Looking for Seed Capital to Start a Quant Prop Trading House


Junior member
Have posted a few times (unsuccessfully) on this forum with view to setting up a Quantitative Hedge Fund.

I am now looking at the possibility of setting up a prop trading house that will use a long only quantitative global strategy for trading highly liquid equities.

The objective is to get at least £500K together and trade the money as a personal account for about a year, with view to converting it to a Hedge Fund at the end of this period.

Looking at a return of around 20% per annum.

The strategy has been aggressively back tested over an extended period and produces consistent returns.

Anyone interested in investing their hard earned cash?

Contact me on info@phoenixcapital.co.uk for further details.
surely if you have the skill set to trade a big hedge fund getting 500k together shouldn't be to hard? i certainly wouldn't give my cash to someone who hadn't at least made a fortune first them selves.
Genics, you're absolutely right. But I was involved in implementing the same strategy for a long/short fund at a major investment house and with the exception of the past few months, it has produced consistent returns since inception over three years ago. +10% - 2006, +12% - 2007, +6% - June 2008. AUM reached 270MM in June, but has suffered from some redemptions since. With my indicators showing that a value cycle is on the way, a smaller long only investment vehicle like a prop trading outfit could benefit significantly.

I'm putting in 100K myself, but only looking for another 4 individuals to put in the rest. Assuming the PA does well over the next 6 to 12 months, then it will give major investors some confidence to put in more money and on that basis I could setup the Hedge Fund.

In addition, any investors that are willing to back the PA, will automatically become partners in the Hedge Fund.

So potentially a great opportunity.
Hi Phoenix, welcome.

I've taken a look at your site; first of all I would say that the 'Welcome' page might need a re-write; most people who have come as far as visiting your site and are in a position to invest with you will be fully aware of what derivatives are - referring to them as 'complex instruments' might come across as patronising to some.

Secondly, you offer investors a 'guaranteed consistent return'... you might want to change the wording of this a little, unless of course you are personally willing to cover any loss/shortfall that the fund may suffer.

Other than that I wish you every success in your venture; don't be put off by people who might throw ridicule at you like 'I needed a good laugh', it's far easier to poke fun at someone than it is to stand on your own feet and try and make it work.

Genics, you're absolutely right. But I was involved in implementing the same strategy for a long/short fund at a major investment house and with the exception of the past few months, it has produced consistent returns since inception over three years ago. +10% - 2006, +12% - 2007, +6% - June 2008. AUM reached 270MM in June, but has suffered from some redemptions since. With my indicators showing that a value cycle is on the way, a smaller long only investment vehicle like a prop trading outfit could benefit significantly.

I'm putting in 100K myself, but only looking for another 4 individuals to put in the rest. Assuming the PA does well over the next 6 to 12 months, then it will give major investors some confidence to put in more money and on that basis I could setup the Hedge Fund.

In addition, any investors that are willing to back the PA, will automatically become partners in the Hedge Fund.

So potentially a great opportunity.
Are you authorised by anyone?
So have you become a trader or managed to recruit someone then? If I remember correctly, you were previously looking for traders for your hedge fund - now it sounds like you were a trader all along.

Also, it's unclear what you're trying to achieve here - are you wanting to start a prop firm, or get backed by a prop firm, or just misusing the phrase "prop trading house" to mean unregulated investment vehicle?
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I thought your website was great, thanks.

I needed a good laugh.

That's unecessary - it's obvious that literally 10's of dollars have gone into building that web site. 🙄

Gotta love the address on the site too:

Phoenix Capital
Hedge Fund Management
Suite 370
8 Shepherd Market
London W1J 7JY

Royal Mail disagrees:
Mail Boxes Etc
8 Shepherd Market

Honestly - can't you plump for a serviced office address ? It is rather pushing it to call a mailbox a "Suite in Mayfair" dontcha think ?

Owner of the site - Zubair Ansari....
http://www.7city.com/pdf/cqf/qualified/june04.pdf - well done chap - passed his course with distinction
http://db.riskwaters.com/data/hfr/launches/June2004.pdf - launched his hedge fund

Interesting stuff...
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Thanks for the encouragement guys! PualoP you're right, I probably am barking up the wrong tree on this forum. Getting you chaps enrolled in my pipe dream is like getting blood out of a stone!.....I may as well go back to sweeping the streets! Z