Making £8k a month on the FTSE

Hi First of all I would like to say that I have always been female as far as I know also I did catch the basic idea of the system and if the system is not affected by people using it why shouldnt he sell it as he will be helping other people,gaining another income and earning his own money trading.Remember nothing lasts forever thats the way of the world.😉

sorry mrs/miss vivi62, but why sell when he has explained his setups exits etc ...selling systems for me means greed or you cant make money trading and are using back data to explain entrys and exits all i have to say is if he is making 100pts some days why sell his system to anyone all the info is there for free if you only ask.... everyone knows about ma crosses..but again if he is making good profit on something that suits his style then good on him!🙂
would say mr p only trades on trends anyway..."let the trend be your friend"
Day trading is nothing to be frightened of and nor are the use of 1 minute charts, provided you have developed your skills appropriately over a period of time.

Even if the market is essentially range bound, there are still plenty of mini intra-day trends from which you can profit ( or lose of course ).

Some of us with short attention spans and limited patience need to use 1 minute charts in order to get the whole thing done and dusted as quickly as possible.

Personally I cannot bear the thought of being in a trade for more than 30 minutes.

And as for holding overnight have to be kidding me !!!
some good comments from people who havent been on here before. Lets add some other names to vince s, andrew reynolds, tim lowe, randy charach, the idiot so called ex hairdresser etc etc etc they are all internet marketers who take something and sell it to a hungry market. Thats how they have made their money. Do you know only 1% of people who try and do this succeed. A tiny number wouldn'y you say. Its hyped up using sales copy and your offered the world but there is nothing if it doesnt. I haven't seen anyone yet who says and if it doesnt work after my £4997 seminar then i will give you back £2500 after the end of 1 month if you haven't achieved x. This is because most of them dont work but thats how much these people charge. If i was to somehow decide to sell this thats what i would do. Cos it works. Asking someone £5k for a system that will make you 8k a month if it really worked would be snapped up by hundreds and hundreds of people, because plenty of people pay £5k for an internet seminar. I know as I have inside info on this and a weekend course is £9997 !!! And they still fill seats with the hope of success. By the way they offer no money back guarantee. Anyway lets get off my high horse.
Why does Gordon Ramsey get paid so much when there are hundreds of good chefs the answer is he has that special 20% that nobody else knows, they are his secrets. Im sure everyone know the old 80/20 rule. It applies to so many things. well gordon shows and teaches the 80% but never the 20%. I have given the 80% but the 20% is deadly and thats my secret. Thats why i do so well. In a ranging market or when the ftse is quiet i dont get so many trades and they are less successful but still make money. This market is going to be like this for ages. So what if it doesnt work so well in 2 yrs time imagine how much can be made by then. To killphil you are a legend and very intuitive man. Also I have decided to get a few non traders to test this, as I say its so simple anyone can do it and i will let you know the results.

Mr P
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How many points has anyone made today on the FTSE?
Not a great day for me I would say.

EDIT: Just went through my strategy for a day like this and seems that a FTSE day like today has helped me to improve my strategy further. Think I'd make at least 20 points in the day after losses. I'd want to make a minimum of 20points in the day. I know it's not much but in my opinion for a minimum it's healthy lol.

Any thoughts?

