Looking for a Hedge Fund Partner


Junior member

I'm looking for an FSA authorised individual, with many years experience in financial markets across any asset class as an analyst, trader or fund manager to help me startup a Hedge Fund in London.

No investment required.

Preliminary marketing material and further details about the Hedge Fund available on Phoenix Capital

Please forward your resume to [email protected] or reply to this post.
Want to tell us about it? The website doesn't really say anything - it's just a low-budget cliche-fest, and the address listed is a "mailboxes etc." (in Mayfair though, for hedge-fund legitimacy).
Couldn't help noticing the Shepherd Market address - brilliant, do you rent the offices by the hour in the mornings while the 'lady' of the house is taking some time off?
Have worked out a way of doing this without spending a significant amount of money.

The only thing outstanding is that I need an FSA authorised individual to join me on a part-time/full-time basis, as I am not FSA authorised myself. In order to operate in the UK, this is a mandatory requirement.

So anyone interested, please shout.....as this time I'm only looking for one person, and there is no investment required.

Ideally someone who has a money management background and plenty of experience to bring to the table.

In return, I am offering a negotiable percentage equity in the business, performance and administration fees.

Please post your resume's to [email protected] or send me a private message.
PS......ignore the website and all the details contained therein......It's just a superficial example of what may be........and yes the lady upstairs says hello Jack 'O' Clubs......she remembers you well 😉