mark2017's Stocks to Watch


Sweden Company. Indutrade. Ch

Facephi, potencial y del bueno
Facephi ha recorrido un largo camino en 2019 tanto a nivel empresarial como a nivel bursátil y deja una estela del +237%. El potencial que todavía guarda esta compañía es muy prometedor, con una proyección envidiable. Facephi está preparada para afianzar su posición en el sector biométrico, consolidar su liderazgo en Latinoamérica y abrirse a nuevos mercados internacionales y líneas verticales de negocio.


”The Holy Grail” of AR/3D/Holography seems to be found by a danish company named Realfiction, trading at Nasdaq Stockholm Sweden.

Directional pixel-displays has several problems, until now when Realfiction seems to have found a remarkable new technology that is now ”patent pending”.

I suggest that all of you look this up, it seems like a golden opportunity.

Below comments about this new technology called ECHO and what seems like a breakthrough compared to the existing technologies on the market:

Realfiction announces the positive outcome of a novelty search regarding the patent pending ECHO technology (Cision)

2019-10-31 11:00
The Danish Patent and Trademark Office and Budde Schou, Patent Attorneys have carried out novelty searches as part of the patentability investigation of the invention behind the ECHO technology and conclude that Realfiction’s directional pixel technology is novel with respect to the known techniques identified by the Danish Patent and Trademark Office Examiner and presents distinct advantages.
It is common practice that the European patent authorities carry out a patentability investigation through research into existing technology that culminates in a written opinion regarding the patentability of the invention. To fulfill this purpose, databases from all over the world are accessed to search for existing and filed patents. The written opinion from the European patent authorities may be several years underway and is only issued upon granting or rejecting a patent. To obtain an earlier understanding of ECHO’s position, Realfiction has requested novelty searches from both Budde Schou and the Danish Patent and Trademark Office. Neither Budde Schou nor the Danish Patent and Trademark Office found any known techniques which challenges the novelty of the ECHO technology. Brian Jeppesen, patent attorney at Budde Schou states: “I am happy to say that the search report indicates, that even though this is a field with a lot of activity from display manufacturers, Realfiction’s directional pixel technology is novel with respect to the prior art identified by the examiner and presents distinct advantages. As is standard for patent applications, I have advised Realfiction not to publicly disclose any technical details, images or videos from the proof-of-concept configuration until the patent applications are publicized next year. I have worked as a patent attorney specializing in display technology for more than 10 years. Directional pixels are a well-known technology being the fundamental element behind all types of glasses-free 3D dimensional displays such as holograms, light field displays and autostereoscopic displays. Up until now, though, directional pixels have suffered a range of limitations which have prohibited wider market acceptance of glasses-free 3D displays for moving images. The limitations have included bad performance quality such as low pixel resolution, less than full color reproduction, slow pixel response times, low angular resolution (leading to limited freedom of movement for observers), poor ghost-image suppression and also a lack of ability to scale to cost effective mass-manufacturing. The technology proof-of-concept I have seen demonstrated at Realfiction is the first I have seen that holds the promise of overcoming all these limitations at the same time. It demonstrated a completely novel, nanotechnology-based, yet simple, circuit design for controlling pixel color value and angle of emitted light fast and precisely. In my opinion, this technology holds the potential of cost-efficient mass production while maintaining the high angular precision and fast response times needed for a high quality, moving image 3D-experience. As an additional benefit, the technology has the potential to save energy. Traditional tv sets use lots of energy on illuminating living rooms with the characteristic flickery blueish light we see through windows in residential areas at nighttime. They are essentially very inefficient, energy consuming, flickery lamps. Realfiction’s technology is capable of emitting light only towards eyes of people in the room, hence has the potential to save significant amounts of energy.”