Hi mrptraderman,
I get the distinct impression that you're paving the way to selling you're system. "I have given the 80% but the 20% is deadly and thats my secret." Having built up a thread with a lot of views and kept it on the front page much of the time, I expect there are many members who would like to know the magical 20% of your strategy, so that they too can make £8k a month. Hey, my name is top of the list. The trouble is, as this thread develops, it's starting to look like an elaborate scam. As I see it, you really only have two choices as to where you go from here, unless you want to get clobbered by the mod's and admin'. Your choices are:
1. To disclose your complete system for free, with thorough explanations and clearly annotated charts and be prepared to answer questions (there will be lots). This course of action will get you lots of respect and mountains of rep' points, but no wonga. Look no further than trader_dante's thread for a good example of such philanthropy.
2. You become a vendor.
This is fine and, indeed, there's no reason why you shouldn't sell your strategy if it really is as good as you claim. (I'm afraid I'm old school, so I don't believe it until I've seen sufficient evidence that it works - and you're a very long way off doing that I'm afraid.) If you do elect to go down this path, then it's no good letting inexperienced (and presumably new members) review your product / service. If you're to retain a modicum of credibility, you're going to have to ask two or three long standing members to review it as well. Otherwise, you'll be accused of being a scammer, abusing the site to take advantage of the large number of new and inexperienced members who might be tempted to part with their hard earned lolly. Sadly, as things stand, I rather suspect this is your game. I very much hope that I'm wrong and that in fact you're an honorable bloke with something of real value to offer members; either for free or for an appropriate fee if the 'expert' reviews are sufficiently favorable. So, what are you mrptraderman- a good guy or a bad guy - which is it to be?