I've decided to give scalping a chance.
So to gain access to Tradestation demo account you need to open live account and fund it with $30000.As simple as that 😉
But what is exact purpose of demo accounts? It definitely does not mirror live trading environment.Not Tradestation one.
This scenario,for instance:
Demo account. BAC,1000 shares, limit buy at bid, order filled within a couple of seconds.Nice.
Moving on to live account. BAC, 1000 shares, limit buy at bid and the adventure begins here…
Order is placed last in line,fair enough. After a while it will make it’s way right up to the front. Trouble is that when I am stuck there, first in line, waiting 10 minutes to get my fill, orders below me are being filled almost every second. Of course I will get my fill eventually, but too many times it happens exactly when the market turns against me.What a coincidence.
It quickly become visible that Tradestation in terms of limit order execution time is not “ ideal” choice for certain very active strategies.
Yes I’ve got a lot to learn but I would have thought that for $30k I will get a proper demo to practice.
Anyway, I would much appreciate your suggestions as to where to go for truly speedy, low commissions limit order execution.
So to gain access to Tradestation demo account you need to open live account and fund it with $30000.As simple as that 😉
But what is exact purpose of demo accounts? It definitely does not mirror live trading environment.Not Tradestation one.
This scenario,for instance:
Demo account. BAC,1000 shares, limit buy at bid, order filled within a couple of seconds.Nice.
Moving on to live account. BAC, 1000 shares, limit buy at bid and the adventure begins here…
Order is placed last in line,fair enough. After a while it will make it’s way right up to the front. Trouble is that when I am stuck there, first in line, waiting 10 minutes to get my fill, orders below me are being filled almost every second. Of course I will get my fill eventually, but too many times it happens exactly when the market turns against me.What a coincidence.
It quickly become visible that Tradestation in terms of limit order execution time is not “ ideal” choice for certain very active strategies.
Yes I’ve got a lot to learn but I would have thought that for $30k I will get a proper demo to practice.
Anyway, I would much appreciate your suggestions as to where to go for truly speedy, low commissions limit order execution.