Demo Account vs Live

every time I trade using a demo account I consistently win. I am picking the right trades and letting them run long enough.

however, when it comes to real accounts I keep losing. this maybe becasue I don't have the large margin thats in the demo account, but it also appears to be psychological as its MY money so more is on the line !

I am questioning the usefulness of demo accounts as on paper it sounds a good idea but in real life its not as easy.

has anyone found a way of getting rid of the emotions and trading live as if it was a demo ?!?

Demo accounts conditions are not the same as real market conditions.They suffer liquidity factors ,broker games like spread widening and bucket shop tactics.

On live accounts a trader is dealing with a dealing desk with slippage,execution delays and other real live factors , as opposed to a demo feed which gives instant fills without real market conditions..

The best way to remove emotions and human inefficiencies is to automate your trading strategy.
Online trading – trading with the derivatives CFD on stocks, commodities, currencies at the financial and commodity markets is nowadays the only one business, whom strategies is possible to really learn and train free of charge (or very cheaply) on the basis of real market events, which directly and continually make conditions for the realization of this unique business. For your learning of the online trading strategies don’t use any simplifications, simulators and training programs. Simply go directly to online demo accounts and using demo dollars, without paying any money. This idea of Online Demo Trading – trading and strategies with derivatives on stocks, commodities and Forex, learning to trade enables only this branch!