Any points you'd minimal want to take? How many points you make today?
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Also I have decided to get a few non traders to test this, as I say its so simple anyone can do it and i will let you know the results.
Hi mrptraderman,
I get the distinct impression that you're paving the way to selling your system. "I have given the 80% but the 20% is deadly and thats my secret." Having built up a thread with a lot of views and kept it on the front page much of the time, I expect there are many members who would like to know the magical 20% of your strategy, so that they too can make £8k a month. Hey, my name is top of the list. The trouble is, as this thread develops, it's starting to look like an elaborate scam. As I see it, you really only have two choices as to where you go from here, unless you want to get clobbered by the mod's and admin'. Your choices are:
1. To disclose your complete system for free, with thorough explanations and clearly annotated charts and be prepared to answer questions (there will be lots). This course of action will get you lots of respect and mountains of rep' points, but no wonga. Look no further than trader_dante's thread for a good example of such philanthropy.
2. You become a vendor.
This is fine and, indeed, there's no reason why you shouldn't sell your strategy if it really is as good as you claim. (I'm afraid I'm old school, so I don't believe it until I've seen sufficient evidence that it works - and you're a very long way off doing that I'm afraid.) If you do elect to go down this path, then it's no good letting inexperienced (and presumably new members) review your product / service. If you're to retain a modicum of credibility, you're going to have to ask two or three long standing members to review it as well. Otherwise, you'll be accused of being a scammer, abusing the site to take advantage of the large number of new and inexperienced members who might be tempted to part with their hard earned lolly. Sadly, as things stand, I rather suspect this is your game. I very much hope that I'm wrong and that in fact you're an honorable bloke with something of real value to offer members; either for free or for an appropriate fee if the 'expert' reviews are sufficiently favorable. So, what are you mrptraderman- a good guy or a bad guy - which is it to be?
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some good comments from people who havent been on here before. Lets add some other names to vince s, andrew reynolds, tim lowe, randy charach, the idiot so called ex hairdresser etc etc etc they are all internet marketers who take something and sell it to a hungry market. Thats how they have made their money. Do you know only 1% of people who try and do this succeed. A tiny number wouldn'y you say. Its hyped up using sales copy and your offered the world but there is nothing if it doesnt. I haven't seen anyone yet who says and if it doesnt work after my £4997 seminar then i will give you back £2500 after the end of 1 month if you haven't achieved x. This is because most of them dont work but thats how much these people charge. If i was to somehow decide to sell this thats what i would do. Cos it works. Asking someone £5k for a system that will make you 8k a month if it really worked would be snapped up by hundreds and hundreds of people, because plenty of people pay £5k for an internet seminar. I know as I have inside info on this and a weekend course is £9997 !!! And they still fill seats with the hope of success. By the way they offer no money back guarantee. Anyway lets get off my high horse.
Why does Gordon Ramsey get paid so much when there are hundreds of good chefs the answer is he has that special 20% that nobody else knows, they are his secrets. Im sure everyone know the old 80/20 rule. It applies to so many things. well gordon shows and teaches the 80% but never the 20%. I have given the 80% but the 20% is deadly and thats my secret. Thats why i do so well. In a ranging market or when the ftse is quiet i dont get so many trades and they are less successful but still make money. This market is going to be like this for ages. So what if it doesnt work so well in 2 yrs time imagine how much can be made by then. To killphil you are a legend and very intuitive man. Also I have decided to get a few non traders to test this, as I say its so simple anyone can do it and i will let you know the results.

Mr P
Absolutely mrp, Ive been to most of the free courses they offer and then upsell the 3-5k courses.
Dont that afew years ago only to find out its not be all and end all course and a total waste of time..
Trading successfuly takes alot of time watching and analysing the markets, i dont know where they get the time to even put the course together and run the classes, when they can be trading the markets and earn more if theyre any good at trading.

I avoid these like the plague now. rather do my own learning than pay for something that doesnt even work and no money back guarantee.
How many points has anyone made today on the FTSE?
Not a great day for me I would say.

EDIT: Just went through my strategy for a day like this and seems that a FTSE day like today has helped me to improve my strategy further. Think I'd make at least 20 points in the day after losses. I'd want to make a minimum of 20points in the day. I know it's not much but in my opinion for a minimum it's healthy lol.

Any thoughts?

Any points you'd minimal want to take? How many points you make today?
I try and aim for a minimum of 20 per day,
Today i didnt trade the FTSE, thought id ly in since its friday and was NFP day so didnt want to jump into anything caotic.

Traded the snp today before and after NFP, managed to get 65 points on that in 1 trade and was happy so i closed for the day looking back at my system and trying to improve if i could.

