Live trading demo accounts

emmanuel forozis

Junior member
Are the demo accounts as accurate as a real accounts? to be more specific.. I am trying demos, along with my real account, do the time of the orders , and the time they get filled vary from real to demo? seems like the demo is much faster to get filled, maybe just a coincidence?

I have a demo and live account with GFT and I am 100% certain that there's delay in the prices of the demo account but not in the live account. Yesterday, just before the ISM Manufacturing were released, I opened both accounts and put them side by side and noticed the demo account was at least 10-20 secs slower whenever the prices gapped a little. The live account is perfectly fine though. *sigh* shame.

I have never experienced any difference between a live account and a demo account. Im actually watching a demo and live account side by side right now and i cant see any difference


Martin. Fair Trading Technology.
Could someone please suggest the best way for me to start forex/emini trading?
I'm a total newbie at this and although I've been reading up on this subject for a few months, I'm still finding myself back at step 1 because as soon as I think I found "the right one", without fail it seems that at that moment, I read someone has a significant reason to complain about this company. I had my mind set on LTG GoldRock and thought they were the best until I read a review that they're not what they say from your site tonight actually, and which is how I'm here now. I gave up on Guy Cohen after what I read,and now have suspicions from what I read a couple reviews about 21st Century Forex although I still think they seem to be good but I really don't know now. I've actually tried Rob Iaccina's site and paid the monthly subscription and while the support team were only too eager to help, and they did their best but unfortunately the downloads and connections between their site to my internet was broken and couldn't download anything exept empty products. I even took my computer for a check up and there was no problem with my computer ... so you get the idea, I'm a newbie, but does this mean that I can't start on a good footing with this forex and emini trading? Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks very much.
Try meta trader - MT4, demos are available from FXPRO.
I used it to demo on and it felt exactly the same when I went to the live version.
Thank you very much for this info. I couldn't help but look through this site and found in the store section some software programs. One of these programs is called "Currency Trading For Beginners" - would this software also be another good place to start learning how to trade or do you know of other software which would be very good for a beginner ?
I'd say if you are starting out you can find plenty of info on this and other similar sites.
Exhaust those resources first and you'll probably find you won't need to spend out cash on a course. You can go a long way without any courses theyare not a short cut. Often just a way for a mediocre or failed trader to make a living.