Another great email from Nick (nkruger on this forum so I've been told)
Read below and email Bob
🙂 He's making £800-£1000 per week!
Good afternoon,
As many of you are aware, I have recently updated the system manual for ‘starter’ system – “Trade With A Day Job” and the feedback I have received has been overwhelmingly positive. I have included just a couple of emails from customers below who have outlined their experiences – and they have said they are happy to be contacted by you if you would like more details of their trading with Markets Mastered. You can also read my experiences with the system by visiting my blog HERE and the past 6 years results are on this page
Here are those emails:
From: Robert Griggs [mailto:
[email protected]]
Sent: 04 July 2011 12:01
To: Nick Markets Mastered
Subject: Re: My Trading
Hello Nick,
Bit of a belated thanks for your updated trade with a day job (evening) trading system manual. I read through it a while ago and the added chapters you have put in are going to be invaluable for new traders as well as the bit about trends - - well done, it's a work of art and puts you head and shoulders above other people who try to train guys like me in the fine art of trading.
I'm now trading at £13 per point with your evening system so my average weekly profit comes in around £800-£1000 depending on how often I trade. My goal is £30 per point by the end of the year -- think I'll get there before then. Not too bothered about going full time with my trading very happy as I am. Thanks for everything Nick, you're a star mate.
Thanks, Bob
and they have said they are happy to be contacted by you (Obviously Nick has read this post)
So as Nick says, you can email Bob, see if he can send you records of his trading account as proof.
Nick (nkruger on this forum so I've been told) why don't you join this thread and show us some of your account statements? You system must work well no need to try trading inside bars...