making a mint off news on trading desk

If someone is dead they also cease the ability to talk which technically is rendering them silent 🙂

NOW PAUL, this is the first line in that post you have a problem with ?? (LOL)

of course, i could switch to my best Che Quavara and remind you that even in death, my words shall lead a revolution, but then id have to bring in a dictator and all that stuff.

has anyone wondered, as Fidel's days in power approached ending, if he sat back with a fat cuban cigar and was saddened by what the revolution DID NOT accomplish, or do you think he was just a hardened revolutionary, true to the principles of Che to this day ?

it saddens me to write this, considering what was a lifes work that was really an enormous failure of an experiment AND the additional foolishness of the USA in not opening relations a hell of a long time ago !

But then the USA didnt listen to me when i told them to send our mafia to Iraq and make Saddam a deal he couldnt refuse ! We could have waltzed in there, supporting another dictator, and had everything we wanted, at 1/1000th the price !

unfortunately, always the sentimental romantic -- doomed to joust with windmills and a few mods !

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hey grim

didnt quite finish what i started so YES, i use fib "extensions" which i believe is what you mean when you talk about "forward looking fibs" and once again, i draw them from the wonderfully convenient zigzag lines,, which are so nice as to give me easily readable tops and bottoms to attach my fibs to.

the zigs are extremely handy while trading, but they DO redraw themselves and one has to learn to use them, so ill shut up on that one for a while, but attach a fib to one and youre pretty danged spot on !

enjoy and trade well

Thanks again. Are there any loose rules with the zig-zags such as 3 tops off a S/R line next move down for x pips etc? Or do they just show you the tops and bottoms with ease?
There is some major US news out today. If I have this right looking at EUR$ on the 4hr chart, the move prior to the release is down, so I'd be looking to find the downward support that the price will fall to on the news only then to start the move that the MM intended which is up, so I'm guessing they are wishing to target the 1.5679 S/R line?
Time will tell. WHat time is the FOCM news released in UK time?
There is some major US news out today. If I have this right looking at EUR$ on the 4hr chart, the move prior to the release is down, so I'd be looking to find the downward support that the price will fall to on the news only then to start the move that the MM intended which is up, so I'm guessing they are wishing to target the 1.5679 S/R line?
Time will tell. WHat time is the FOCM news released in UK time?

im sorry grim, but havent a clue where that 1.5679 figure comes from ---

Thanks again. Are there any loose rules with the zig-zags such as 3 tops off a S/R line next move down for x pips etc? Or do they just show you the tops and bottoms with ease?


they do a few things well, and some that need understanding

i have been using the ziggys for a while, based on two threads from another site that i thought worth trying.

when FINISHED, the ziggy shows you the PREVIOUS trend or "wave" for those so inclined -- in that last vein, they allow you to "count" the waves fairly simply, although i dont use "waves" as such.

as you said, they show the top and bottom or other way around of a move that you could very easily miss, especially those that take a day or two to complete.

the only true rule, if trading with them, is to GET OUT NOW when the circle appears at the end of the ziggy or, which happens often when just the arrow appears, is to read the arrow and circle for its value, and exit at or just before that value, as that will be it for a while.

the subject is vast, and requires a lot of thought to spell it all out, and the above is more a daytrading method than a longer term method.

for the longer term charts (H1 or H4 or daily), placing a trade OPPOSITE where the ziggy has ended (place a long if the last ziggy was short) at 12am midnite, EDT, will get you into the trade in the right trend direction ---- invariably, even if the other H4 ziggy shows its ended and bottomed, you will start getting a move up and then a retrace off the 23% FIB if you enter earlier, say 3 oclock, EDT ---- while this is of no harm except for you seeing profit, and then seeing it go away, you can avoid the heartbreak (or simply trade the up move to the 15 or 23% FIB, get out and then re-enter later that nite

often the ziggy will move from one side of the LRC to the other in a day, but often it will go to the MIDDLE LRC, reverse down and try again --- invariably though, it makes it from one side of the LRC to the other.

even if you enter the trade, based on you thinking the ziggy has bottomed, EXCEPT FOR TODAYS ACTIVITY which one could sorta figure from last nites activity just before all the news we got, if you enter the ziggy early, you might suffer drawdowns, but 99.9% of the time, the move predicted by the ziggy will happen, and usually at that midnite EDT !

