So the market was at it's lows......who needs news to trade lows? Are you sure you are a pro?
understand were happy that you saved a trade and firmly believe it was because of your very fast news feed, although we get the same news released on a cable financial station, directly from "the voice behind the curtain" --- it tells us the news as its released !
the wonder of the internet is how competitive it is --- years ago i had to pay $200 per side to trade equities and then the internet came around. Now each broker is trying to undercut the next and below $10 (and yes, i know theres cheaper) will give you every single thing you could ever use for trading, so things are changing nicely !
a tenth of a second is nice to have, but meaningless to those who do not, by the nature of their job, HAVE to run like crazy to make money.
an ideal method, even for prop shops, is to take a core position, be it long or short, and then trade the inevitable retraces while the currency moves up --- it produces returns that are sensational, and the core trade does not even have to be watched till the normal reversal times in the market !
You people are encouraged to speed trade, and while its exciting and keeps the blood moving in the veins, it is FAR from the only way to trade !
All were saying is that the "latest and greatest" may be of no more use to many traders than having your own water buffalo --- works if you have a rice paddy, but is a hell of an expensive pet !
I personally love to teach market movements as relates to coming news, and have well proven it to work, but this is, at least now, not the way you trade and while later on you just may, continue chasing the pip and the bouncing ball ------ at least its fun !