimonials is making money trading £10 a pip! They never loose.

Hi Mazbar
(although surprisingly, like the previous people whose testimonials Nick sent out, they don't appear to be on Facebook)...

Oh suprise suprise, more evidence Nick's result are utter ****e. You would think people would at least join his Facebook group/page.
sounds to me like the standard pitch.
He brings out a new method,why would he need to do that if the others worked,so basically its complicated and no exact rules.people dont seem to learn.There is so much free stuff on the web and this site,why pay someone for it.if you really want ill think of a system for you for only £100

😆 😛 :clap: :clap: :cheesy: 😀 🙂 👍 Great post!

Basically sales have dropped from the other crap and now he releases a "new" system.

Remember these guys are wannabe marketers they produce information products and sell HOPE.

Information publishing is a big business!!!
Another great email from Nick (nkruger on this forum so I've been told)

Read below and email Bob 🙂 He's making £800-£1000 per week!
Good afternoon,

As many of you are aware, I have recently updated the system manual for ‘starter’ system – “Trade With A Day Job” and the feedback I have received has been overwhelmingly positive. I have included just a couple of emails from customers below who have outlined their experiences – and they have said they are happy to be contacted by you if you would like more details of their trading with Markets Mastered. You can also read my experiences with the system by visiting my blog HERE and the past 6 years results are on this page

Here are those emails:

From: Robert Griggs [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 04 July 2011 12:01
To: Nick Markets Mastered
Subject: Re: My Trading

Hello Nick,

Bit of a belated thanks for your updated trade with a day job (evening) trading system manual. I read through it a while ago and the added chapters you have put in are going to be invaluable for new traders as well as the bit about trends - - well done, it's a work of art and puts you head and shoulders above other people who try to train guys like me in the fine art of trading.

I'm now trading at £13 per point with your evening system so my average weekly profit comes in around £800-£1000 depending on how often I trade. My goal is £30 per point by the end of the year -- think I'll get there before then. Not too bothered about going full time with my trading very happy as I am. Thanks for everything Nick, you're a star mate.

Thanks, Bob

Quote: and they have said they are happy to be contacted by you (Obviously Nick has read this post)

So as Nick says, you can email Bob, see if he can send you records of his trading account as proof.

Nick (nkruger on this forum so I've been told) why don't you join this thread and show us some of your account statements? You system must work well no need to try trading inside bars...
Interesting that our Mr Griggs isn't on Facebook...

Nick's customers must be an unsociable lot! None of them are on Facebook for some reason! 😆

sounds to me like the standard pitch.
He brings out a new method,why would he need to do that if the others worked,so basically its complicated and no exact rules.people dont seem to learn.There is so much free stuff on the web and this site,why pay someone for it.if you really want ill think of a system for you for only £100

Sounds like an absolute bag of gash to me. WTF are people doing paying to be given a divergence system?

Listen up chumps, this will save you a lot of time, money and heartache:

People who release system after system after system are scammers.

Divergence is just (at best) a means of getting some additional confirmation. If you are relying on it it will KILL your account.

Don't waste your money on these 100 quid a go system guys.


I've just seen the website - it's got bullsh1t written all over it. Here's a clue - right at the start:

Copy My Simple Trading System And You Could Earn An Extra £1500 Per Month While Still Having The Security Of Your Existing Salary Coming In.

Imagine coming home from your day job, pouring yourself a glass of fine wine, switching your computer on, and watching for two simple signals on your stock market trading platform.

Once you have placed your trade, you wait for 30 minutes or so, you close the trade off and check your trading account for the profit that you've just added to it.

You can then switch the computer off and settle down to another relaxing evening with your family. Day trading the stock market does not come any easier.

If you see garbage like that crap above, you know straight away you are being conned. Flipping unbelievable that people still fall for this nonsense.
More gems from honest Nickyourmoney:

The contents of my trading system manual will show you how to 'steal' just 20 pips per evening from the stock market - so allowing you to earn 'life changing' amounts of money every month

Do You Fancy Waving The Boss Goodbye?

What Would You Spend An Extra £1500 A Month On ?

A new car, extension to your house, even a new house, private education, 3 or 4 foreign holidays per year, the only limit is in your mind. Start dreaming now - you need goals to aim for. This is a second income opportunity second to none.

Come on, this is classic get rich quick garbage. Seriously, if you expect this nonsense to make you money, you are completely deluded.

Sorry, that is just the blindingly obvious fact. You can realise it now, or you can realise later, your choice.
And here's another member of the system sellers club - Vince.

How funny is this video! Nice hire car mate 🙂