now the additional pointers on my charts are dynamic s+r indicators which point to a higher move AFTER the point reached sells off a bit -- on a 5 min chart, thats usually a few seconds to a minute or so and on the H4, once major resist is hit, the additional arrow usually is not hit till tomorrow !

so much more to say, but have to go slow

Thanks MP. Strange how a simple looking line has the ability to show much more. Warrants further study I think. The daily DJI is showing a huge pin today at the top of a ziggy. Needs a wide stop though? What's your take on that apart from the pin?
Thanks MP. Strange how a simple looking line has the ability to show much more. Warrants further study I think. The daily DJI is showing a huge pin today at the top of a ziggy. Needs a wide stop though? What's your take on that apart from the pin?

SORRY GRIM ---- slept REALLY late today, but see what you speak of and that one appears to be on VIAGRA or CIALIS and its 4 hours is long over and still going up !

remember, as bramble points out, ziggies repaint, and they can easily repaint upwards -- do you have any little arrows ABOVE the ziggy end point ? if so, read their value and price shall get there at some point.

ONE of my 47 lines is pointing to 12934 which points to trend line resistance, with 13010 above that and bols heading to the 200 at 13046
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Can some one explain to me how one could have made any points off the NFP figures released not long ago.
I managed to make 85 points this morning with the lead up to it and was out by 11:30

I always make sure I am out by the time news is out.
I do have a good understanding of economic news but for the life of me cannot see how a retail investor can benefit from trading the news.
Cable and the euro dropped as the news was released so even with super fast fingers I don't see how a retail investor could have benefited from the this news release or any other really.
Mp --- The News Was A Many Splendored Thing !!

Can some one explain to me how one could have made any points off the NFP figures released not long ago.
I managed to make 85 points this morning with the lead up to it and was out by 11:30

I always make sure I am out by the time news is out.
I do have a good understanding of economic news but for the life of me cannot see how a retail investor can benefit from trading the news.
Cable and the euro dropped as the news was released so even with super fast fingers I don't see how a retail investor could have benefited from the this news release or any other really.

gamma --- what you say buddy ?

yesterday was the downslide --- cant even count the pips ---- overnite was the ranging, which i didnt play, then we had the upside move BEFORE, and if it was going up, one should have already had a short in play, which i had on two accounts.

you make money, as ive so often said, by watching what theyre doing and when they do it ----- like stepping off a log, so to speak


gamma --- what you say buddy ?

yesterday was the downslide --- cant even count the pips ---- overnite was the ranging, which i didnt play, then we had the upside move BEFORE, and if it was going up, one should have already had a short in play, which i had on two accounts.

you make money, as ive so often said, by watching what theyre doing and when they do it ----- like stepping off a log, so to speak


Now you have got me more puzzled my friend,
I appreciate that yes before and after the event there are plenty of opportunities.
I know today was the upside I rode that from the open nicely until my trailing stop took me out for a nice profit.
My puzzlement is when traders say you can trade off news, there is even one site boasting about how well you can do trading news.I still say that trading news is a no go for retail traders. And I am not some newbie learner I have been trading for 10 years now.
Mp -- News Can Be A Many Splendored Thing !

Now you have got me more puzzled my friend,
I appreciate that yes before and after the event there are plenty of opportunities.
I know today was the upside I rode that from the open nicely until my trailing stop took me out for a nice profit.
My puzzlement is when traders say you can trade off news, there is even one site boasting about how well you can do trading news.I still say that trading news is a no go for retail traders. And I am not some newbie learner I have been trading for 10 years now.

gamma -- remember that trading the news is not what i really do, but invariably, because of my trading style, find myself right in there when it happens.

yesterday i rode the downside move and remained with a large short holding (talking EURUSD here) and by about 1 AM EDT, when nothing was moving, i had to figure that the NFP was NOT going to be bad because the market was leaving so much upside available !

i also figured we had not hit the bottom yet, so went short and set a tp at 1.5405 and went to bed. As happened, i was correct in my thinking and down she went overnite, taking out my tp and more below (ok, when im sleeping i dont always like to go for the whole enchilada -- even i can be unsure if im not watching)

when the price started up this am, i was on it for the ride, but i dont use stops so i rode to the top depending on s+r and fibs, which is usually spot on.

so now its time for the 12 noon EDT reversal, and if it doesnt happen i will wait till 130, and if no reversal, remain long, look for resistance, and ride that ! REMEMBER, the usual run is 2.5 days average, so lets see what happens here next week !

so to comment on the "news not good for retail clients", i have to disagree completely, as the market tends to give itself away constantly before news, and that gives one a few ways to play it very nicely ---- and i havent even begun to go into hedging techniques, which actually work nicely !

my LRC's, usually on a 10 min chart, show me what trends and subtrends are happening, and with that visual in front of me, i simply search for fib points and s+r and trade to them !