TGI friday.. 😛
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Hi mrptraderman,
I get the distinct impression that you're paving the way to selling you're system. "I have given the 80% but the 20% is deadly and thats my secret." Having built up a thread with a lot of views and kept it on the front page much of the time, I expect there are many members who would like to know the magical 20% of your strategy, so that they too can make £8k a month. Hey, my name is top of the list. The trouble is, as this thread develops, it's starting to look like an elaborate scam. As I see it, you really only have two choices as to where you go from here, unless you want to get clobbered by the mod's and admin'. Your choices are:
1. To disclose your complete system for free, with thorough explanations and clearly annotated charts and be prepared to answer questions (there will be lots). This course of action will get you lots of respect and mountains of rep' points, but no wonga. Look no further than trader_dante's thread for a good example of such philanthropy.
2. You become a vendor.
This is fine and, indeed, there's no reason why you shouldn't sell your strategy if it really is as good as you claim. (I'm afraid I'm old school, so I don't believe it until I've seen sufficient evidence that it works - and you're a very long way off doing that I'm afraid.) If you do elect to go down this path, then it's no good letting inexperienced (and presumably new members) review your product / service. If you're to retain a modicum of credibility, you're going to have to ask two or three long standing members to review it as well. Otherwise, you'll be accused of being a scammer, abusing the site to take advantage of the large number of new and inexperienced members who might be tempted to part with their hard earned lolly. Sadly, as things stand, I rather suspect this is your game. I very much hope that I'm wrong and that in fact you're an honorable bloke with something of real value to offer members; either for free or for an appropriate fee if the 'expert' reviews are sufficiently favorable. So, what are you mrptraderman- a good guy or a bad guy - which is it to be?

man you have just said what i was thinking 👍
If it is or isn't it's got a lot of people on here together to chat about thier stratagies i.e. me.
Hi Guys,

Been trading a while and am interested in these 12, 14 with 25 average signals. Just been trading by watching the graph and am interested on exactly what these signals mean and how to look for them graphically. I will do a google search but am sure someone here could give me a pretty good answer? thanks in advance.
some good comments from people who havent been on here before. Lets add some other names to vince s, andrew reynolds, tim lowe, randy charach, the idiot so called ex hairdresser etc etc etc they are all internet marketers who take something and sell it to a hungry market. Thats how they have made their money. Do you know only 1% of people who try and do this succeed. A tiny number wouldn'y you say. Its hyped up using sales copy and your offered the world but there is nothing if it doesnt. I haven't seen anyone yet who says and if it doesnt work after my £4997 seminar then i will give you back £2500 after the end of 1 month if you haven't achieved x. This is because most of them dont work but thats how much these people charge. If i was to somehow decide to sell this thats what i would do. Cos it works. Asking someone £5k for a system that will make you 8k a month if it really worked would be snapped up by hundreds and hundreds of people, because plenty of people pay £5k for an internet seminar. I know as I have inside info on this and a weekend course is £9997 !!! And they still fill seats with the hope of success. By the way they offer no money back guarantee. Anyway lets get off my high horse.
Why does Gordon Ramsey get paid so much when there are hundreds of good chefs the answer is he has that special 20% that nobody else knows, they are his secrets. Im sure everyone know the old 80/20 rule. It applies to so many things. well gordon shows and teaches the 80% but never the 20%. I have given the 80% but the 20% is deadly and thats my secret. Thats why i do so well. In a ranging market or when the ftse is quiet i dont get so many trades and they are less successful but still make money. This market is going to be like this for ages. So what if it doesnt work so well in 2 yrs time imagine how much can be made by then. To killphil you are a legend and very intuitive man. Also I have decided to get a few non traders to test this, as I say its so simple anyone can do it and i will let you know the results.

