seed capital

out$id€r;1567026 said:
everyone knows about curve fitting. so explain how you can curve fit over 10 years?
and lets say its got a nice equity curve now after that curve fitting, if the system returns 161k in forward testing since feb 2011 what does that make the system? rubbish or robust? our silver strategy has caught all big moves around 60k in april and 70 something k MTD. thats forward testing.

Of course you can curve fit over 10 years ! (although you'd be feckin insane if you did !) Achieving a decent equity curve in backtest is childs play, and idiot can do it (although I suspect there's a few dunces at T2W who might struggle)

When Pboyle says "hang on a minute" and I'll knock you up a decent looking equity curve via backtest he's being serious (I suspect why its taking him so long is that he's probably stopping mid way to put the kettle on !)

If the forward tests are making money whats the problem ?, at some point you'll have built up an audited track record and you'll attract capital. If the guys spent 18 years or whatever trading this method, another couple of years wont make any difference.
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