I make mistakes sometimes, but as long as that mistake is moving with the trend, i can afford to hold the sucker for a day or more till it comes home to roost !

i have to disagree, from my experience, but it just may be the fact that i will hold when a trade looks negative, as long as i KNOW the trend and time of day.

thats prob only reason why it works for me

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as the market tends to give itself away constantly before news,
I agree with you that a lot can be gleamed by price action before the news.
But this thread was started with addressing the news directly on release and reacting to it.So forget about what happened the previous day or even 1 minute before the news The scene is you are in no open positions, the news is released now react to the news release how does a retail investor take advantage as immediately the news is released the price spikes up or down and I don't think even with lightening speed reaction you can take advantage as regardless of your speedy Gonzalez's fingers you still have to get your order filled, we all know about building up to the news Buy on the rumor sell on the fact and all that.we know how to trade the build up.But split second reaction to news I still can't see how any retail trader can gain from news releases

my LRC's, usually on a 10 min chart, show me what trends and subtrends are happening, and with that visual in front of me, i simply search for fib points and s+r and trade to them !

Can you remind me of the settings for LRC that you use as I want to set them up in Tradestation ?


I agree with you that a lot can be gleamed by price action before the news.
But this thread was started with addressing the news directly on release and reacting to it.So forget about what happened the previous day or even 1 minute before the news The scene is you are in no open positions, the news is released now react to the news release how does a retail investor take advantage as immediately the news is released the price spikes up or down and I don't think even with lightening speed reaction you can take advantage as regardless of your speedy Gonzalez's fingers you still have to get your order filled, we all know about building up to the news Buy on the rumor sell on the fact and all that.we know how to trade the build up.But split second reaction to news I still can't see how any retail trader can gain from news releases

thnx for the explanation gamma, but the "we all know . . . . . . " was sorely lacking amongst many before i hit the shores --- so while YOU may have known it, seems like there were many who didnt !

trading the immediate release --- why would anyone WANT TO, unless they had a prop shop boss looking over their shoulders ?

given that its almost an impossibility for non institutional traders, why not simply fall back on our best stratagies and let the fools rush hither and yon, trying to beat each other --- we already know support or resistance, so take the trade and set the tp and go out for breakfast !

so having said that, heres what i do in that situation.

Remember, you will miss the initial run, unless youre already in the trade before it moves, which is usually where i am, BUT ----- you can set a buy and sell stop and given how good your broker, either get taken or not. If NOT, then get in asap and lock in resistance area --- while this happens, the currency will retrace at some point, before it starts back up again -- BUY the dip (geee !) and set your tp off the 10 minute chart. (you may be a bit short of the very top, but you must also be out of the trade by noon, EDT !) and this gives you a good chance --- if you like living close to the edge, use the H1 for your resistance area !


you will either get a reverse move, lasting approximately one and a half hours, or no retrace, in which case you wait till 1:30 EDT and wait for a reverse there. I look for signals on my indicators and can easily stay in the trade if i believe the retrace will be minimal, while i play the reversal as a seperate (or a few seperate) individual trades.

Depending on my mood, and where i think everything is going, i may just close up shop and get on to betyter things, waiting for next week to show if im correct or not, but please understand - - - - I DO NOT FEAR DRAWDOWNS, at least not greatly, so i will let a currency drop as long as i know its coming back !

given that EUR is a first day move I would venture the noon reversal doesnt break the 23% fib and then reverses back to upside to the close.

continuing, although i believe EUR should be considered a short at this time, the "normal" run is 2.5 days, so we see where this sucker goes next week !

so THATS how i play the news !
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Thanks mp6140,
I see your explanation and have gained valuable insight from it.
As I watched my news screen I saw the results and immediately coverred my position within 3 ticks. Two more ticks later I was long
Police was talking ticks no way can a retail investor react to this

But I like the way you trade the news and will try to emulate what you say in a dummy account to see if it works for me