Market Maker VS Consulting


Hi all,

I will soon finish a master in science in management and a master in actuarial science and I just get an offer from a top Strategy Consulting firm (McKinsey / Bain / BCG).
Nevertheless I have a real interest in financial markets and really like modelling positions ...
This is why I am also considering being a trader, for example Market Maker at Optiver (as the job description looks really good).

First of all is Optiver the best way to begin?

Second, could someone compare both (Market Maker vs Strategy Consulting) on the following points
1) exit opportunities (really good in Consulting but what about a Trader e.g. at optiver)
2) the way we are threaten (respect, friendship ...) (excellent in Consulting! but what about a Trader ?)
3) compensation (45k-50k including bonus for consulting, but what about a Trader ?)

Thanks a lot,
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You got an offer from KcKinsey with spelling and grammer like that? Amazing... Sorry anyway for what its worth:

1) Not sure what you mean by exit opportunities. I'd worry about that once you've started work.
2) For both I suspect initially you get treated as you might expect - like someone who knows nothing - but over time and good work you will get respected doing either.
3) The sky's the limit for a trader ( if you are really really good 🙂 ) Generally a trader makes his money via bonus' rather than by sky high salaries (at least in the city at IB's anyway). I suspect the same at consultancies though (can't really say as I'm an IB lackie)

Personally if I had an offer from KcKinsey I would just say "where do i sign?"
Sorry just noticed you are from Brussels. Your english is much better than my french! Good luck with either decision.