Mr P
Why only 80% given, as 100% is available, and simple, as you have said, just OHLC or canndlesicks, 100% of the price behaviour freely available!!!, all the rest are just filters. The naive are easly led into the false security of the filters managing their trades, and blame them for the loss, instead of taking the responsibility on themselves.
"as I say its so simple anyone can do it" I absolutely agree with you.
Observing the market strucure and the TFs gearing, or the gearing between different MAs is all one needs and possible a simple momentum indicator, does not matter which one as any one shall do, providing the trader is aware what the set up is suppose to do.
Just as exercise on a demo, or paper trading, go into any market that has some volatility, and after seeing the charts on M5 and M30 for 20seconds pull the trigger, then set a SL at 15, and the profit target on lets say 100 or much more if you trade forex, then set the traling SL at 15pips or more(especially after the break even point) and let the market take you out of the trade. Observe your emotion/s, write down the particulars of the trade and you shall be miles ahead of many so called "profitable" systems.
It is so simple anyone can do it👍👍
After gaining first few millions take some time on writing a Phd paper entitled, "How useless indicators are without the knowledge of the underlying market strucure" and publish it for a nominal fee.
I wish all to have a good and profitable trading week,
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Got a video I made on the 6th. It didn't worked properly so i gave up, managed to fix it so i'll post it up if your interested. It's mainly ramble but should give you an idea of how easy it is to scalp the ftse.

At gf's so will post tomorrow morning. Night all.

Might annotate some pictures too.
Why only 80% given, as 100% is available, and simple, as you have said, just OHLC or canndlesicks, 100% of the price behaviour freely available!!!, all the rest are just filters. The naive are easly led into the false security of the filters managing their trades, and blame them for the loss, instead of taking the responsibility on themselves.
"as I say its so simple anyone can do it" I absolutely agree with you.
Observing the market strucure and the TFs gearing, or the gearing between different MAs is all one needs and possible a simple momentum indicator, does not matter which one as any one shall do, providing the trader is aware what the set up is suppose to do.
Just as exercise on a demo, or paper trading, go into any market that has some volatility, and after seeing the charts on M5 and M30 for 20seconds pull the trigger, then set a SL at 15, and the profit target on lets say 100 or much more if you trade forex, then set the traling SL at 15pips or more(especially after the break even point) and let the market take you out of the trade. Observe your emotion/s, write down the particulars of the trade and you shall be miles ahead of many so called "profitable" systems.
It is so simple anyone can do it👍👍
After gaining first few millions take some time on writing a Phd paper entitled, "How useless indicators are without the knowledge of the underlying market strucure" and publish it for a nominal fee.
I wish all to have a good and profitable trading week,
Well said...
Got a video I made on the 6th. It didn't worked properly so i gave up, managed to fix it so i'll post it up if your interested. It's mainly ramble but should give you an idea of how easy it is to scalp the ftse.

At gf's so will post tomorrow morning. Night all.

Might annotate some pictures too.
That would be good...! Thanks
Got a video I made on the 6th. It didn't worked properly so i gave up, managed to fix it so i'll post it up if your interested. It's mainly ramble but should give you an idea of how easy it is to scalp the ftse.

At gf's so will post tomorrow morning. Night all.

Might annotate some pictures too.

Now this is a video I will definately be watching. KillPhil08 really does know this scalping game.
Where Are The Rules Of This Strategy ?

Now this is a video I will definately be watching. KillPhil08 really does know this scalping game.

Now allow me to be extremely honest : -
I bumped into this thread this morning and after reading 5 pages of posts, I didnt find any rules of trading. Can someone please point me in the right direction. 😢😢😢
I just want to know more about this system.
On page 7 there was a brief description about the 12, 14 and 25 MAs on the 1 min chart. Just a few questions for the one and only MRPTRADER himself:
1. Are these Exponential MAs ?
2. Just to clarify, you wait for a crossover between the 12 and 14 and then see if the general trend is UP or DOWN and hence buy or sell ?
3. Do you have any specific thresholds for the Directional Indicator you are using ?


If these questions have already been answered, please forgive me for being a pain in the :!::!::!: and point me towards the link.

I've read all of the thread and I'm wondering the same things Effem. I've started to wonder if we're being primed for a sales pitch.
This seems the only thread about a system where no charts are posted.
Its easy enough to do - c'mon Mr P show us some trades in a chart format we all understand.