Demo Account


Junior member
I am a stock trader with some experience in the market trying to learn a little bit about the forex market. I am reading old forum threads and learning a lot. I read somewhere that demo trading is not actual trading so don't go for it. I can understand the sentiment that since real money is not at risk your temperament don't get tested. I am not worried about that part because I have traded stocks with real money. What I am more concerned with is the spread, quote, execution time etc which you get from a demo act...are they like real life or delayed? Or more simply if I see a certain return for six months with a demo account and go live with it after that then how likely am I to see the same results in the real market? Please note I am asking only from the account privelege point of view and not trading personality wise. I am thinking of using Alpira demo account. Any opinions on that one?
I am a stock trader with some experience in the market trying to learn a little bit about the forex market. I am reading old forum threads and learning a lot. I read somewhere that demo trading is not actual trading so don't go for it. I can understand the sentiment that since real money is not at risk your temperament don't get tested. I am not worried about that part because I have traded stocks with real money. What I am more concerned with is the spread, quote, execution time etc which you get from a demo act...are they like real life or delayed? Or more simply if I see a certain return for six months with a demo account and go live with it after that then how likely am I to see the same results in the real market? Please note I am asking only from the account privelege point of view and not trading personality wise. I am thinking of using Alpira demo account. Any opinions on that one?

Pretty sure Dukascopy's demo is the same as live account, not sure about others